Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 802 Cousin Strategy 9

Chapter 802

Yes, who would have thought that such a simple effort could bring them such great benefits.

Here, after Mingzhu knew that you were old and pregnant, she became so angry that her face became grim. How can that woman give birth so well?Like a sow.

Well now, the crown prince already has a son, if there is another son in her belly, what's the matter with her doing it all over again?

Even if it's too selfish, there is still the prince's son, and after ten years, the prince's son will grow up, and whether King Ning will be able to become king at that time is still a question...

Here, King Ning was very angry after knowing what Mingzhu had done in the Queen's Palace. Although this woman is beautiful and has a prominent family background, she just has no idea.

"Although that Linlang is said to be your cousin, although she has taken refuge in the Hou's mansion, she is now the prince's Liangdi, and now she has the prince's only child. I can't afford to provoke her at all, and you can't provoke her." Come on, be careful what you say in the future, so as not to be caught by someone, you and I are in bad luck together!"

When Mingzhu heard this, she was unhappy, threw all the porcelain around her on the ground, and said angrily: "Aren't you still obsessed with that woman? I knew you two had an adulterous affair... that's really good." That's right, I'm going to marry you, and since you don't know how to cherish it, you still miss that lowly woman... Do you take me seriously, do you remember what you promised to marry me back then?"

King Ning had a terrible headache, which one was all this? He was really interested in Lin Lang at the beginning, but it was only a little bit interesting. Later, after Mingzhu expressed that he liked him, he abandoned that interest without hesitation. Compared to power, beauties... are really not worth cherishing.

"Are you in a daze, that's why you said such nonsense, I did praise her back then, but it was just a compliment!

Do you know that if those words of yours are spread out just now, if someone with a heart finds out, the crown prince will not let you go one day sooner or later! "

Where did Mingzhu hear this? Being overwhelmed by her own enemies, she was already very impatient, and she waved her sleeves, "Don't be so blind, I think you still miss that woman, the prince... If you If you really put the prince in your eyes, you won't go to my father one after another, and even my brother... What is your plan, you know it in your heart, and I know it in my heart... Anyway, I don't care, I don't care. Allow you to think about that woman again in the future..."

"What are you crazy about? It seems that you really should learn these rules!" King Ning waved his sleeves with a gloomy face, and left angrily.

Lin Lang didn't know this. She was having a baby now. When the baby was born, the news reached her ears. It turned out that King Ning and Princess Ning had a fight. At that time, Princess Ning said that King Ning was an unfavored prince. , relying on the Hou Mansion to live!

After the emperor knew about this, he was very angry. Although he didn't like King Ning, he was his son after all. He was reprimanded by a woman, especially when the woman said that her son had to rely on her subordinates to live, which made him even more annoyed up.

"Aiqing, back then your daughter was also a well-educated, elegant lady, how could she say those words?
My son still needs to rely on a courtier to make a living, did he say that, or..."

Hou Ye was so frightened that he was sweating profusely. He knelt down on the ground and kowtowed a few times, "I deserve death for my crimes, and I have no way to teach my daughter...I made such a big mistake, and I hope the emperor will forgive me..."

In this way, Lord Hou and his several sons were demoted and punished...

When the old lady learned about this, she fainted on the spot and woke up crying and said: "It's all my fault. When I saw her wrong, I should stop her in time, and I shouldn't make mistakes... It's all my fault. Now It hurt your grandfathers..."

Lord Hou also felt a headache, "Mother, it's useless to say anything now, she really is, then King Ning is not favored, but he can't say everything... At least he is a royal heir..."

Although the brothers feel sorry for the younger sister, but the future is almost gone, so there is no need to talk about distress.

"Or ask my younger sister to come back and teach her at home for a while before sending her to Prince Ning's Mansion!" Several brothers suggested.

The old lady thought for a while, then nodded, "I'll try again..."

After Mingzhu came back, both her father and elder brother were reprimanded because of her own affairs, and she was so angry that she cried: "Ning King has no power, if not relying on his father, how could he be able to enjoy himself between the government and the opposition!

It's all right now, if you have a little bit of status and status, you turn your face and deny anyone, and even say you want to take a concubine...Grandma, you have to make decisions for me..."

"What are you doing? I think you are crazy!
Since ancient times, it has been very common for men to have three wives and four concubines. Why don't you want to?Rein in your temper, don't cause trouble to your family, you have failed once in your life, don't fail a second time! "

When Mingzhu heard that her grandma refused to help her, she cried loudly angrily, but there was nothing she could do. In a woman's life, besides her husband's family, she could only rely on her mother's family.

Lin Lang gave birth to a cute boy this time. The Queen didn't want the baby back this time. As for the Crown Princess, she was moved, but since the first child you took has already been raised by the Queen, the Crown Prince agrees to make up for it. Lin Lang's child was brought up by herself.

Ten years passed in a flash. During this period, King Ning and Mingzhu had become the biggest joke in the capital. The two separated and reunited. The emperor helped his son a few times, but every time King Ning would forgive the famous book. , so later the emperor was unwilling to help King Ning make the decision, so he let him solve it by himself.

Lin Lang gave birth to four sons and a lovely daughter who took care of all the heirs of the crown prince. After the crown prince ascended the throne, she was directly named a noble concubine.

As for his eldest son, who was made the crown prince, Myung Soo almost went crazy when he heard the news, and it took a long time to calm down.

These years, she has never had children, and King Ning's wives and concubines have no children. She misses the days of her previous life more than once. In her previous life, although her father died, she married someone else. Anyway, there is no need to worry about food and clothing, and there are a few lovely and filial children.

But now, King Ning doesn't like being with him at all, just because of his father's power, and he has no children, and is alone at his knees...

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she saw the bright yellow curtains, she was a little dazed, but her heart ached terribly, and she felt a little nauseous.

"The emperor is awake?" A beautiful woman in palace attire came over, "Do you need a concubine to call the imperial physician over?"

 Are you surprised by the early update?

(End of this chapter)

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