Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 494: The Cold Hearted Wife 9

Chapter 494

The old lady gasped heavily, and almost didn't come up in one breath. It took a long time before she calmed down, her eyes were red, and she patted the bed. She lost her husband in middle age and lost her son in her old age. What kind of fate is this?

"Old madam, the most important thing now is how to deal with the affairs in the mansion, because the matter of the eldest brother has spread throughout the capital, and all the servants in the service are a little impetuous... And more importantly, what if the eldest brother really Now, what about the Hou Mansion..."

If the second wife didn't have such thoughts, then the sun really came out from the west, so why are they both the sons of the old lady, one can be a Marquis, but the other can only be a sixth-rank official.

Now that Master Hou is dead, his two children are still infants, and no one can tell what will happen in the future... So, what is better than an adult? Thinking of this, the eyes of the second lady radiated a frenzy.

"Second madam, what does this mean? My husband's life and death are uncertain now, but you think about family wealth. It's really good. I can talk to my father at that time, and ask him to ask the second brother in the court hall. What's on your mind?" Lin Lang purposely said what her father said, in order to remind them that she still has a second-rank father.

Hearing this, the old lady thought for a while, then patted the bed, and said loudly: "Okay, it's just like what everyone said, the boss' life and death are still uncertain, and he hasn't passed away yet, so everything is still there." Turning point... Regarding the disobedient slaves in the mansion, they will be sold directly!"

The two daughters-in-law didn't dare to refute, so they quickly saluted and said yes, but Lin Lang kept an eye out for it, after all, there are too many variables for a baby.

After returning to her room, Lin Lang quickly found her confidants and asked her to choose more people from the Zhuangzi, preferably some strong servants, and women also want them, anyway, the more people the better.

"Young master, send someone to keep an eye on me, I'm afraid they will jump over the wall in a hurry and reach out to the young master!" Lin Lang sat on the chair with a terrible ugly face, "The old lady didn't like me in the first place, but now The marquis has gone, I'm afraid he will give up the position of marquis to the second young master, after all, one is his own son and the other is a grandson who has separated his heart... Hurry back and find my mother, let them play by ear!"

Mommy didn't dare to delay, she found a carriage, and went directly to the Shangshu Mansion. Hearing what Mommy said, Lin Lang's mother sneered a few times, and said, "If you want what my grandson should have, if you want beauty, tomorrow I will give it to you." Go to the mansion to fight for my daughter!"

Lord Shang Shu naturally hoped that his grandson would take over the position of marquis. After all, the two families got married at that time because they took a fancy to each other's power and status.

At this time, the old lady was lying on the bed and couldn't sleep at night, tossing and turning, unable to sleep. He was also thinking, if something happened to the boss, who would take the position of Marquis!
According to the law of etiquette, my grandson should inherit the title, but... my grandson is still young, what should I do if something happens... More importantly, I let my grandson separate a letter from me. what to do?What if you don't treat your second child well?
After much deliberation, the old lady's mouth was full of bubbles. If the title was given to the second child, it would not be in accordance with the etiquette. Moreover, the old family has a father who is appealing, and such a situation must not be allowed to happen.

In their family, the second child is only a small official of the sixth rank, and he can't offend a senior official of the second rank at all. Even if the second child wins the title, if the father of the old family does something, then the second child's family...

Shen Ting was in a trance, as if walking in a cloud of fog. At this moment, his eyes were suddenly stimulated by a certain light. He saw: I have always doted on my cousin, for him, when my wife gave birth. , get rid of all the stable women and the doctor, don't even leave her the medicinal materials, let her give birth there alone, but the difference is that the daughter of the dragon and phoenix died, but the son survived , but frighteningly weak, like a kitten.

Later, because there was no doctor and no medicinal materials, Lin Lang bled profusely and could not bear children in the future, and her body also fell to the root of the disease, but she did not expect that her son died suddenly a month later.

He clearly saw that his son's death was because his cousin poisoned someone, and later brought Lin Lang to the family temple, and said she was crazy.

However, Lin Lang was not an ordinary person in her natal family, so she quickly found out what happened, and knew that his cousin had been poisoned, so she exposed the matter on the spot. His son... has such a mother, there is no way for him to become a prince.

At that time, he couldn't give birth to a son, because his good cousin was afraid that he would be messed with, so she directly gave herself a sterilization drug.

Just like that, a marquis mansion took advantage of his good second brother...

After Shen Ting saw this situation, he woke up suddenly, opened his eyes, and found himself lying in the military tent, and what he saw and heard just now was in his mind, real, as if it had happened.

"Master Hou is awake, Master Hou is awake..." Seeing this situation, the soldiers who came to deliver the medicine ran out happily, calling loudly.

Shen Ting accepted the doctor's examination, because he survived this experience and his body is fine, but he is still very weak and needs to be taken care of, otherwise there will be sequelae in the future.

"You hurry back and tell them that I'm fine now, so Madam can rest assured!" Shen Ting did this, on the one hand, to reassure Lin Lang, and on the other hand, he was afraid that his cousin would jump over the wall in a hurry and do something poisonous As for the murder, I'm also afraid... my second brother...

Liu Yuanyuan really wanted to do that. When she learned that Lord Marquis was about to die, an idea came to her mind. If Lin Lang's child died, her own child would be the only son of Lord Marquis. Wouldn't it be her own son who took the position of Marquis? ...

This temptation is really too great, even if she is risky, she is ready to give it a try, after all, if she succeeds, she will be rich and honorable by surprise.

But she failed, so many people guarded against death, there was no way to poison, and she was searched out, and she was also implicated.

"Ma'am, this servant is really wronged. I don't know these people at all, let alone understand what she said about poisoning. I hope Madam will find out!" Liu Yuanyuan was sweating coldly. If you don't die, you have to peel off your skin. It doesn't matter whether you die or not, but as for your own child, he lost his mother and grew up in the hands of his aunt... She really can't imagine... So she doesn't care about dignity, I burst into tears directly.

(End of this chapter)

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