Chapter 495

Lin Lang sneered a few times. She wanted to guard against the second lady at the beginning, but she didn't expect, she didn't expect that there was another wolf watching from the side.

"I don't know you?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed with contempt, "Then why did he have your token when he gave you?"

"This..." Liu Yuanyuan couldn't help but resent herself for not being more careful. At the beginning, she didn't have enough money, so she gave him some things from herself, thinking that if this matter was successful, then she would be the most honorable person in the mansion. But she never thought about what would happen if she failed?
"Ma'am, please forgive me. I was deluded by lard, so I came up with such a thing. If I don't care about it, I will be honest and never dare to come out to be a demon again... ..." Liu Yuanyuan burst into tears, now Lin Lang is in charge of the house, and he has so many grievances with her, and now he has his own handle, he will definitely kill himself, even if he dies urgently, then his young child what to do?
Lin Lang knocked on the table and asked Liu Yuanyuan to be pulled down and put under strict supervision, but he came to the old lady's yard and told what had happened.

"You're talking nonsense. Aunt Liu poisoned you for no reason. If you think too much, it's probably someone else's frame!" The old lady wanted to keep Aunt Liu, after all, she still had a child, "You You won’t say these things just to get rid of him!”

"Old lady, I am also a well-known lady from everyone, and I am also polite and honest. As for framing, I am a regular wife with sons and daughters, so why frame a concubine... If I don't like it, I can lift her up." It's on sale!
Regarding this matter, Aunt Liu has a motive for committing the crime. If my son dies, then her son will be the only heir of the Marquis Mansion, and he must be her son when the time comes. That's why he took the risk and did this. Dirty things in Pan'an.

Old lady, I have all the witnesses and material evidence, even he himself confessed, if you return it, forgive me, I really can't bear it! "

"You dare to contradict me, you are unfilial!" the old lady gritted her teeth and said.

"Old lady, it's you who didn't reason first, that's why I'm not filial. The old and the old, and the old, the young and the young, and the young, if you can't care for the younger generation, how can you let How can I be filial to the elderly?"

"Okay!" The old lady also knew that it was not the time to argue, she patted the table, and then said: "Anyway, she has also made a contribution to the Hou Mansion, so she must not be executed, so... just Assign her to Zhuangzi!"

The old lady took a step back and wanted to wait for some time before picking him up.

Lin Lang was naturally dissatisfied with this way of handling it. She wanted to send this woman to a nunnery, or to a family temple, or to Zhuangzi. She might do it all over again at any time, but she could no longer refute the old lady. Otherwise, it would be really unfilial, so I could only pinch my nose and admit it.

"Isn't the old lady obviously partial? A concubine who murdered the child of his wife, it's fine if he doesn't give him a severe punishment, but he still ignores it. It's too unreasonable. No, I'll tell the madam about this..." The mother listened Seeing the outcome of the matter, he suddenly became angry and said angrily.

"Okay, the old lady probably has something to do with Liu Yuanyuan's family, so she just let it go... Don't worry, it's not a bad thing to be sent to Zhuangzi..." Linlang smiled, and then said Mammy blinked.

Aunt Liu breathed a sigh of relief when she found out that she was fine. The days to come were scarier than death. When she came to Zhuangzi, anyone could bully her and make her work. She didn't think about appealing. Once she told the maid who came to visit her that she had been bullied, she would be greeted with more violence.

Gradually, she became honest, and began to pin her hopes on the old lady in the mansion, and also hoped that her son would grow up early and take her back.

But the old lady is still too busy to take care of herself. Although she intends to delay the issue of the title, she can't delay it for too long. She really doesn't want Lin Lang's son to be the title, but this is the family law of the ancestors, and no one can change it.

"Old lady, I also know that this matter can't be changed, but it's just a child, what if something happens? Otherwise, the title will be taken by my family first, and we will give it up after the child grows up. How about it?" The second child's family had a good idea. When the child grows up, it will have to wait until the year of the monkey. After so many years, there will definitely be changes. Anyway, according to her temperament, she will never let go of the meat she eats. of.

"It's a good idea, but I'm afraid... Linlang's family doesn't agree..." The old lady also thought so, but there was no one from them in the court, and the emperor's permission was needed to win the title, but Linlang's father was not Shangshu, the emperor is close to his ministers, so this proposal is mysterious and mysterious.

It never occurred to her that things turned around 180 degrees, and Shen Ting did not die!
The old lady was naturally happy when she heard the news. After all, she didn't want to lose her son in middle age, but the second child's family was not so happy. It's a pity that the title that was obtained by surprise was for nothing...

At the same time, they are also worried, worried that their small actions behind their backs will be discovered, so these days, they have behaved one by one with their tails between their legs.

"What a fate!" Lin Lang sneered a few times, his heart and lungs were injured and he didn't even kill him. This is simply God's illegitimate child.

"Miss, now my uncle is back, so Aunt Liu..." Mammy is most worried about this, fearing that my uncle will let Aunt Liu out again.

"Don't worry, I have my own opinion on this matter!" After thinking for a while, Lin Lang came up with an idea. The next day, Zhuangzi heard about Aunt Liu's disfigurement.

In fact, Lin Lang's method was very simple. She just disfigured that woman. She didn't believe that a man would love a disfigured woman to death.

Liu Yuanyuan was about to collapse, she finally learned that Shen Ting was coming back, she was just about to be happy, a fire destroyed her entire face, looking at the woman in the bronze mirror, she screamed, if Without her beauty, how could she win Lord Hou's love?

"Congratulations to my sister-in-law. I heard that my elder brother has recovered and will return soon. This can be regarded as surviving a catastrophe. There must be a future blessing..." The second lady thought about what she had done a few days ago, and she was afraid of Lin Lang's revenge, so With a shy face, he said cheekily.

Although Lin Lang knew that the second lady was trying to please her, she didn't want to keep them any longer, and she had to find a way to separate their family.

(End of this chapter)

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