Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 470 Protecting Wife and Daughter 7

Chapter 470 Protecting Wife and Daughter VII

BJ's house has been renovated a long time ago, and after a long period of ventilation, the formaldehyde inside has been completely removed.

The house has 3 bedrooms and 2 living rooms, which is more than enough for three people to live in, especially your grandma, who got the first house of her own, especially the decoration of the house, which is full of girlish atmosphere, which makes her very happy.

"You're going to start school in a few days. This afternoon, I'll take you to buy some school supplies. You can only wait until school starts!" Lin Lang explained to Lan Lan while eating.

"Well, I heard that in college, people love dogs the most. Seeing that people are inferior, you will take Lan Lando to buy some good clothes later, and give her all the mobile phones and computers!" Aunt Wang echoed. He said, "Is the money enough? If not, I still have some..."

"Don't worry, I have plenty of money here!" Lin Lang smiled, "Mom will come with me later, and I'll buy you some new clothes too!"

"Oh, I'm so old, even if I wear new clothes, no one will look at them, so forget it, besides, my old clothes are enough!" Aunt Wang was used to frugality, shook her head, and refused.

But no matter what Wang Dashen said, Lin Lang still dragged her to the shopping mall.

"Oh, this city is different from our countryside. You see, there is everything here. It's not like we used to run around to buy something, and it looks beautiful..." Aunt Wang was the first When I went to the mall once, I was incoherent with joy.

This time shopping, their family returned with a full load. Not only did Aunt Wang and Lan Lan buy something, even Lin Lang bought some, but they were all food.

At the beginning of school, Lin Lang specially asked Aunt Wang to pickle some sauerkraut and took it to school. Aunt Wang's cooking skills were quite good, and the boys ate deliciously with steamed buns and rice.

"You boy, it's only been a few years, and you've bought a house here. You're really hiding something, don't say anything, you have to treat me to dinner..." the boss said jokingly.

"Yes, and we don't eat the cheap ones, we want the expensive ones, so don't be stingy!" The second child echoed.

"Okay, we are all brothers, we can make do with it, besides, people always buy a house, money must be tight, let's have some barbecue..." The third child said empathetically.

Lin Lang looked at these brothers and patted her chest, and said proudly: "Thanks to your care before, brother, I will not treat you badly if I have money today, so let's treat you to a buffet, 1000 yuan per person! "

"Local tyrant!" The three said in unison.

They are all young men, and they eat a lot of food. Although the 1000 yuan buffet sounds expensive, the food is also expensive. They are all lobster and seafood. Even the waiters have watched them two or three times. Several times, the boss of the buffet was wandering around beside them, his face full of distress.

"Ouch, you didn't see the face of the buffet owner, you feel like you are about to cry..."

The three boys came out and said with a smile.

"Okay, okay, we did eat a little too much, it's normal for people to be jealous, it's still early, let me invite you to a barbecue!" Lin Lang suggested.

"This is good!" The three of them responded together and came to a barbecue restaurant.

"Hey, Lan Lan!" Lin Lang saw a familiar person walking over, turned over his shoulder, and found that it was indeed Lan Lan, and asked with a smile, "It's so late, why are you outside?"

Lan Lan said with a smile: "After the military training today, I will come out to have a barbecue with some roommates. Is my brother also here for dinner?"

"Yeah!" Lin Lang nodded and introduced her roommate, but she didn't expect that this introduction would be like a thunderbolt, and it was out of control. Both his roommate and Lan Lan's roommate saw it right. Eyes, hit hot.

After returning to the dormitory, Wang Lanlan and a few of her roommates took a bath one after another. They were all lying on the bed, too tired to say anything.

"Lan Lan, is that Lin Lang really your brother? I heard that he is a great talent in the Department of Chinese Medicine!" A roommate couldn't help but ask.

"Well, it's my brother!" Wang Lanlan was very happy to hear someone praise her brother, "My brother has been excellent since he was a child. He obviously went to school with me when he was young, but he skipped grades one after another, leaving me in the dark." Later!"

"So your brother is still a child prodigy, but your brother's surname is Lin, why is his surname Wang?"

"Ah, this..." Wang Lanlan hesitated for a moment, and then said, "I was adopted, so my surname is different from theirs!"

"Oh, so that's the case!" The roommate also knew that he had stepped on a thunderstorm, so he didn't dare to continue asking, and turned to another topic, "But speaking of it, your brother is really amazing. He studies well and looks good. Listen He is said to be the Prince Charming in many girls' hearts, Lan Lan, can you give me your brother's contact information when the time comes..."

Wang Lanlan's heart was a little astringent, and she didn't know how to answer, so she finally said, "I...I..."

"You? What contact information do you want? Could it be that you want to be someone else's light bulb?" A roommate continued, "Didn't you see that Lan Lan and his brother are just a couple, you don't even want to think……"

"Ah? It turned out to be like this. I said why they are so close. Oh, it's so sweet to grow up as a childhood sweetheart..." The roommate said with a smile, forgetting the phone.

"What are you talking about? I'm ignoring you..." Wang Lanlan didn't know why, she was sweet in her heart, but with a hint of shyness, she immediately covered her head with the quilt, and muffled the words.

"Look, our Lan Lan is still shy..."

All the roommates laughed, and a cheerful atmosphere surrounded this small dormitory.

After taking a nap, Wang Lanlan finally understood what he wanted, but he didn't know what his brother was thinking, whether he was interested in him...

When I was at Aunt Wang's house, someone made fun of me as a child bride. She also understood it. She didn't understand it until she grew up. She didn't object. On the contrary, she was very happy. alone?
Wang Lanlan hesitated. Not only did my brother look down on me, but my aunt also looked down on me. After all, brother Lin Lang is so good, and so many girls like him, how could he want me...a girl who is not wanted by her parents? ...

Wang Lanlan became depressed, and when she returned home a month later, Lin Lang looked at the depressed Wang Lanlan, touched his head, and asked concerned: "What's the matter, you look sullen, did someone bully you at school?" ?”

(End of this chapter)

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