Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 471 Protecting Wife and Daughter 8

Chapter 471 Protecting Wife and Daughter Eight

Hearing this, Wang Lanlan took a cautious look, then shook her head, and said in a low voice, "No..."

"Oh!" Linlang scratched her head. Wang Lanlan must have something on her mind, but Linlang couldn't open it, so she had to ask Aunt Wang for help.

"Lan Lan, you've been at my house for so many years, and I've always treated you as my own daughter, but... You're so old now, what I want to say... I'm afraid that it will ruin the relationship between us... "

"Auntie!" Wang Lanlan thought that Aunt Wang knew, and said with tears in her eyes, "I...I know it's wrong for me to like my brother, but...I really can't control myself...Auntie...I know I'm not good enough for my brother , but please, don't drive me out..."

Aunt Wang's face was full of astonishment, and it took a long time to react, and she said: "You child, what are you doing, what is driving you out, since I adopted you, I treat you as a family, no There is such a saying as driving people away...

However, you like Lin Lang... have you really thought about this?To be honest, when I took you over, I planned to give you to Lin Lang as a child bride, since you like it, I don't object..."

"Really?" Wang Lanlan asked in surprise with tears on her face.

"Yeah!" Aunt Wang smiled and nodded, thinking about what Lin Lang said last time.

Now that this problem has been solved, Wang Lanlan is confident and bold. First of all, she has to go to Linlang once a day to confirm the sovereignty and let others know that Linlang has the owner.

Lin Lang is not a dull person, she soon knew what Wang Lanlan meant, and the two of them entered the palace of marriage soon after graduating from university.

In this life, Lin Lang has a loving mother, a gentle wife, and a lovely person, plus a healthy body and a prosperous life, and she has completed her mission.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang heard a child crying, and couldn't help dragging her tired body to comfort the crying child.

After the child's crying stopped, Lin Lang looked in the mirror and couldn't help but say "Fuck me", because this woman is really scary, with withered and yellow skin, big dark circles, and two eyeballs hanging on it, more importantly What's more, the woman's eyes glowed with a dull light, and her deformed body seemed to be drained of anger, which was ugly and terrifying.

Lin Lang sat on the bed and patted her chest. It took a long time to get used to this body, and then she lay down on the bed and began to accept the plot.

"After graduating from university, I found a good job. During my work, I met my current husband. At the beginning, he loved me very much, and his family was in a good position. Marrying him is a high prospect!
After I got married, I became pregnant and quit my job to become a full-time housewife. But the source of this disaster was after I got married, because I didn’t have a job and I didn’t have much money, so I started asking for money!
It was nothing at first, but after giving birth to a child, I wanted to work hard, but the man was unwilling to say, I went out to work, what should I do with the child?
So I became a full-time housewife at home, but he only gave me 2000 yuan for a month. What can I do with 2000 yuan?The baby's milk powder needs more than 1000 a month, not to mention diapers and other household items, basically I pay for it!

Let me say a few words, he really has your fault, why is it so tiring to take care of the child, and scolded me for not knowing how to save money, and then I saw the text messages in his mobile phone, and I realized that he was having an affair with other women outside!
I really regret, why do I want to be the one who reaches out instead of earning money with my own hands, I beg you to help me, I don’t want to be a housewife anymore, I want to fight again and hit that man hard face, let him know that without him, I can live a wonderful life! "

Lin Lang yawned after accepting the plot. The child, who seemed to be still sleeping, immediately found some clean clothes and took a shower.

"Wow wow wow..." As soon as Linlang came out of the bathroom, she heard the cry of the child. She immediately picked up the child and coaxed him slowly. By the way, she looked at his diaper and found that it was wet, and immediately changed it to a clean one. diapers.

The child's heart is very vigorous. After eating and drinking enough, he will start playing there, and he must be hugged, and he will cry if he is not hugged.

Lin Lang didn't want to spoil this child, he was almost one year old, and it was time to learn to walk, so Lin Lang put him on the ground and tried to let him learn to crawl, but the child was unwilling, after all, crawling was not comfortable to hold, so Crying loudly, Lin Lang was also very indifferent, standing aside, letting the child cry, unable to take a step forward.

"What's the matter with you? The child is crying so loudly, I don't know how to coax him!" The sound of the door opening, Lu Hong walked in, looked at the child on the ground, his face collapsed immediately, and he shouted loudly.

"If you don't like the sound of crying, you can coax the child!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, pointed at the child, and retorted.

"You...I work hard outside to earn money to support my family, but what about you? You play at home all day long, and now you can't take care of your children. What's the use of me marrying you!" Lu Hong pulled off his tie. , picked up the child on the ground, and said coldly.

"Oh, it's great to earn money to support your family, but the key is that nothing sticks to you. You are given 2000 yuan a month. What can you do with 2000 yuan? Children's milk powder is more than 1000 a month, let alone other households at home! With a cold face, Linlang continued, "If you think it's easy to take care of the children, let's switch between the two of us. I'll go out to work, and you will take care of the children at home. Anyway, it's easy to take care of the children, and you can also play at home!"

By the way, I am not stingy, you give 2000 yuan to bring the child, how about I give you 3000 yuan?Enough loyalty! "

"You...don't make trouble for no reason. Do you think the money I gave you is too small? OK, I'll add another thousand to you!" Lu Hong said indifferently like giving alms to a beggar.

"Hehe... It seems that you still don't understand the crux of the problem. What can you do with 3000 yuan? When I was not married to you, my monthly salary was seven to eight thousand yuan, but after I married you... Lu Hong, I think There's no need to live with you, let's get a divorce!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, she ran to her room and began to pack her luggage without saying a word.

Seeing that the development of the matter was beyond his expectation, Lu Hong frowned handsomely, stepped forward, took Lin Lang's hand, and scolded: "What are you crazy about? What are you talking about getting divorced? If the two of us get divorced, What about the child?"

(End of this chapter)

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