Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 810 The Superstar’s Bastard Son 3

Chapter 810
The reporter panicked when he heard this. This is a foreign country, not a domestic one. Personal privacy is the most important thing here. Once convicted, the punishment will be extremely severe.

"I'm sorry, let me say sorry to you..." The reporter hurriedly apologized.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, let go of her hand, and said indifferently: "You can insult me, but you can't insult my mother, she is a good woman, but she met the wrong person at the wrong time!

She did do some things wrong, sorry for some people, but definitely for me! "

The reporter's eyes flickered, and at the same time he pressed the recording pen in his pocket, and after Lin Lang left, he posted the recording on the Internet.

Many netizens heard this recording...

"Wenyu is indeed not a good actor, but he is indeed a good mother. At the peak of his career, he gave birth to her daughter without hesitation!"

"Yes, if I were Wenyu, I would secretly kill the child!"

"After all, what's wrong with that woman, it should be the man who is at fault!"

"That's right, if it weren't for Li Wenhao's hard work, so many people would not have suffered. His children and wife are pitiful, and Wenyu is even more miserable!"

"That's right, the media has been talking nonsense over the years, not only Li Wenhao, but also Wenyu, and that little girl have suffered!"

"What a cute little girl, if I had such a daughter, I would laugh in my dreams!"

"No wonder people say that the daughter is the mother's caring little padded jacket, and it really is!"


Lin Lang spent more than a month playing abroad before returning. Although there were paparazzi following her during this time, they were all thrown away by her.

Linlang soon entered the third year of high school. Her academic performance was excellent. Many famous schools abroad sent invitations, but Wenyu respected Linlang and did not choose for Linlang.

"In fact, there are many universities in China, but... Mom still wants you to study abroad. There are too many paparazzi in China, and Mom is afraid..." Wen Yu said softly.

Lin Lang nodded her head. In fact, she also wants to study abroad. After all, there are too many people in China who know her. Every time she goes out for a walk, someone will look at her like a gorilla, making her goosebumps on the verge of getting up up.

And I don't have a little privacy, and I will be misinterpreted by others if I say a little bit or do something.

Seeing that her daughter agreed, Wen Yu breathed a sigh of relief, "Then have you ever thought about what major to study?"

Lin Lang was silent for a while, and finally said: "I...I want to pursue the same profession as you, but I don't think you will agree, so I want to take the directing major!"

Lin Lang originally wanted to become an actor, to make both parents proud of herself, but her father, whom she had never met, was a first-line superstar, and she wanted to surpass him, not to mention talent, opportunities and opportunities were indispensable.

Lin Lang thought about becoming a director. Speaking of which, she had so many careers as a director, and this was the first time for her.

Wen Yu froze for a while when she heard her daughter's words, and finally patted her daughter's head and said, "Don't wrong yourself for others!"

"No, it's me who wants to be a director. Then my mother can be my heroine, a unique heroine!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

Wen Yu touched her face, "I'm so old, how can I be the heroine again, and the mother of the heroine is almost the same!"

"Then I will write a movie for my mother alone, and my mother will be my unique heroine!" Lin Lang said coquettishly.

Wen Yu looked at her daughter, completely helpless, and nodded with a smile in agreement. She has done many things wrong in her life, and the only thing she didn't do wrong is to keep this daughter.

The news that Lin Lang was going to study abroad caused a lot of turmoil. After all, Lin Lang has a special identity, occupying the top search lists all year round, with good grades, and a good filial boy. After entering, they all had a good impression of this child.

Here, when Li Wenhao saw the news, he was in a daze for a moment, and finally said to his manager, "Does she have such a big one?"

The agent nodded, "Well, the little girl is doing well in her studies, and I heard that she is going to take a major in directing!"

"Wenyu really, the water in the entertainment industry is so deep, why let the child get involved!" Li Wenhao said, but didn't continue. He really felt bad for the child, but since he was the one who felt sorry for his wife first, In addition, his wife forgave him, so he didn't care about the mother and daughter.

After going abroad, it is true that she lived more freely abroad than in China. She spent two years finishing all her homework, and spent the rest of her time in her dormitory writing scripts.

Lin Lang has already written a script, which is a low-cost ghost story, which is the most famous "Chain Saw" in her world.

If you want to find actors here, you can go to the trade union to find suitable actors according to your own requirements, notify them to come and audition, and keep the suitable ones.

Lin Lang used the money she had saved in the past few years to rent a piece of photography equipment, and then found the right person to start her own shooting.

It took two months for Lin Lang to hand over the finished film to an editing company specializing in editing. After that, she took the copied film and searched everywhere for a film company that could play it.

At the beginning, many film companies were not optimistic about the film, and one or two of them expressed their willingness, but the price was extremely low, and Lin Lang had no choice but to agree.

The film was released in the summer, and the film schedule was not high, but a week later, word of mouth began to ferment, and the freshness of Rotten Tomatoes reached 97%. Bloggers on major video sites recommended it, and some people wrote tweets.

A month later, the box office of the movie reached 5000 million US dollars, and word of mouth continued to ferment, and more and more people were watching the movie.

In the end, including the income from video sites and discs, the original investment of several million US dollars has a total income of nearly 2 million US dollars!
The money Lin Lang can get is very little. After all, there is no other way. At the beginning, he was not popular, so in order to let the movie be released, he made a big setback.

Because the sequel of the film is good, the investment direction is to shoot the second film. At the same time, some people want to make this into a TV series.

Lin Lang didn't have that much time to spend on this movie, so she sold the movie directly and asked for a very high price, which can be regarded as making up for the lack of her share of the movie!

Here, the country exploded. No one thought that the original little girl could make such an excellent film. Although Wen Yu knew that her daughter had made a film, she did not expect that her daughter could achieve such a success.

Domestic and foreign media reported one after another, but Lin Lang just didn't show up, and the heat gradually faded.

(End of this chapter)

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