Chapter 456

Just when Lu Qi was immersed in missing his wife, a disturbing voice came over, and he saw a woman wearing a white dress with a few small white flowers on her hair. Also holding a thin little girl.

"Brother Lu, I heard that you are going back, what about the child and I?"

When Lu Qi heard this, he immediately came back to his senses. Thinking of Lin Lang telling him not to pick flowers indiscriminately, he said sternly, "Miss Gao, what do you have to do with my child? If it's my child!"

"But... But I met you before, and entrusted me to you before I left... Could it be that you really had the heart to abandon our mother and daughter..." Gao Qi said, tears fell down.

The little girl in her arms was named Gao Qingxue. Seeing Gao Qi crying, with big watery eyes open, she said pitifully, "Uncle Lu, if you leave, what should I do? Please don't abandon me." us……"

Lu Qi looked at Qingxue and softened his heart. His daughter should be the same age as her. However, his daughter should be less good-looking than her. You must know that before he left, his daughter had been praised and said It is the maiden who Avalokitesvara sits down on.

Seeing Lu Qi's eyes soften, he couldn't choose a smug smile. Sure enough, no matter how tough a man is, he will succumb under the care of his heroine.

It's really embarrassing for my own mother. After such a long time, she can't even conquer a man. Why don't you think her father is Lu Qi?In this case, she is the daughter of a high official. Hearing that this is Lu Qi, she even chopped off the head of the leader of the enemy army. When she returns to the capital this time, she must be made a marquis and worships her!
But now, an orphan girl whose father died has no one to rely on, and has to suffer from other people's eyes. As for her own mother, she can't lift her shoulders or hands, and she is called a vixen by others... If you really leave this man , definitely can't survive here.

The two women regarded Lu Qi as their only support, and they pressed hard.

Lu Qi quickly came back to his senses, and said with a stern look: "Mrs. Gao, your husband-in-law and I are just classmates, and as for the so-called entrustment, I have not agreed!
But thinking about it, your father also sacrificed for the country, so I can't treat you badly, how about this, I will give you 100 taels of silver, enough for you two to live well! "

"I don't want it!" Qingxue doesn't know how much 100 taels is, but she definitely knows that if they leave this man, they will die a miserable death, because there is a saying that he understands, which is called every man is innocent and pregnant It's a crime, "Uncle Lu, my mother and I don't want money, I just hope you can take pity on me and my mother, even if you don't like me and my mother, you can treat us two as kittens and puppies, and keep it for a while." It's good for fun, if Uncle Lu really keeps the two of us here, then my mother and I will definitely die..."

While talking, Qingxue started to choke, like a kitten, pitiful, Lu Qi thought of the woman he had never met before, his heart softened, and he said: "Okay then..."

As soon as he uttered these three words, Lu Qi regretted it. Lin Lang would definitely have misunderstood her by bringing an unknown woman home with a child. ... Thinking of his own face, Lu Qi could only grit his teeth and respond.

Lin Lang also knew the news of the victory, and knew that Lu Qi was coming back. She was very angry. God took this kind of scumbag away. Fortunately, this scumbag has kept his body like a jade these few years and didn't want to mess with herself. There was no trouble, and there was no illegitimate child or anything like that.

As soon as she said this, Lin Lang was slapped in the face. Looking at the girl who was the same size as her own daughter, Lin Lang narrowed her eyes and glanced at Lu Qi with a half-smile.

"Anyway, it's good to be back, the room has been prepared long ago, but... I didn't expect you to bring so many people, so I prepared a few rooms, and the manpower is not enough, otherwise, let's do this, the rest People go to the inn first, wait for the next press to be fine, and then bring them back!" Lin Lang was wearing a light yellow dress with some bright red flowers embroidered on it, coupled with a dignified and generous smile, like a lonely yellow plum , cold and alluring.

"Everything is up to the lady!" Lu Qi said shyly.

When Qingxue heard this, her hairs stood on end in fright. My darling, this must be the main room. It was exactly the same as in the novel, dignified and generous on the surface, but in fact, she was jealous behind her back.

What if I and my mother were sent out and couldn't come back?At that time, I will find another excuse, two lives...

Thinking of this, Qingxue immediately took her mother's hand, knelt down on the ground, and said in a low voice: "Madam, I am here with mother, thank you very much, if it wasn't for the kindness of General Lu, who adopted me and mother Well, my mother and I don’t know where we are wandering for a long time. It is estimated that... even our lives are in danger... We have already troubled General Lu a lot, and we don’t ask General Lu to treat me as a guest. For father's sake...give mother and me a way to survive, treat me like a kitten or puppy..."

"Oh, what's the matter!" Lin Lang burst out laughing, looked around with a hint of sarcasm in her eyes, and said, "This little girl looks quite young, but she has a lot of eyes, and she has a lot of eyes. A thank you, but I knelt down directly at the gate of my house. I don’t know, I thought it was just looking for bad luck!

Also, I didn't say to drive you away. As for putting you in the inn, I have already made it very clear that there are not enough rooms at home to accommodate so many people. I will bring you back when the house is vacated... But listen You have one father at a time, I don't understand what's going on? "

When Lu Qi heard this sentence, he knew that the opportunity to prove his innocence had come, and he said quickly: "Lady, this is my brother's widow and her daughter. Before leaving, my brother entrusted them to me. Although my brother and I don't have much relationship, but no matter what, my brother died for the country, and he can be regarded as a man, I can't leave their orphans and widows alone!"

"So that's the way it is. Since you are the Queen of Loyalty, don't kneel down at every turn in the future, so as not to insult the family tradition!" Lin Lang pulled Qingxue up, and she patted the ashes on her clothes, and said lightly: "The person who came They are all guests, we can't drive them away, if that's the case...then I will vacate my daughter's yard and let the two of you live first!"

Hearing some words, everyone around applauded, which made Qingxue and Gao Qi a little bit embarrassed to come down, but they didn't dare to leave, so they could only blushed and gritted their teeth to enter the door.

(End of this chapter)

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