Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 492: The Cold Hearted Wife 7

Chapter 492

Hearing this, Shen Ting couldn't help clenching his hands until the blue veins were exposed, and his face was gloomy and terrifying. He didn't expect that Liu Yuanyuan, who had always been weak and trustworthy, would be so terrifying, like a poisonous snake.

"Okay, okay..." Shen Ting's face was full of disappointment, he dragged his legs like lead, walked to his study in a trance, found a corner and sat down, from dawn to dark, It wasn't until the moon moved in the middle that he heard voices outside that he came back to his senses.

"Brother, our Aunt Liu heard that the monkey was also staying in the kitchen and hadn't come out for fear that Lord Hou would not eat, so she sent servants to deliver meals to Lord Hou. Heart!" The servant girl said in a low voice.

The servant was in a bit of a dilemma. Up to now, Hou Yue had not made a sound, and he was too embarrassed to let it go. After all, the servant girl was the person next to Aunt Liu, and Aunt Liu was Master Hou's favorite concubine.

Shen Ting heard the voice, pushed open the door of the study, and said with a gloomy face: "You haven't learned the rules, the study is an important place, no one is allowed to trample on it!"

"Ah?" The servant girl was stunned. It's not been a day or two since she came to the study to deliver meals. Why didn't she say that she would punish herself today?But she was a maid, and she didn't dare to refute, so she could only kneel on the ground, begging for mercy.

Shen Ting's face was full of disgust, he waved his sleeves, and said indifferently: "Go back and tell your aunt that to be a concubine is to have the duty of being a concubine. Don't let her have other delusions in the future. After I go out, let her Go to pay your respects to Madam on a regular basis!"

"Master Hou..." The servant girl's face was full of doubts. She really couldn't understand how the monkey eyes that had always doted on their aunt had changed so much. Is it in your mouth? Lord Hou, please think again!"

"Why send the sheep to the wolf's mouth? She is a concubine, and it's only natural for her to do it for her first wife. If she doesn't go to salute, she'll go to Zhuangzi!" Shen Ting said maniacally.

When the servant girl heard this, she didn't dare to say much, she immediately stepped back, looked at the happy Liu Yuanyuan, and carefully relayed Master Hou's words to Aunt Liu.

"What did you just say? Is it because my ears are ringing, or did you say something wrong?" Aunt Liu couldn't believe that Lord Hou would say such things to herself.

"Auntie, no matter how bold I am, I won't dare to lie to you. Master Hou really said so, and said that if you don't go to salute, you have to stay in Zhuangzi... Auntie, no matter what Master Hou thinks, Heroes don’t suffer from immediate disadvantages, let’s go along with Master Hou first, and settle things slowly if there is anything to do, so as not to offend Lord Hou again and get bored with him, let’s also..." The servant girl said cautiously.

"Master Hou has changed so much, something must have happened, no, you should go find someone to investigate, who is gossiping in Master Hou's ear, and made Master Hou hate me so much!" Liu Yuanyuan said through gritted teeth.

"Who else could it be? My aunt has two enemies, either the second lady or the eldest lady... The second lady has been busy packing the Houye these days, so she must not be able to spare her hands. Only the eldest lady... ...I used to think she was a little white rabbit, but I didn't expect her to be a big tiger, she really knows people, knows her face, but doesn't know her heart..." The servant girl said full of disgust.

"Since we know it's her doing the trick, let's find someone to investigate. We can't take such a stick for nothing, we must take revenge!" Liu Yuanyuan said with red eyes, resentful.

The servant girl tried her best to inquire, and finally found out, and then came to Aunt Liu's residence with a look of embarrassment, and said, "Auntie, I have made inquiries...but it is related to Madam. The concubines are all beautiful and charming, and they also promised them that as long as whoever gives birth to an heir, they will be promoted to be aunts..."

Hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan opened his mouth wide. He was about to say something, but he couldn't say anything. Although he was the concubine of Lord Hou, Lord Hou loved him and gave him the power of housekeeping. The main room is no different.

But now there are three concubines at once, and I clearly remind myself that you are just a concubine, an aunt...you are not a real lady...

Liu Yuanyuan is a concubine's daughter. When she was a child, she hated concubines the most. Now she has become someone else's concubine, and her son has become a concubine. Maybe this child is very valuable now, but in the future, once the Marquis has more children, then this child will become a concubine. There is nothing left to do...

She wanted to get rid of the wife's child, but after getting rid of the wife's child, with these three concubines, I believe that Lord Hou will not lack children in the future, and the wife has a grudge against herself, so she will definitely not promote her child, so I am afraid that after I do something bad, the bamboo basket will be empty, and I may hurt myself.

After thinking it over, Aunt Liu was completely stunned, and honestly went to salute Lin Lang, which even surprised Lin Lang.

"The sun is really coming out from the west today. I didn't expect to see my sister come to salute me in my lifetime. It's so strange, so strange..." Lin Lang smiled half-smile, but she was thinking in her heart, did this woman come to salute me again? What a moth, so I salute myself.

However, there are only those who can be thieves for a thousand days, and there is no one who can guard against thieves for a thousand days. Lin Lang clapped her hands, and saw three beauties rushing in. Although they were wearing ordinary clothes, they couldn't hide their beauty. Beauty is like a flower, and everyone's beauty is different.

Liu Yuanyuan looked at the three women, so jealous that he was about to jump on them and kill them. Now he understands that a concubine is a concubine, and a wife is a wife!

That's right, even if you are a lady, once you become a concubine, you may not even be as good as ordinary people, because she is a regular wife after all.

"These girls are really beautiful, I don't know which family they are from..." Although Liu Yuanyuan knew what these three women were for, he still held a glimmer of life and asked with a trembling body.

"Oh, so my sister doesn't know yet, that's just right, let me tell you, I thought that the two of us just gave birth, and there must be no way to take good care of Lord Hou, so I found some women for Lord Hou and asked them to take good care of him." Good Lord!

From now on, everyone will be their own sisters, and I hope everyone can get along well, love each other, and serve Master Hou well! "

Liu Yuanyuan's face completely collapsed, he asked himself that he looks really good, but for these three women, her beauty is a bit indecisive, and she is a lady of everyone, she is more reserved, and she really can't let go of some aspects, but these women It's different... Men love the new and dislike the old. You see, no, with these three women, you forget yourself. The previous love is like passing clouds.

(End of this chapter)

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