Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 496: The Cold Hearted Wife 1

Chapter 496
Shen Ting looked at the familiar door as if it had been a lifetime ago. When the door opened slightly, his eyes turned red after seeing a familiar person.

"My son, you are finally back, mother is so worried!" The old lady stepped forward, grabbed Shen Ting's hand, and howled.

Looking at his mother, Shen Ting didn't know what to do. After he had no heirs, he wanted to adopt a child, but his mother didn't want to, saying that his family's title must not fall to others, and he would only let himself give up the title to his younger brother. .

He knows that this is the most beneficial, but he can't swallow this breath, and he can't get over this hurdle in his heart.

Therefore, she was a little indifferent to her mother, she nodded slightly, and said slowly: "I'm fine, mother, don't worry too much!"

The old lady's trumpet stopped abruptly. He couldn't figure out why his son was so cold.Could it be that he knew what happened in the family, but he was also doing it for the good of the family, his two sons were too young, if the title was given to the two sons, I don't know if the two children can suppress this The blessing, so it is the best to give the second child, after all, the second child is old.

Everyone can see the embarrassment now.Lin Lang sighed, stood up, and said, "Master Hou must be tired from the long journey. The hot water and meals are ready at home, so hurry in!"

The old lady nodded, and attributed the indifference just now to being tired.

Shen Ting looked around, and suddenly found that there was one person missing, who was still the person he hated the most, so he gritted his teeth and asked, "Where is Aunt Liu?"

Lin Lang lowered her eyes when she heard this, and said lightly, "Aunt Liu was dispatched to Zhuangzi for murdering her son-in-law!"

Hearing this, Shen Ting involuntarily opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect that that thing happened, but he was quite puzzled, "Since you murdered the master, why is the punishment so light?"

The old lady's face was a little uneasy, and she explained: "Okay, my grandson was not injured. Besides, she gave birth to a child for you. If you kill her, what about your child?" think?"

"Mother, she dared to drug the master. One day, when I blocked her way, would she drug me?" Shen Ting asked directly.

"This..." It's really possible, the old lady sighed, "Now he's reaping the consequences of himself, and he's reformed in Zhuangzi, so just let her go this time, if you really don't want to forgive her, just let her go." She will stay in Zhuangzi for the rest of her life!"

How could he let her stay in Zhuangzi?He also wanted to torture her to avenge his past life.

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, she really couldn't figure out why Shen Ting had changed so much, but it was good for her, but she wanted to see two people killing each other and torturing each other, now one person suddenly wanted to repent, It's a pity that this good show...is over just like that.

After Shen Ting had a short rest, he regained his energy, and directly sent his servants to harness the horses, and went to the Zhuangzi.

"Miss, are you not in a hurry to go to that Zhuangzi now?" the servant girl said anxiously.

"There's nothing to worry about. That woman is disfigured now, and I don't believe he can still eat it!" Lin Lang smiled. If that man could really eat it, she would have to call that man a strong man.

Shen Ting came to Zhuangzi, looked at the ferocious woman, took two steps back, his face was full of disbelief, "You...you are Liu Yuanyuan...what's the matter with your face?"

Liu Yuanyuan screamed, then threw herself at Shen Ting's feet, crying bitterly and said: "Master Hou, you are finally back, you have to make the decision for me, these days when you are not here, I live like a pig and a dog How about, these servants in Zhuangzi clean me up all day long, and there was a big fire a few days ago, which disfigured my face, but I don't believe it, why did it catch fire all of a sudden, it must be Madam He did it, because he was afraid that after you came back, you would come to me again, Lord Hou, you have to make the decision for me..."

There was a weird smile on Shen Ting's face, he kicked Liu Yuanyuan away, and said happily: "I originally wanted to torture you severely, but now seeing you live like this, I am satisfied, from now on From now on, you can stay in this Zhuangzi well!"

"Master Hou, how can you be so cruel? Have you forgotten the promise you made to me at the beginning? I am a lady from a great family, and I will be your concubine. Even if you marry a wife, I will not say anything. I just want to be by your side. But now that you see my disfigurement, you kick me aside, so Master Hou is also a heartless person..." Liu Yuanyuan said sadly while touching his face.

"I'm afraid you have forgotten something. You are indeed a noble lady, but your father is a criminal. I redeemed you. It stands to reason that you are the daughter of a criminal and can be my concubine. That's what you're up to!
I think I have never treated you badly, but how did you do it?Secretly oppressing my regular wife, when she gave birth, I didn't find a doctor or a stable wife for her, trying to kill her twice!
When I went out to fight, I heard that my life and death were uncertain, and my first reaction was to poison my son. It was really good. I really don’t understand why I found a poisonous woman like you in the first place! "

"You..." Liu Yuanyuan raised her heart, her face was full of fear, but now is not the time to be afraid, her trembling body, sobbing, said: "Master Hou, you only see that I am vicious, but you don't see that I am vicious." , All I did was to keep you!"

"Are you trying to keep me, or because of your disgusting desire?" Shen Ting retorted directly.

Walking out of this Zhuangzi, Shen Ting felt that the whole person was in a daze. Now that Liu Yuanyuan is in such a miserable life, he can be regarded as consummated. Now she should treat Lin Lang the most. He only hopes to make up for this woman. Make up for the mistakes made in the previous life.

Seeing Shen Ting coming back, the old lady glanced behind Shen Ting and found that there was no one there, she asked suspiciously: "Why didn't you bring Aunt Liu back? Did something happen?"

Shen Ting took a sip of tea, and said casually: "I originally wanted to punish her, but after I found out that she lived a more miserable life in Zhuangzi, I thought about it, let her stay in Zhuangzi and continue to suffer! "

"You...you say that you are so affectionate in the past, but you suddenly fell out because of such a trivial matter... This seems too fickle, so you should bring her back. I really don't want to see her, so just Put her in a small courtyard and find one or two people to take care of her, after all, she still has a child... If you don't think about yourself, you have to think about that child too!"

(End of this chapter)

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