Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 487: The Cold Hearted Wife 2

Chapter 487

Shen Ting shook his head, trying to put this thought behind him, but that thought seemed to be rooted in his heart all the time.

Lin Lang's life is going smoothly, Second Madam, in order to thank you for taking good care of her, she can get what she wants, and she is afraid that Lin Lang will be short-handed, so she sent a few more maids.

These guys are more centered than the maids before, at least Lin Lang, so they don't say what Lin Lang asked them to do, they have to do whatever, the main reason is that all their contracts of prostitution are with Lin Lang.

"Hahahaha..." Before Mammy entered the door, laughter came, "Miss really did what you expected, they really bit dogs!"

The second wife is the housekeeper, but there is an old lady behind her back, Liu Yuanyuan's people really want to be disobedient, but once they are disobedient, they will be sold out by the second wife, they are also speechless.

"Tell me, let me have fun too!" A faint smile appeared on Lin Lang's face.

"Hahahaha, Aunt Liu has only been in charge of the house for a few days, and she really thinks that she is the head of the house. She can get whatever she wants. The second wife is not used to her, so she cut things in half and called her an aunt. It is better than the Madam Hou's Mansion. If it gets out, what will others think of the Hou Mansion!
Besides, even if Auntie's expenses are reduced by half, it will still be more than enough... Hahahaha..."

The mother laughed loudly, "Aunt Liu's face was terrible when she heard these words, but she couldn't say anything to refute, you know the old lady, you and Aunt Liu were against each other before, the old lady must help pay attention to mother, But now she and the Second Madam... the old lady is naturally helping the Second Madam, and she also said that one must do one's duty, when Aunt Liu heard this, her face turned pale..."

Lin Lang also showed a smile, glanced outside, and said: "Although the Second Madam has ordered maidservants, I still don't feel at ease to use them. When the time comes, send a few people to the village to pick out some maidservants for me to use! "

"Yes, Miss!" The nanny breathed a sigh of relief, glanced at her own lady, and continued: "Speaking of which, the two young masters are about to reach their full moon, and when the time comes to have a drink with the full moon, the madam will definitely come over. At that time, Miss, I will have to talk to Madam about the grievances I have suffered these days, and let Madam decide for you..."

"You don't need to tell mother about this, I have my own plans in my heart!" Lin Lang shook her head, "Besides, I understand now that men are just unreliable, and I can only count on these two children!"

"Hey, miss, you can't say that. The time between you and my uncle is still long. He is just fascinated by that little goblin and can't see the truth. Sooner or later, he will change his mind!" Mammy looked at her young lady's heart. With a disheartened look and careful persuasion, there will be a long time in the future. If the young lady really gives up, how will I live in the future?That's no different than widowhood.

"You don't need to persuade me anymore. From the day of delivery, I don't have any thoughts about that man. If I have two more children, I wish I could kick him out immediately and marry him again!" Lin Lang said with a gloomy face.

Mammy sighed and didn't continue to talk about it.

Here, Shen Ting really has one head bigger than two, one is his beloved concubine, the other is his mother, neither of them is easy for him to offend.

"Boss, what are you thinking? He is just a concubine, and now he wants to be treated like a concubine. It's a good idea. Our family is not a person who confuses black and white!" The old lady said sonorously.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan almost gnawed his silver teeth into pieces. He knelt on the ground delicately, sobbing cautiously, "Old lady, I don't dare to think about the status of the main wife, but... my child is not in good health. , Do you really need something to replenish your body? I hope you will look at your grandson... Let's mention the treatment..."

"Ha, are you fooling me? You need more ginseng and bird's nest a month than my old lady. Don't tell me that your child who is not yet full moon eats ginseng and bird's nest every day!" The old lady's face was full of tears. Contemptuously, he glanced at Lin Lang's direction, "Your eldest wife also gave birth to two children, but what's the matter? No! You have to do your duty, if you don't even understand this, then go to Zhuangzi Let’s take good care of it!”

Hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan shook his head with fear on his face, and looked at Shen Ting sadly with tears in his beautiful eyes, hoping that he would make the decision for himself.

As for Shen Ting, he froze there. He didn't expect that Yuan Yuan and others had such a large demand for ginseng and bird's nest, but as for his wife, they wanted so little...

The old lady glanced at Liu Yuanyuan, and said lovingly to her son, "Speaking of which, your daughter-in-law is really lucky, she gave birth to you a pair of dragon and phoenix twins, but it has been in labor for so long, and you haven't taken care of it. Take a look, take advantage of the time today to visit her, and take a look at your children by the way!"

The second wife stood beside the old lady, showing a smug smile, and continued: "Yes, although the sister-in-law was born prematurely, I heard that the two children are very good-looking, white and fat, and they are cute!

It's going to be a month soon, our family's full moon wine will definitely be organized, especially my sister-in-law, who is really a twin, must be a special one, you can discuss it with my sister-in-law to see how to do it! "

When Liu Yuanyuan heard this, a dim light flashed in his eyes, and he continued: "Second Madam, my concubine's child will soon be full moon, I don't know this full moon wine..."

"Don't worry, I will keep this in mind. When the child is full moon, I will hold two banquets!" The second lady said lightly.

Hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan gasped, her eyes were red with anger, she had never been wronged like this since she married Shen Ting, "Second Madam, they are all the children of the Eldest Young Master, you can't treat them differently!

Eldest young master, you have to make the decision for me! "

Shen Ting has long been dizzy from the noise, and a trace of impatience floated in his heart. Liu Yuanyuan was quite understanding before, why is he so ignorant today, so he said: "His father is the Minister of the Household Department, and also my Zheng wife, if you don't do it, you can't say it!

As for you, I would like to hold a special event for you, but in case of your identity... Besides, even if it is held for you, no one will come to participate! "

This sentence really touched Liu Yuanyuan's heart. Once upon a time, she was also a lady and a daughter of a famous family, but a great change happened, her father was imprisoned, and her mother committed suicide in fear of crime. up.

If it wasn't for Shen Ting, she would have fallen into prostitution long ago, because she had never suffered, she thought she was still the daughter of everyone, but today's incident completely tore away the mask she had been putting on all along!
(End of this chapter)

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