Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 801 Cousin Strategy 8

Chapter 801 Cousin Raiders Eight

The old lady sighed, "If King Ning doesn't have that kind of heart, I can still marry you to him, after all, you don't need to be involved in the battle for succession, and you and him can live in peace!

But you see, after you confided that you were interested in him, he came here every three days. Apart from seeing you, he was basically meeting your father and your brothers... I don't believe you don't know that he was What is your idea... The crown prince's position is stable, and now that he has an heir, ordinary people can't shake it at all, even your father... is on the prince's side! "

Mingzhu nodded in a trance, "Old lady, let me think again..."

Mingzhu thought about this for three days. Three days later, she came to the old lady's yard, with a hint of determination in her eyes, "Old lady, since I have taken the first step, I will never look back!"

The old lady sighed, shook her head, and after shouting a few words, she let Mingzhu go down.

When Lin Lang gave birth, it was winter. After a month of continuous snowfall, the baby was about to fall. The first snow stopped suddenly, the sun rose, and the golden light shone on the earth.

The child was a healthy boy, very much like the prince. When the prince hugged the child, his eyes shone with excitement, "The orphan finally has a child!"

When the princess heard this, her face was a little stiff, and she said in her heart that it was a lie not to be jealous, but so what if she was jealous, she couldn't blame others for her disappointment.

Seeing the child in the arms of the crown prince, the crown princess felt pain in her heart, obviously such an honor should be enjoyed by her own child.

A special Christmas was held on the day of the child's baptism. Not only the empress dowager came, but even the empress did. The empress dowager did not come because of her advanced age, but she sent her most useful nanny to come.

A royal heir, especially a concubine, would not be that big, but this time the crown prince's first child, especially a boy, if nothing else happens, this child will inherit the throne.

After the ceremony, the crown prince visited Lin Lang, and after telling his servants to take care of her, he rushed to the study in the wind and snow.

"Greetings to the prince!" The concubine had been waiting there early, saw her coming, and hurried forward to salute.

The prince glanced outside, the cold wind was raging, and asked: "It's so cold, why did you come here? If there is anything to do, just ask the servants to come over and talk about it, what should I do if I am too cold!"

The princess felt warm in her heart when she heard the prince's words, but thinking of her plan, she gritted her teeth and said, "Prince, my concubine has had no children these years, but the prince has never cared about it, and treats my concubine as before. The concubine is grateful and disrespectful!

Now that the crown prince has an heir, the concubine wants to raise this child, so he can put it under the concubine's name! "

The prince pondered for a while, "You are still young, and you will still have a chance in the future, why...why do you do this..."

The Crown Princess shook her head. She is 24 years old this year, and her chances of having children are extremely slim. "I hope the Crown Prince will allow it!"

The prince sat on a chair beside him and shook his head, "Of course I'm relieved that the child will be raised by you, but... the queen mother told me a few days ago that she wanted to take the child into the palace and let her raise it... ..."

When the princess heard this, her heart turned cold. If this was the case, then she really had no chance.

After Lin Lang learned that her child was taken away, she was neither sad nor happy. After all, it was a great blessing to be raised by the empress.

Here, Mingzhu got her wish and married King Ning. As for how much sincerity is in it, both parties need to know for themselves.

Lin Lang was also dismissed from the post. Thinking of the old lady, she sighed and didn't go there, but she still got a gift from someone.

A month later, when she was paying her respects to the Empress, Lin Lang saw the Pearl.

"Speaking of which, Liangdi and I are still cousins, and now we're sisters-in-law again, so we're destined!" Mingzhu said with a smile as her eyes flickered.

Lin Lang lowered her eyes, "Princess Ning was joking, my concubine's status is low, so I don't dare to climb high!"

Mingzhu continued: "Why is your status low? You are the only heir of the crown prince!"

Linlang's chest was so tight that she didn't want to listen to this person at all, but Mingzhu was not willing to let Linlang go.

"Speaking of which, my sister is really lucky. Although she was orphaned when she was young and she was sent to others, but now, in the East Palace, she can be regarded as under one person and above ten thousand..."

One person is under ten thousand people, that can only be described casually, if she dares to accept it, the crown prince will be the first to not forgive herself.

Lin Lang stood up angrily, just about to say something and passed out on the ground, the Queen hurriedly turned around when she heard the movement, and found that after Lin Lang had passed out, someone sent her into the inner room and asked the imperial physician to come over at the same time.

"Congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, Concubine Liang, this is another good news!"

Hearing the imperial physician's words, the queen was overjoyed, "Blessed by the heavens, my son is going to have heirs again, but... why did Concubine Liang faint? Could it be because of physical discomfort?"

The imperial doctor was silent for a while, and finally said: "Reporting to the Empress, Di Liang was so angry that she passed out, and she has to take good care of her from now on, otherwise it will be harmful to both the mother and the fetus!"

Hearing that this matter was related to her grandson, the queen became anxious, and called the eunuchs and maids in the hall to ask carefully what happened just now.

The palace maid lowered her head and told what happened just now, the queen's face turned blue when she heard it, and she slapped the table for the last time, "Anyway, you are a lady, but what you say is not as good as an ordinary woman in the market, is it because you haven't learned the rules well? Come on, when Concubine Ning goes back later, go to the palace and pick a few nuns, let her learn the rules!"

Other new daughters-in-law came to visit her mother-in-law, although they would be unhappy, but at least there would be a meeting gift, this one is good, and brought back two nuns, I don’t know what will happen to King Ning’s face when he finds out.

The Crown Princess stood aside with an inexplicable expression. She looked at Lin Lang's belly, and her eyes were full of jealousy, but she knew that she could do nothing. What happened, the prince will definitely investigate clearly.

In addition, there is also the only son of the crown prince... The hands that the crown princess had been tightly clenched slowly loosened, that's all, no matter who will be the emperor in the future, she will be the empress dowager anyway, so why bother.

Here, after the prince heard that Lin Lang was pregnant, he hurried to the queen's palace.

"Really, I'm going to be a father soon, and I'm not in shape yet!" The queen shook her head and said with a smile.

The crown prince said: "Mother, I have been thankful more than once that I wanted to accept this girl at the beginning... Otherwise, I would have no children, and now I have two!"

(End of this chapter)

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