Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 489: The Cold Hearted Wife 4

Chapter 489

Lin Lang patted her mother's hand, and said with relief: "Mother, don't cry, my life is much easier now, besides, I already have these two children, even if things don't go well in the future, I will have one Hope... As for the so-called relationship between husband and wife, my heart has long since died!"

Lin Lang's mother regretted it very much, but there is no regret in the world for taking medicine. Thinking of what her husband told her before she left, she immediately said: "The border is not peaceful recently. I thought my uncle is a military officer and let him go to experience it. Considering his attitude towards you, forget it..."

"Mother, you really helped me a lot!" Lin Lang said gratefully, "I have to let him go, it's best not to let him go home!"

"Ah?" Lin Langniang kissed with a dazed face, thinking that she had heard it wrong.

Lin Lang gave Mammy a wink, and Maid Bai Xue drove them out, leaving the mother and daughter alone.

"Mother, that woman dared to make a waist on my head because of Shen Ting's love. If Shen Ting went to the border, even if the woman wanted to do something, she would still be a concubine. I'm ravaged!" Lin Lang actually had another idea, that man would not come back for three to five years, and she would be able to relax a bit, if he died outside, it would be even better, her son would be Lord Hou, and no one would give her I looked at it.

"Girl, have you really thought about it? Although the border is just a small fight, I'm afraid that if something happens, if you don't come back then, you will become a widow!" Mother Lin Lang shook her head, " If he has achieved something in the frontier, what will you do in the future?"

"Mother, what you are worried about is not a problem. The first point: in fact, being a widow is not bad, at least no one will show me face, and my son will become the helm of the entire Houfu. Concubine... I want to make him easy!
As for the second point: even if he has made great achievements, I am also the wife he is marrying. I have given birth to him and managed the back house. Why does he have any reason to abandon me?

No matter how bad it is, there is my father! "

Lin Lang's mother breathed a sigh of relief, patted the daughter's hand, glanced at her own daughter, nodded slightly, and said nothing.

Shen Ting has been very dull these past few days, he got angry several times in succession, and he couldn't tell why he was unhappy?Even when he learned that he was going to the frontier, he didn't show a smile.

He is a general. Although he has the title of Marquis, he is nothing without military power. It is a great opportunity for him to go to the frontier, but this great opportunity also makes him I can't be happy.

"Master, Aunt Liu said that she has prepared some side dishes that Grandpa likes to eat, and she wants to invite Master over tonight!" The housekeeper came over and said respectfully.

Shen Ting nodded sullenly, suddenly thought of something, glanced at the housekeeper, and asked: "These few days... what happened to Madam?"

"Ah?" This confused the housekeeper. Doesn't the master hate his wife the most?Why did you suddenly inquire about Madam's news!
"Master, Madam has been staying in the yard these days and hasn't come out, so...the servant doesn't know what happened!" The housekeeper hesitated, but said it out.

"Oh..." Shen Ting's heart was full of disappointment, he glanced at the moonlight in the sky, found that today's moon is very round, his eyes lit up, and said: "What date is it today?"

"Back to Lord Hou, today is July No. 13, and in another month, it will be the Mid-Autumn Festival!" The housekeeper thought that Lord Hou was going to intervene in the affairs of the mansion, and thinking that the Mid-Autumn Festival was coming, he said it quickly.

"Thirteen... Then the day after tomorrow will be fifteen...you go ahead and tell Madam the day after tomorrow that I will stay with her at night!" After Shen Ting finished speaking, he left, his steps becoming much lighter, with a smile on his face. Also with a smile.

"Master Hou..." Liu Yuanyuan watched Shen Ting come, put on light makeup, wore a plain white dress with red plums embroidered on it, took advantage of her weak willow to support the wind, weak and lovely, under the light, she became more and more beautiful .

"My concubine heard that Lord Hou will send his body to the frontier soon, this concubine... Hearing this news, I was really terrified. Master Hou, can you not go? I can't bear to let you go..." Liu Yuanyuan sat in the circle Sitting on the chair, her eye sockets were reddish, making her look adorable.

Shen Ting's heart softened, he walked over, patted Liu Yuanyuan's hand, and said, "What are you talking about? How could I not go? This is an imperial decree. If you violate the imperial decree, you will copy the Nine Clans!"

Besides, it's just some small gestures, I'll be back in a while! "

"But... But I'm afraid... Without Master Hou by my side, I'm like a duckweed, drifting with the wind, being bullied by others..." Liu Yuanyuan sobbed softly.

"Look at what you said? What do you mean being bullied? You are my woman. If anyone dares to show you face, you can call back. I will decide everything for you!" Hou Ye promised.

Heh, you can make the decision for me, but you are in the frontier, even if you want to make the decision for me, it is beyond your reach, or you can make the decision for me after I die, what's the use?

Liu Yuanyuan didn't dare to say this, so he shook his head with tears in his eyes, looked at the child who was sleeping soundly in the cradle, and said sadly: "I have always been at odds with my wife, and the second young lady has been watching The concubine's body is not right, the concubine's room is really scared, after being afraid and leaving, the concubine's body will be beaten to death by them... At that time, even if the Hou Ye decides for the concubine's body, it will be too late, when the time comes we Your child... you will be bullied because you don't have a mother to take care of you..."

Hearing Liu Yuanyuan's words, Shen Ting's heart was so soft that he hugged Liu Yuanyuan in his arms and comforted him softly: "Don't worry, when I leave, I will talk to my second younger brother and sister carefully, and let her not bully you!

In case you are really wronged, please write to me quickly, and I will find someone to deal with it!

As for Madam, you may not deal with it, but Madam was born into a family of officials and is a real wealthy daughter, and she will never do anything to frame her, so you can rest assured about this! "

Liu Yuanyuan didn't want this result, so he shook his head, hugged Shen Ting's waist and abdomen vigorously, like a panicked little animal, and said pitifully: "Master Hou, please give up my concubine's body." Take it away, I don't want to stay in this Hou's mansion, if it's really not possible, please be merciful and ask the housekeeper to come over, let me take charge, otherwise... I'm afraid, after you leave, Those servants don't pay attention to me..."

(End of this chapter)

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