Chapter 458

Qingxue pressed her brows, she never thought that there would be such an infatuated man in the world, but no matter what, she would also conquer this man, "Now our mother and I are dependent on others, so we can settle down and win her After people like you, break through them one by one!

It's impossible for Madam Lu, you should get in touch with the old lady more and try to win her favor, so that even if the old lady doesn't like us anymore, we will have the support of the old lady, and she won't dare to touch us! "

Gao Qi also knew that what her daughter left was for their own good, so she nodded.

Here, after Lu Qi washed up, he was lying on the big soft bed. His breath was filled with a clear aroma. On the bed, Lin Lang's body fragrance was vaguely revealed, which made him unable to extricate himself, but the long journey made him exhausted. , fell asleep soon.

When he woke up, he looked outside, and found that it was already evening, and he had a lazy waist. He washed up under the service of the changing machine, and put on a suit of plain clothes. He found that the clothes were exquisite in workmanship and very comfortable to wear. , and said: "I have never seen this dress before, where did it come from?"

The servant girl replied with a smile: "Master, this is made for you by the madam. These years, the madam has been thinking about you, but because of the tight war ahead, there is no way to send letters, let alone things. The madam will only send the finished clothes to you." Put it in the closet, I hope you will wear it when you come back!"

When Lu Qi heard this, he was very moved. He never thought that his wife would care about him so much. Over the years, he only received intermittent messages from his wife. As for clothes and clothes, he never received them. He thought it was his wife. I don't care about myself, I can't think of it because of this.

"Where is Madam?" Lu Qi asked with concern.

"The madam is picking up the guests at the front. She said that the master is awake. He should have something to eat before going out to meet the guests, so as not to be drunk later and feel uncomfortable!" The maid brought a bowl of thin porridge, There are also some side dishes.

After Lu Qi finished his meal, he felt extremely comfortable. Although the porridge is ordinary porridge, it melts in the mouth.

After eating, Lu Qi tidied up and went to the front hall, only to feel that the front was very lively, full of people's voices, and found that the seven aunts and eight aunts who hadn't seen him for a few years were here, and many people he didn't know also came Yes, they all carried generous gifts and said auspicious words in their mouths.

"Sure enough, it's poor in the busy streets and no one cares about you, but rich in the mountains and three relatives!" Lu Qi couldn't help sighing, thinking back then, when he and his mother were struggling to survive, these relatives also ignored him. The first time I saw him, I was also cold and indifferent, but now that he is rich, everyone pulls up... As expected, she is still my wife, no matter whether I am poor or rich, I always treat myself the same.

"Lady!" Lu Qi stepped forward, nodded slightly to those relatives and friends, and said, "I'll take care of you outside, you can greet inside!"

The people outside are all men, and the people inside are insiders. Since ancient times, there are women in the house and men in the house. Lin Lang nodded when she heard this, and turned to go into the courtyard.

After a night of toasting, Lu Qi was so drunk that he finally understood why his wife made him drink plain porridge. If it wasn't for the bowl of porridge at the bottom, her stomach must be very uncomfortable.

"My lady..." Lu Qi lay on the bed, yelled a few words in a daze, and fell into a deep sleep again.

Lin Lang looked at Lu Qi who looked like a dead pig, kicked him angrily, and muttered, "What a fate, swords and swords have no eyes on the battlefield, and you can still come back alive, and you can make such great achievements. Is it the male protagonist possessed..."

"Ma'am, the hot water is ready!" the servant girl came in with a basin of water and whispered.

Lin Lang nodded coldly, and with the help of a few maids, she wiped off the stains on Lu Qi's body and changed him into comfortable pajamas to make him sleep more comfortably.

Early the next morning, Lu Qi opened his heavy eyes and found that his wife was sleeping next to him. He was very happy. He stretched out his hand to hold her in his arms, and said happily, "My lady, I'm back!"

"Yeah!" Lin Lang nodded calmly, entertaining guests was too late yesterday, which made her unable to get out of bed this morning.

"Ma'am, you've worked so hard these years. Now that I've become a second-rank official, I'll give you an imperial order. No one will ever laugh at you again, saying that you're married to a scumbag..." "The tenderness in Lu Qi's eyes can be dripped out.

Hearing this, Lin Lang couldn't fall asleep completely, stretched out her hand, pinched Lu Qi fiercely a few times and said angrily: "Since you know I worked hard, why did you bring those two women back? I don't know, others still You thought you were looking for another woman outside, and that little girl was about the same age as Miss Qiong, what do you make others think?"

"I...I..." Lu Qi blushed and stammered, "I didn't want to bring them back, but the orphans and widows knelt down and begged me, so I brought them back as soon as my heart softened." Besides... Besides, my brother sacrificed for the country, and I'm telling you again, if you don't bring them back, how many brothers' hearts will be chilled... If you don't like them, send them far away Yes, but don't treat them badly, or you will be easily criticized..."

"I'm afraid they'll be restless!" Lin Lang sat up, and said with disgust on her face, "Especially that little girl, who has calculations written all over her face, who talks sweetly when she sees the old lady...Young really have a heart More than adults..."

"This..." Lu Qi didn't refute that sentence. He also heard the little girl's words at the beginning, and he felt soft-hearted, so he brought the little girl back.

"Have you ever wondered why your brother entrusted their orphans and widows to you before he left? Don't tell me that you and that brother are the best brothers? I have been with your father for so many years, but I I know you, although you are nice to everyone, but it's hard to meet a close friend..." Lin Lang said indifferently.

"Alas~" Lu Qi sighed and nodded, "That brother and I are really not very good, we can be regarded as acquaintances, but based on the military camp, you know that the friendship of fellow countrymen is more important to everyone... ...And fighting, it is not a matter of fighting alone, but of uniting all brothers... Think about it, that brother entrusted me to clean it up before leaving, if I want to agree, you let those who What do my hard-working brothers think..." Lu Qi also felt a headache, and knew that he had brought two time bombs back, but there was nothing he could do, he couldn't get up and down now.

(End of this chapter)

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