Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 809 The Superstar’s Bastard Son 2

Chapter 809
"Then do you know that Li Minghao is about to send his son to study abroad?" the reporter asked suddenly.

At that moment, Wenyu's face was a little ugly. She kept ignoring that man, but others kept repeating the man's name in her ear, which made her unable to ignore it even if she wanted to.

"What do I know? He is him, I am me, we are different!" Wen Yu's soft face suddenly became hard.

"As for your child, have you ever thought about sending her to study abroad?" the reporter asked persistently.

Wenyu felt extremely uncomfortable, sour and astringent, her daughter is so good, why is she always being compared by others?
"My daughter's future is up to her. If she wants to study abroad, I won't stop her. I'm a very open-minded mother!" Wen Yu gave her agent a wink and told her to hurry up Come and pick yourself up.

It was such a simple sentence, but it changed its meaning after it became popular.

[Wenyu complained for her daughter, the child is very good and deserves better! 】

[Wen Yu compared her child with Li Minghao's child, you hope your daughter can study abroad! 】

[When is it time for retribution, the struggle between the two has spread to the children! 】

Lin Lang was working on a question, when suddenly a mobile phone appeared in front of her eyes, and what caught her eyes was Wen Yu's hot search, she pushed the phone aside, ignored it, and continued to do her own exercises.

"Don't you care at all?" The deskmate asked curiously.

Lin Lang didn't speak, and continued to do exercises.

"Are you feeling uncomfortable so you don't say it? But of course it's why they want to involve you. You have such good academic performance, why do you have to let you study abroad? Can't you study in China? After all, it's just It's just a comparison... I just feel sorry for you, and you will be sent abroad..."

Lin Lang raised her head and glanced coldly at her deskmate, "You are really enough, I trust my mother, she will never hurt me for others!"

"You... But the reporters have already said it..." The deskmate raised his mobile phone.

A trace of sarcasm appeared on Lin Lang's face, "Those reporters love to talk nonsense!"

The wishful thinking at the same table came to nothing, he rolled his eyes and didn't say anything.

Back home, Linlang saw Wenyu lying on the sofa exhaustedly, and felt that this woman was very pitiful. She had a beautiful life, but was ruined by that man, and other people reminded her from time to time that you are just a Little San~ son...

Thinking of this, Lin Lang stepped forward, hugged Wenyu and said, "I trust Mom, so Mom shouldn't be sad because of irrelevant people and irrelevant things, otherwise it won't be worth it if you get angry!"

Wenyu felt warm in her heart, hugged her daughter, and at the same time was glad that the child was not killed at the beginning, "Mother of you dead child, I was wronged because of you, I always compare it with that man's son, mother Fear……"

"Don't be afraid, I didn't pay attention to them!" Lin Lang touched Wen Yu's head and said with a smile: "To me, they are just strangers, do you think I will feel sad for a stranger? ?

Don't be sad, mom, cheer up, I will make chicken soup for mom at night! "

Wen Yu looked at her daughter's smiling face, and nodded, yes, her daughter said she doesn't care anymore, so why should she go into a dead end?
Linlang's academic performance was very good. When it was summer vacation, Wenyu saw the report card and the teacher's comments. She nodded in satisfaction, and said to her daughter with a smile, "Looking at how good you are this year, mom can take you with me during the summer vacation. You go out to play, where do you want to go?"

Lin Lang touched her chin, her eyes lit up, "I want to go skiing in Switzerland!"

"Yes, but can you ski?" Wen Yu agreed without hesitation.

"Just go over there and study again. Anyway, I study very fast!" Lin Lang said happily.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask my agent to book the plane ticket later, you pack up your things!" Wenyu is also a star, and the schedule is quite rushed, but in order to satisfy her daughter, she is willing to spend a few days with her daughter to play.

Linlang happily ran into the house and packed a lot of thick clothes. Linlang followed the news of Wenyu boarding the plane, and soon it was on the hot search list again.

【Mother and daughter Wenyu flew to Switzerland today, suspected to be going abroad to visit the school! 】

[Mother and daughter are swimming together, smiling all over their faces, and seem to be in a very good mood! 】

[Mother and daughter have a harmonious relationship, talking and laughing! 】


Regarding hot searches, the mother and daughter didn't care about it for a long time. Linlang went to the ski resort and had a great time. As for Wenyu, because of work, she only stayed here for two or three days before leaving. Lin Lang asked to stay here.

"Mom, just let me stay here. My English is very good, and I won the first prize in English speech last time!" Lin Lang said coquettishly and pleadingly.

"No, I'm worried that you're a girl living outside!" Wen Yu shook her head.

"Who says I'm alone? Those reporters have already followed me. As long as you are on the hot search list every day, you can know how I am doing!" Linlang said mischievously: "And I am so big that Stay by your side, this time I want to be here alone, it can be regarded as a test of my independent life, okay~"

With a smile in her eyes, Wenyu finally agreed under the offensive of her daughter, but she still made an agreement with her daughter for three chapters, and then returned to China with her manager.

Lin Lang has sufficient funds, since she came here, she should have fun, not only to go skiing, but also to soak in hot springs and participate in various museums.

Sure enough, those reporters followed like a cat smelling something fishy.

"Linlang, Linlang, your mother has gone back, did she leave you here?"

"Do you have anything to say about your father?"

"Can you talk about your thoughts on your mother? And your father?"

"Did your mother tell you about your father? Have you ever thought about your father when you grow up?"


Lin Lang finally understood why Wen Yu was so tired, and she would feel depressed when she met these reporters.

And she didn't want to answer these messy things, so she said to the reporters with a cold face: "Get away from me quickly, or I will call the police and say that you are harassing me!"

"How can you be so vicious at such a young age? Sure enough, you were born by a mother but not taught by your father!" The reporter spat out vicious words.

Lin Lang sneered a few times, grabbed the reporter and called the police.

"Okay, if you have the guts to scold me, then bear the punishment. For insulting others abroad, you can be sentenced to up to 20 years in prison!"

(End of this chapter)

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