Chapter 459

"Then you really got into trouble and came back!" Lin Lang said in a bad tone, "If every one of your brothers is treated like this, how many people will our family have to take in!

Also, if their orphans and widows live here, if they don't know anything about you, others will think you are bullying... When the time comes, the censor will read a copy of you and see what you do? "

"My lady~~" Lu Qi shouted, grabbed Lin Lang's hand, and said with a smile: "How dare I provoke other wild flowers, after all, I haven't smelled enough of wild flowers!
Besides, no matter how you say it, you are a second-rank official, so you don't need to be willing to be a low-ranking widow to provoke a little widow. Besides, that little widow is not very pretty, she will cry except when she cries, and she also has a mop bottle. You only want a woman like that when you are out of your mind..."

"Hmph!" Lin Lang tapped his forehead, "Glib!"

After everything in the family was sorted out, the imperial decree came down. Lu Qi did indeed become a Marquis just like in his previous life, and the emperor even specially granted him a marquis mansion.

"I heard that the Marquis Mansion is very big, but it has been deserted for a while. Let's not just go in and let people rectify it. It's not too late!" Lin Lang said softly after tidying up her clothes.

"It's up to you, but... those two girls, I don't want to have anything to do with those two girls if they take them to a remote place!" I've seen it before, and I also know that people are pushed into a hurry, and they can do anything. He was afraid that those two women would cause trouble for him, so he took the trouble to explain.

"Oh, I have the ability to transfer them to remote places, but... how can I stop them from growing their feet, I must let them go out, otherwise I will wear a hat that treats orphans harshly, Then how can I hang out in the social circle of the capital!" There was a trace of complaint in Linlang's tone.

"Hey, who provoked you? The tone is so bad?" Lu Qi put down the ancient book in his hand and asked with a smile.

"Who else could it be? The mother and daughter knew that I was not good, so they didn't come to provoke me, but...they beat the footbath on the mother-in-law, flattering her all day long..." Linlang's face was full of disgust, because this A few days later, her mother-in-law also started to mess around.

"Mom, she's getting old, and it's normal for her to be a little confused, so please bear with me!" Lu Qi comforted in a soft voice.

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, this man will never understand the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law!

"Boss, everyone who comes here is a guest. I heard that this mother and daughter have been here for a few days. You didn't even arrange for the servants. How did you do things? Why am I so unlucky to marry a daughter-in-law like you?" !” The old lady raised her chin and snorted coldly.

Hearing this, Lin Lang glanced at the mother and daughter in the corner with a half-smile, and said, "Mother-in-law, you misunderstood me, yes, we don't arrange extra manpower for them, but they are still working for the husband's family. Shouxiao, if I arrange it, what do you make outsiders think?
I don’t know, I thought you came to our house to enjoy the blessings...Old lady, you are also a believer in gods and Buddhas, you must know that your heart is not sincere...It is easy to be struck by lightning..."

"I...I..." Gao Qi burst into tears and stammered, "Ma'am, don't get me wrong, the old lady just loves me and thinks we are inconvenient, that's why she said those words..."

Lin Lang glanced at the old lady, and continued: "Although my husband has been named a lord, his background is obviously weaker than others, and all the property in my family was obtained by my husband on the battlefield, little by little, relying on you to fight hard. Our family is considered a big family, but we also need to know how to save...

There are many servants around my daughter-in-law, but most of them take care of the two children, and sometimes, the daughter-in-law has to do it herself..."

"Okay!" The old lady blushed and waved her hands. She really couldn't accept such nagging, and said angrily, "It's nothing more, you go down!"

After Lin Lang left, the old lady breathed a sigh of relief. Every time she confronted Lin Lang, she never had a good meal. Now that her son came back, she was still defeated.

"Old lady, it's all ours, not a troublesome old lady..." Qingxue walked to the old lady's legs, opened a pair of big watery eyes, grabbed the old lady's trousers, and said pitifully.

"Son, I don't blame you, it's because my daughter-in-law is too calculating, alas~ If I hadn't thought that this daughter-in-law was from a wealthy family and well-educated, I would never have let my son marry her!

But now, it's so embarrassing to worry about this and that all day long, what's the difference with a merchant woman..."

Gao Qi lowered her head and said in a low voice: "Old lady, she is your daughter-in-law, if she doesn't listen to you, you should... you should teach her a good lesson, so as not to cause her to fall out and be unfilial to you! "

"Oh..." The old lady didn't think about it, of course she thought about it, but she couldn't teach her daughter-in-law a lesson anyway. She couldn't learn it before because she didn't have any support. Now that her son came back, she thought she had support, but when the old lady saw it, When she found that her son was obviously on the side of her daughter-in-law, she didn't dare to act rashly, because she was afraid of offending her son, and she couldn't even enjoy the evening blessing.

Qingxue was also in a hurry. Hearing that the Lu family was going to move to the Hou's Mansion, she was afraid that they would leave her alone, so she favored the old lady. Unexpectedly, the old lady was also a paper tiger, and she didn't dare to fight Lin Lang at all.

"Old lady, I actually have an idea, I don't know if I should say it or not...I said it, look, it will affect the relationship between your mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, but if I don't say it, I feel uncomfortable seeing the old lady being suppressed all the time ..." Qingxue rolled her eyeballs and said aggrievedly.

"What idea?" The old lady's eyes lit up, and after realizing that she was too eager, she grabbed Qingxue's hand and explained, "I'm so overwhelmed by this wife, I also know why you came up with an idea. Hello, if you have any ideas, just say it!"

Qingxue smiled triumphantly, and continued: "When two tigers fight, one must lose!
This... Mrs. Lu is disrespectful to you, mainly because Uncle Lu likes her, but... if this love is gone, he will still treat you unfairly, probably not, and will treat you like a Bodhisattva, because She is afraid that after you despise her, you will be abandoned..."

"Ah?" The old lady seemed to understand, she figured it out immediately, clapped her hands, and said with a smile: "I like my daughter-in-law the most, and she is too jealous. It has been so many years that I haven't come here for a few days." My confidant, now that my son is a lord, she can’t be the only woman, right? Tomorrow I will go pick someone and find a confidant for my son!"

(End of this chapter)

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