Chapter 457

"Qi'er, you're finally back, mother misses you so much..." The old lady was waiting in the room, but she couldn't bear it any longer. She leaned on a cane, and with the support of the maid, she walked out of the house quickly. Looking at his son, his face was full of tears.

"Mother, I made you suffer!" Lu Qi said filially, holding the old lady's hand.

"It's not hard, it's not hard, your wife takes good care of me, and the two children are very sensible. Now that you're back, our family is reunited..." The old lady glanced at Lin Lang, remembering the years of training, His body trembled, and he quickly said a few good words.

"Okay, let's go into the house and talk about the panic caused by the sun!" Lin Lang and his party walked into the house, and the rest, especially the thick-skinned Gao Qi and Qingxue, also walked in together.

"This is our daughter, Sister Qiong, Sister Qiong, this is your father!" Lin Lang said with a smile while picking up a little girl carved in pink and jade.

"Father..." Sister Qiong is seven years old, at the age of ignorance, but she also knows what a father is, but she has always wondered why her father is not by her side, and now suddenly appears, but this is not It means she doesn't want her father.

"Hey~" Looking at Bingxue's lovely daughter, Lu Qi's heart was about to melt. He picked up his lovely daughter and found a boy with a thick head and a tiger head standing beside him, and he became more and more satisfied. "Madam, you have worked hard." For so many years, you have taken care of my family and my two children... Lu Mou really has the virtue and ability to marry a wife like you..."

Linlang's eyes flickered, "These are the duties of a concubine, my husband, you have also traveled a long distance, you must be tired, you go wash up, take a rest, take a rest, there are guests waiting for you to entertain at night, So keep your spirits up!"

Lu Qi nodded, and reluctantly left. As for Gao Qi and Qingxue, they stood there, accepting other people's strange eyes, very embarrassed.

"Who are these two?" The old lady stared at the two women, her eyes flickered, thinking that she was brought back by her son, but... this little girl is only a little younger than her granddaughter... …

"Oh, mother-in-law, I forgot to tell you, these two are the wives and daughters of my husband's deceased friend!" Linlang introduced a few words in a calm manner, then turned her head and said to the maid: "Go and get the eldest lady Clean up your yard and make room for two guests!"

"Because I was in a hurry, I'm afraid I didn't memorize some things completely. I'll prepare them for you when I have time!" Lin Lang said lightly.

"It's rare for Madam to take her in. It's already a blessing for women. Women don't dare to ask for anything else!" Gao Qi also knew that she was under the eaves, so she had to bow her head.

"This is the old lady. Uncle Lu has always said that the old lady is a kind person. When I saw her today, she really lives up to her name..." Qingxue rolled her eyes and said sweetly.

"Oh, this little girl's mouth is so sweet. I don't have anything to give away when I see you for the first time. You can keep this bracelet!" The old lady was very happy, took a silver bracelet from her hand, and handed it to the Qing Dynasty. In Xueshou, the old lady is living a very good life these years, plus Lin Lang's filial piety, there is no shortage of gold bracelets, silver bracelets, gold earrings, and gold jewelry.

But I am used to being poor, so I cherish these things, especially those jewelry, and regard them as my lifeblood. Although I handed him a silver bracelet, it is tantamount to cutting the old lady's flesh.

Qingxue took the silver bracelet away, but she was very disdainful in her heart, she was too stingy for an old lady, after all, she was an old lady of an official family, but she only gave her a silver bracelet, hehehe... really worthless!
When the old lady realized that she had already given away the silver bracelet, the corners of her mouth twitched in distress. She wanted to ask for the bracelet back several times, but she was too embarrassed to ask.

Of course Linlang saw it, and was afraid that the old lady would lose face on the spot, so she said, "Old lady, I heard from my husband that he has made great contributions on the battlefield, and now he is a high-ranking official. It is said that it is to honor the old lady!"

The reward given by the emperor, when the old lady heard this, she smiled happily and completely forgot about the silver bracelet.

Gao Qi and Qingxue, led by the maid, came to a secluded courtyard, looked around, found that the scenery was not bad, and nodded in satisfaction.

"Fortunately, this lady is kind-hearted and gave us a good yard. If something bad happens, she may be able to drive us out..." Gao Qi sighed, thinking about Lu Qi's expression, and said sadly: I wanted to hook up with Lu Qi, but I didn't expect this ignore me, and now I can only grab Madam's thigh in order to live in peace..."

"Hehe..." Qingxue sneered a few times, and said with a look of disdain: "The mountain depends on everyone. Uncle Lu has been out for five or six years, but there is no woman by his side. This shows how powerful Mrs. Lu is now. Treating us well is nothing more than fear of causing trouble, but when things calm down, I guess we..."

"Ah?" Gao Qi yelled in surprise, "Then what should we do? Now that your father is gone, we are orphans and widowed, and we don't have the skills to survive. If we are really kicked out, we will die!"

"You also know that you will die. Why didn't you squeeze Lu Qi a little tighter back then, no matter whether she wants to or not, sir, cook the rice well, so that you don't have to be like this... If my father is Lu Qi, then I From now on, she will be the lady of the official family, and now that Uncle Lu has made great achievements, people say that Uncle Lu will be named a marquis..." Qingxue gritted her teeth, she really couldn't understand, she was either a princess or concubine, or a daughter of a wealthy family , the worst thing is to play time travel and become a peasant girl, but the farming style is good.

But what about her, she traveled to the frontier, couldn't lift her shoulders, couldn't carry her hands, and even her father passed away. As for her mother, she cried and cried, and everyone shouted and beat her, saying that her mother was a coquettish girl. As for planting, there were food and so on. That is totally clueless!
Now there is a golden thigh standing in front of her, she has to embrace it no matter what, no matter what the cost.

"Do you think I don't want to? I wanted to marry your father when I was not married to him, but he looked down on me. No matter how I showed my favor in the open or in the dark, I didn't even look at me. My self-respect caused me to lose all face, so I had to marry your father..." Gao Qi thought about those days back then, it was very ugly, and then sobbed, "I didn't expect that he was also short-lived Yes, I have only been married to me for a few years, so I left, leaving our mother and I to work hard..."

(End of this chapter)

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