Chapter 822 Girlfriend Four

Bai Ling's face turned pale, and she ran away in a hurry, saying as she walked, "Auntie doesn't like me, so I'll just go, but I hope Auntie won't talk nonsense, my mother is not in good health, I really can't stand the stimulation!"

"Get out of here!" Mom said when she was angry.

After Bai Ling left, her mother clutched her chest and said angrily, "I was a pretty good kid when I was young, how did I become like this when I grew up? I know I did something wrong, but I don't know Repent, and... still want to shirk responsibility. What is love? Love is not as simple as two people pleasing each other, it is more about responsibility!"

Lin Lang patted her mother on the back, "Okay, I know she's not good, just stay away from him in the future!"

The mother patted her daughter's hand, "It's good to be separated from Duan Yang. Li Shuang is a good boy. He got good grades when he was young. Although he is only two years older than you, he is much more mature and stable than you. You Marrying him, mom can rest assured!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang didn't dare to say that Li Shuang's boyfriend was a fake, with erratic eyes, she shouldn't have asked Li Shuang to pretend to be her boyfriend just to vent her anger.

Lin Lang continued to make dumplings with her mother. After a while, her father came back with Li Shuang, and said with a smile, "Are the dumplings ready? I'm hungry!"

"Soon, soon!" Mom turned around and said, "You also invite Old Li and the others over, and discuss the marriage of the young couple by the way!"

"Ahhhh!" Lin Lang screamed, and said, "It's too early now, we've only been in love for a month, let's let go of the marriage and wait until next year!"

After finishing speaking, Lin Lang frantically gave Li Shuang winks, hoping that he would receive it, and quickly speak for herself.

But Li Shuang nodded as if he didn't see anything, "Uncle said so!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Linlang said anxiously.

"What in the future, although you have only been in love for a month, but you grew up together, don't rush to get married now, what will you do when your belly grows? Are you waiting for others to see a joke?" Mom flipped Rolling his eyes, he patted the white face on his hands, "I'll invite Sister Li over here!"

Linlang just watched the parents of both parties sitting on the sofa discussing the marriage, and then the topic became more and more biased, and began to discuss where the young couple would live after they got married, who would be the last name of the child after they gave birth, and where would the house be bought?

Cold sweat broke out on Lin Lang's head, she grabbed Li Shuang's hand and walked into the room, saying, "I'm really going to die, didn't you see the wink I gave you just now?"

Li Shuang lowered his eyes and stroked the head of the virtual wolf, "Walk one step at a time!"

"If we take another step forward, they probably have already figured out the names of our two children after we get out!" Lin Lang said in a broken voice, "Forget it, let's confess to them!"

There was a gloomy look in Li Shuang's eyes. When she saw that Lin Lang was about to leave, she grabbed her wrist and put her in her arms, saying, "I can't stand it either. I like you. I have liked you since I was very young." is you!"

"Ahhh?" Linlang opened her mouth, completely unable to react from the blow, "You... like me? Isn't today April Fool's Day?"

Li Shuang looked directly at Lin Lang with a pair of dark eyes, and said sincerely: "I didn't lie to you. I really like you. I didn't say it before. I was afraid. I was afraid that you wouldn't like me. What should I do? After all, I'm not what you like. Type, I'm afraid that after I say it, the two of us won't even be friends!"

Lin Lang looked at Li Shuang and didn't come to her senses for a long time. She thought that Li Shuang was kind to her because her brother was kind to her sister, but she didn't expect that it was because of love.

"I...I feel dizzy right now, you are asking me to think, let me think again..." Lin Lang pushed Li Shuang away, shook her head, her face full of confusion.

"Do you not like me?" Li Shuang's dark eyes contained sadness, like an endless night, which made people feel palpitations and chills.

Lin Lang glanced at Li Shuang, don't you like it?Probably not, this man is very nice, responsible, motivated, mature and stable.

"But... I don't dislike you, it's just... I need to think about it. I was with you to anger others... Now I'm reconciled with you. I hope it's not because of any factors, but because of my true love. I like you, let me think about it for a while, okay?" Lin Lang said softly.

Li Shuang's eyes were as bright as stars at the moment, "Okay, okay!" Then something dimmed in his eyes when he thought of something, "It doesn't matter if you don't like me, as long as I can stay by your side, everything will be fine!"

Lin Lang was very moved when she heard this, but she couldn't be with Li Shuang even if she was moved, because she didn't even understand why she was with girls.If it's for revenge, isn't that harming others?When everything is clear, stay together if you like it, separate if you don't like it, you can be friends...

After the two talked, they felt much more relaxed, and walked out of the room one after another. When they reached the living room, Li Shuang held Lin Lang's hand and walked straight over.

For a moment, Lin Lang's body became very stiff, and she only glanced at Li Shuang, her heart slowly calmed down, and she didn't resist so much.

"Dad, Mom, I just discussed it with your grandma. Our marriage will be discussed next year. On the one hand, because we just fell in love, we want to wait another year to discuss it!
On the other hand, Lin Lang has just become a regular, if it is rumored that she married me, then others will think that Lin Lang became a regular because of her relationship with me, not because of her real ability! "

Both parents were disappointed, but both respected their children's choice and said, "Then... ok!"

Here, Duan Yang knew that Lin Lang was very angry when he told you that they were together. Although he knew that Lin Lang only got together with Li Shuang after he broke up with him and did not cheat, but for some reason, he always felt that he was wearing a scarf on his head. A shiny green hat.

Just when passing by the garden, I happened to meet the two of them coming out, talking and laughing hand in hand, Duan Yang's eyes gradually turned red, and he rushed over angrily.

"It's really good, you just broke up with me and then got on with someone else, and you blamed me for stepping on two boats, I think you are the one!" Duan Yang was so angry that he couldn't choose what to say.

Lin Lang sneered, "I'm not in two boats, I only got together with Duan Yang after I broke up with you, how is it like you, even though you're with me, you've already hooked up with Bai Ling! "

(End of this chapter)

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