Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 493: The Cold Hearted Wife 8

Chapter 493

Liu Yuanyuan's eyes were red with jealousy, but no matter how jealous she was, it had become an irreversible fact. The only thing she was better than these women was that he had a son, but Lord Hou was young and strong, and the child , there is no shortage at all, especially the bastards, who are not worth much at all.

Lin Lang glanced at them a few times, and when she saw Liu Yuanyuan, her gaze paused for a moment, and the corners of her mouth outlined a slight smile that was not a smile. She slowly lowered her eyes, took a sip of the fragrant tea, and said lightly: "At the time when Aunt Liu was carried away, When I was a concubine, I didn't come to salute me, so that's fine, but these three people... can't talk about this rule, come, come and show them the meeting ceremony of the three of them!"

Hearing this, Liu Yuanyuan felt as if he had been slapped suddenly on the face, and his face was terribly red.

When the three girls heard this, because they gave the concubine room a meeting gift, it meant that the mistress of the house had affirmed their identities, but Lord Hou...

Lin Lang handed out the presents one by one, and then said: "These days, you all learn the rules from your mother and wait for the master to come back. I am making arrangements for you!"

The three women became even more excited, and Liu Yuanyuan felt extremely bitter in his heart. Now Lord Hou must be hopeless. The only hope now is that Lin Lang will show mercy, forgive herself, and let herself and her children live a good life, but in the future The day is probably difficult...

After Lin Lang sent them away, she said sarcastically, "Mother, do you see that this is the end of entrusting one's own destiny to a man. Isn't Liu Yuanyuan very awesome? Such favors make irresponsible remarks to me, and I don't think so. Put me in your eyes, but now, I believe that with these three women, her future days...hehe..."

Mammy nodded in agreement, but it was a pity for the young lady that she didn't meet a beloved one.

Although Shen Ting was ordered to go to the frontier, its main function was to transport grain and grass. This kind of thing is easy, and it is easy to accumulate credit, which is considered a good thing.

But it never occurred to him that after delivering the food and grass, he would be unable to leave, because the frontier was completely fought.

Although Shen Ting was in charge of transporting grain and grass, he couldn't sit idly by in such a situation. Besides, he was also a military commander and had experience in the military camp, so he didn't take the matter of going to the battlefield seriously. So heavy, instead see this kind of thing as an opportunity.

But he didn't know that ambition alone was not enough. Although he had experienced in the military camp, it was only a small fight, and he had never seen a real battle on the battlefield.

So unfortunately, he was recruited, and a poisonous arrow was shot at him, which happened to hit his heart. Maybe it was because he was wearing a heart guard, so he didn't die immediately, but was seriously injured, but he was injured It's just the heart, if you don't handle it well, it's only a matter of time before you die!
"I'm also seriously ill. I'm sorry I can't do anything about it... I'd like to advise everyone to hurry up and prepare for the funeral..." After seeing the illness, the doctor in the barracks shook his head with a troubled expression on his face.

"No matter what, it's not good to procrastinate, old doctor, please heal him. Whether it's life or death, there must be a process. If you keep procrastinating, you will definitely procrastinate him to death. At that time, we will also treat him." Not easy to deal with!"

Hearing what the soldiers said, the old doctor sighed and began to treat him.

Here, the news of Shen Ting's serious injury came to the Hou Mansion, the old lady passed out on the spot, the whole mansion was in chaos, and the second lady was also in a hurry, there was no way to take good care of your entire Hou Mansion.

At this time, Lin Lang stood up and took over the housekeeper Su from the second wife, and managed the whole Hou Mansion in an orderly manner. At the same time, both of them were serving the old lady, ready to preside over the overall situation when the old lady woke up.

"I didn't expect... my sister-in-law would have such a trick. I used to say that she was in poor health and couldn't do anything about housekeeping. It was probably an excuse!" The second lady glanced at Lin Lang next to her, and said in a low voice.

"Look at what the second sibling said, as the hostess of the Hou Mansion, I naturally have to be a housekeeper. I was really in poor health before, so I bothered the second sibling. If the second sibling complains today, let me give you a hand here. I apologize!" Lin Lang smiled faintly.

"However... speaking of elder brother's serious illness, I don't think my sister-in-law looks worried at all. Does she feel that all hardships have come to an end..." The second lady gritted her teeth, and said this vicious sentence because she lost her right to be a housekeeper.

When Lin Lang heard this, she turned her head abruptly, and glanced at the second lady. Immediately afterwards, her eyes were red, tears fell drop by drop, and she said, sobbing, "So the second younger brother and sister are thinking about me like this... I'm really sad. ... As for why you don't see sadness, it's because your husband is seriously ill, and life and death are unpredictable. This is also the news from others, and it has not been confirmed!

More importantly, if I can't support myself anymore, what will the old lady do?What about the entire Hou Mansion... and my two children... I have always regarded the second younger sibling as my own sister, and even the right to housekeeper, the second younger sibling is the first thing I think of..."

When the second lady heard this, she immediately stood up, looked left and right, her face was also full of embarrassment, and said anxiously: "Okay, sister-in-law, don't cry, it's my fault, trying to figure out sister-in-law maliciously, Now that the old lady is ill, what if she hears us crying in front of her bed? Please shut up, sister-in-law!"

Lin Lang slowly wiped away her tears, it seems that her acting skills are still so good, she can cry when she wants to cry, even an Oscar queen is not as good as herself!
The old lady fell into a coma for a day and a night, and at dusk, she woke up leisurely, looked dirty for a long time, and then came back to her senses, thinking about the sudden spring, her heart throbbed with pain, " My son, what kind of crime is this? His father lost his life on the battlefield, so I have never dared to let him go to the battlefield. I just let him go to the camp to experience it... I didn't expect it, this is still I lost my life..."

"Old lady, people just said that my husband was seriously injured, not that he lost his life, so there is still a chance for this matter!" Linlang persuaded in a low voice, she naturally hoped that the man would die, but now, what to do For the sake of saving face, he still has to do it, otherwise what should he do if others point fingers at him and cause his son to lose his title?
Hearing this, the old lady opened her eyes suddenly, grabbed Lin Lang's hand, and said anxiously: "Your father is the second-rank Shangshu, so you can definitely find out. For more information, you should go home quickly and ask carefully. , what happened to my son..."

Lin Lang patted the old lady's hand, sighed softly, and said with a face of embarrassment: "Old lady, this matter... this is from my natal family, I have sent someone to tell you... the situation is really bad Well, my husband has hurt his veins, and it's more bitterly cold on the border, so..."

(End of this chapter)

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