Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 488: The Cold Hearted Wife 3

Chapter 488

Liu Yuanyuan returned to her yard with a pale face. The place where she lives is called Dongyuan, and the side of Linlangzuo is called Xiyuan, East and West Garden. Just hearing it can be divided into different courts, but after all, the main wife is the main wife, and the concubine is the concubine. .

Now that she is like this, she must not allow her son to be oppressed and discriminated against like herself.

But... he was born by a concubine, and now he is doomed, but if...the eldest lady has no heirs, and he is the only boy in this family, then...would it be...could the title belong to his son? At that time, I was the old lady of the Hou Mansion...

When Liu Yuanyuan thought of this, his eyes shone with fanaticism. Since he could make that woman give birth prematurely, now he can kill that woman.

Thinking of this, Liu Yuanyuan immediately found his confidantes to see if they could bribe the people around Lin Lang and create a few small accidents.

"Auntie, this may be difficult. Since we suppressed the madam last time, the slaves around her have been scattered, and there are no people from us at all. In addition, the second madam sent a few maids over. Those maids We all listen to Da Furen's words very much, let's not..." The confidant said with a look of embarrassment.

"Then put some medicine in the food, I don't believe it, she won't eat!" Liu Yuanyuan said angrily.

"Of course the eldest lady eats, but he built a small kitchen himself, so he doesn't eat the food from the big kitchen at all. Even if we do it... I think it will scare the snake, or even hurt himself..." The confidant shook his head.

Liu Yuanyuan was furious, "Money can make ghosts turn the clock. I don't believe that if you pay more money at that time, there is no one who doesn't love money!"

Standing at the gate of Linlang Yard, Shen Ting wanted to go in several times, but couldn't lift his footsteps. Hearing the laughter and laughter inside, a trace of frustration appeared in his heart!
Shen Ting breathed a sigh of relief, summoned up his courage, and pushed open the door, only to hear the laughter stop abruptly. Lin Lang was smiling, but suddenly collapsed, and her gaze became extremely cold, "I don't know why Master Hou came to me. What are you doing?"

"I..." Shen Ting didn't know how to speak, and suddenly saw two children on the bed, they were obviously born prematurely, but now they don't look thin at all, all of them are white and fat, Yuxue is cute, it makes people feel happy love.

"This... this is these two children..." Shen Ting looked at the two children, his eyes were full of kindness and said.

Linlang immediately became vigilant, shrank into the bed with the two children in her arms, and said coldly: "Yes, Lord Hou, I just gave birth, and there is still a lot of blood in the room, it is really not suitable to stay for long..."

These words are driving people away. You must know that after Liu Yuanyuan gave birth, he didn't say anything about blood.

Shen Ting was extremely upset in his heart, glanced at the child, and said sullenly: "It's about the child, they will be full moon soon, and they are going to have a full moon wine at home, I don't know what you think in your heart..."

"It's fine for the second sibling to decide this matter, I believe in the second sibling!" Lin Lang turned her face away, with a hint of resistance.

Shen Ting left here in despair, he didn't know what was going on, at the beginning he was unwilling to stay here for a long time, but now he wants to stay here, but he can't, it's really a turn of events.

On the day of the full moon wine, Lin Lang waited for her natal family to come, seeing that Lin Lang's complexion was still good, she breathed a sigh of relief.

"A few days ago, I heard that your child was born prematurely. Your father and I were so worried that we couldn't sleep. We wanted to see you a long time ago, but you also know that if you don't receive an invitation from someone in the Shenzhai compound, if you come to the door rashly... you will... It is impolite to be called by others!
Now that I see you having two children in person, and you are fat and fat for nothing, then I feel much more at ease!
I have also listened to the matter of my son-in-law, listen to my mother's persuasion, which man does not take concubines, even if he dotes on concubines, so what, you are the wife of the wife after all, he will not do anything to you! "

Lin Lang nodded, this is this era, everyone is like this, a married daughter is the real water to be thrown out.

Moreover, the marriage of these two families is a real union of interests, so Lin Lang's talk about reconciliation and separation is actually just angry nonsense.

"Mother is worrying too much, so I just told you to live, where is it not?" Lin Lang smiled faintly, and looked at the two children, "Now I have these two children, as for the so-called What kind of love, love, I don't want to covet those anymore..."

When Lin Lang's mother heard this, she almost cried. Her daughter, the daughter raised at home, what kind of torture did she go through to say things like living a life? But in this era, even if you don't like it, you have to get on with it.

"When I came here today, I listened to it. Why do you suddenly want the housekeeper power that my uncle gave you?" For women, housekeeper power is to establish their own status in this family, and it must not be lost. .

"So what if I get it? It won't be taken away by that woman, hehe, don't give the housekeeper power to my second sibling, at least give it to her, I don't have to be angry, and I can let them bite the dog!" Lin Lang pointed Looking at Mammy, she said with a smile: "Mommy, quickly tell Mother what happened, and let her have fun too!"

As expected, Lin Lang's mother smiled happily when she heard these words, her face was full of relief, "I really grew up~"

"It's okay not to grow up, after all, I've been to the Palace of the King of Hell once!" Lin Lang smiled lightly.

"What Yanwangdian? Didn't you give birth prematurely? Your father hired an imperial physician for you, and there are so many precious medicinal materials in the mansion, which will definitely save your life. How did you say that sentence?" Lin Lang's mother asked. asked the solution.

"Oh, ma'am, you don't know something. The imperial doctor you invited for the young lady was invited by my uncle to Dongyuan. During the delivery, the young lady relied on herself all the time, and she didn't even have a midwife... Fortunately, the young lady was lucky enough to take care of herself. There is nothing wrong with it, if there is an accident..." Mammy started to cry, "Because the small kitchen in our courtyard was approved by the old lady, don't think about it, old lady Seeing our wife as a thorn in my side, even after my wife gave birth, she couldn't even eat a hot meal, and only then did she work hard to build a small kitchen to have a bite to eat!"

"Oh, my poor daughter. At that time, my mother was also deceived by lard, so I told you about this marriage. I thought that you would become a marquis after you marry, which is considered a high-profile, but I didn't expect that, let me marry you." You have suffered so much..." Lin Lang's mother collapsed when she heard that her daughter had suffered so much, and cried loudly, her face full of regret.

(End of this chapter)

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