Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 808 The Superstar’s Bastard Son 1

Chapter 808
Lin Lang sighed and said, "It's not that I don't want to eat, but the bread is too choking to swallow!"

"You..." Wen Yu was so angry that her heart ached. If her manager hadn't come to remind her that time was running out, she would probably have to keep talking.

Before leaving, Wen Yu said: "After school, the nanny will take you to study math, English and ballet!"

Lin Lang's face drooped, she had to learn so many things, even a child would be depressed.

After eating, Lin Lang carried her schoolbag and was led by a nanny to the school. The teachers in this school are extremely strong, and the people who go to school here are either rich or noble. As for Lin Lang's identity, everyone knows, but the family There are hard-to-read scriptures at home, and she has not been ridiculed here.

"Why are you here so late today?" The bell rang when Lin Lang first arrived, and the tablemate asked with concern.

Lin Lang sighed, "It's not my mother, she kept talking after seeing how little I ate early in the morning... so I wasted a little time..."

When the deskmate heard this, his eyes flickered, and finally he said comfortingly: "Oh, I guess your mother has reached menopause!"

"Who knows!" Lin Lang shook her head indifferently.

After finally getting out of class, the students all cast strange glances at Silver Wolf, and then gathered together, chattering.

Lin Lang was a little dazed, not knowing what happened, and even when she went to the supermarket to buy something, many of her classmates cast strange glances at her.

Ordinarily, her status is disgraceful, but those who go to school here have more disgraceful status than herself, so my little things are really nothing, but why do everyone look at her?
"Student, can I ask, why are you all looking at me?" Lin Lang couldn't take it anymore, and grabbed a classmate and asked.

The classmate chuckled, turned on his mobile phone, and saw his name on the hot search list.

[Shocking, Lin Lang complained that her mother was strict, and suspected that it was the arrival of menopause! 】

【Because Wenyu was abandoned, she took all her anger on the child! 】

【Children are so innocent, they shouldn't bear the anger from their parents! 】


Lin Lang looked at the trending search list, and three or four out of ten belonged to her. She was so angry that her chest hurt, she said, "This is simply nonsense, and it has no morals at all!"

The classmate smiled, and patted Lin Lang on the shoulder, "It's good to get used to it, since you've grown up so much, you have to go to a hot search every three or four days!
Also, don't talk nonsense about some things..."

Lin Lang thought of the female classmate at the same table as her today, and her face was extremely ugly. At such a young age, she... can do that kind of thing. Is this still a child?

When school was over, the nanny came to pick him up, with a trace of fear on his face, and said in a low voice: "Just now my wife called, and told you to be more careful next time, don't talk nonsense!"

Lin Lang nodded her head indiscriminately, "I didn't say anything, they just guessed randomly...The current media is really..."

The nanny followed suit and nodded, "The media loves to scribble, and Madam didn't pay attention to it, but...be careful next time!"

After Lin Lang finished her tutoring, she returned home. It was already dark, and the nanny was only responsible for picking her up. She didn't do anything else. In order to fill her stomach, Lin Lang opened the refrigerator. There were only some mineral water, eggs, and a few tomatoes in it.

Lin Lang steamed the rice first, then made scrambled eggs with tomatoes, the door opened just after the rice was ready, Wen Yu saw the food on the table, and looked over sternly, "Did you go shopping outside again? Didn't I tell you several times that the things outside are not clean, don't eat them indiscriminately!"

Lin Lang had a terrible headache. She didn't know what to say about Wen Yu. If she didn't know the truth of the matter, she shouldn't speculate, let alone draw conclusions.

"I made this myself, if you don't believe me, the pot in the kitchen hasn't been washed, you can go and see!" Lin Lang filled herself with a bowl of rice, then glanced at Wen Yu again, "Have you eaten yet? "

Wen Yu's face turned green and pale for a while, and finally said: "How can you cook?"

"I couldn't bear it anymore, so I searched for strategies on the Internet and tried to make it myself!" Lin Lang said lightly, seeing Wen Yu's tired expression, guessed that she hadn't eaten, and gave her a bowl.

Wenyu picked up the bowl and tasted the rice. It was neither soft nor hard, just right. As for the scrambled eggs with tomatoes, they generally looked good and tasted good.

After eating, Wen Yu took out a stack of money from her wallet and put it on the table, "Buy what you want!"

Lin Lang took the money, but the mother and daughter didn't talk about the news this morning, and Wen Yu didn't say anything, and went back to her room to sleep.

After Lin Lang finished her homework, it was already late at night. She turned on the computer and checked Wen Yu's news online.

Back then, Wen Yu was also a pure and pure girl, who performed and sang and presided over the development of Sanqi, but later, she met that man, who gave birth before marriage, and her reputation plummeted. The heat, barely accept some small roles.

As for that man, he is already married and has a son. His career is going smoothly, and he has become one of the best bosses in the industry.

Lin Lang turned off the computer and lay down on the bed. It was difficult for her to criticize the affairs of the two adults. As for her now, she could only be a child and do what she was supposed to do.

Lin Lang found that she was frequently searched, for example, when she was the first to take an exam, when she went out to buy groceries, she also became a popular search, and when she was joking with her classmates, she also became a popular search...

I don't know, I thought this hot search company was started by myself, otherwise I wouldn't let myself be on the hot search all day long.

Even poor health and pale complexion can be overly explained by others. No wonder the life of the original owner is so depressed. Living under the surveillance of others all day long, who would be happy?

Linlang relaxes, does what she has to do, excels in her studies, actively participates in outdoor activities, and lives a sunny and reckless life.

He also participated in the English speech contest on behalf of the school and won No.1. He also participated in the Mathematical Olympiad and won the first prize.

Wenyu found that her daughter had changed a lot recently, and she would not fight with her at all times. Every time she came back, she could prepare meals for her and cook some nourishing soup for herself.

Once, when she was interviewed by a reporter, she talked about her daughter with a smile in her eyes.

"She's been very good lately, and she's learned to cook. Sometimes she sees that I'm not in good health, and she makes me some soup... Her academic performance is also very good, and she has always been No.1 in school..."

 Don't involve children in the grievances of adults, otherwise it will not only ruin one generation, but also ruin the second generation.

(End of this chapter)

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