Chapter 823 Girlfriend Five

Duan Yang gritted his teeth and said, "Who knows if you were with Li Shuang when you were with me? After all, you often met for dinner at the beginning. Who knows if it was a tryst?"

"Only people with dirty minds think everything is dirty!" Li Shuang carefully shielded Lin Lang behind her back, "Lin Lang only got together with me a few months after we broke up with you, and we are still together If you don't have five days, it's not what you call cheating at all!

You just reprimanded Lin Lang, but it was actually for your own conscience to feel better, Duan Yang, you are so shameless! "

"I, I, I..." Duan Yang became very guilty in an instant after being told the truth, "You are talking nonsense, how could I feel better for my own conscience, I did nothing wrong at all, you are the one who messed up Say!"

"Whether I'm talking nonsense or not, you know in your heart. When you broke up with Lin Lang, I already told you very clearly. Don't come to Lin Lang again in the future!" Li Shuang said forcefully.

Anxiety flashed across Duan Yang's face. He glanced at Lin Lang and found that she was calm and calm. He gritted his teeth, and a trace of resignation appeared in his heart, "Didn't you say you liked me at the beginning? It's only been a few months since we broke up. When others hook up together, your love is too cheap!

It's not like Bai Ling, who loves me wholeheartedly, so don't threaten Bai Ling in the future, because she is kind and doesn't want to argue with you, but I'm different, if you dare to mess with me and Bai Ling again, I will definitely find you trouble! "

Lin Lang snorted coldly, rolled her big eyes, grabbed Li Shuang's hand, and said indifferently to Duan Yang: "No wonder the old man said that it's not like the family doesn't come into the house, Bai Ling and you are a match made in heaven. !

Li Shuang and I have no time to find trouble with you, because we don't care about you at all, and we hope you two stay away from us. If you have a sick mind, you can take care of it at home. If it doesn't work, go to a psychiatrist have a look! "

Watching Lin Lang go away, Duan Yang was very unwilling. In fact, he didn't understand why he felt this way, but he just felt uncomfortable.

After the Spring Festival, Lin Lang returned to the city where she worked together with Li Shuang, carrying bags of souvenirs.

"You said that after we got married, should we go back to our hometown? Or should we stay there all the time?" Lin Lang asked suddenly, looking at the fast-moving scenery.

After getting married... we... Li Shuang raised the corners of your mouth slightly. Turning around, she looked at Lin Lang with deep love in her eyes, "It's all up to you!"

Lin Lang laughed all of a sudden, "Do you really listen to me? If I want to go back, are you willing to give up your career?"

"You are the most important!" Li Shuang said without hesitation.

Feeling sweet in her heart, Lin Lang tapped Li Shuang's forehead, "Slick tongue!"

After returning to the company, the two of them had a tacit understanding and didn't make it public. It wasn't until Lin Lang completed several major projects and his ability was affirmed by the leader that the two announced the news of their relationship.

The two lived together smoothly, and their relationship became more and more sweet. If there is no accident, the wedding will be held during the Chinese New Year this year.

"Lin Lang, I... I really regret it... Why did I do that kind of thing because of the lard at the beginning... Well, now, I have also suffered retribution... Duan Yang... Duan Yang and her boss The daughter is together...and said that she can be with me, but wants me to be his mistress..."

Looking at Bai Ling who was crying in front of him, Lin Lang was very calm, "He was able to abandon me for you back then, so he can naturally abandon you for others. You have to be prepared for this kind of mentality if you agree to his pursuit!"

Bai Ling shook her head, "It's not like that, I... I thought he really loved me, it's different from you... I didn't expect... woo woo woo..."

Lin Lang had a headache, "If you invited me here just to talk about these things, I'm the one who won't accompany you. My boyfriend is about to get off work, so I have to go back and cook for him!"

"You...are you with Li Shuang?" At first, Bai Ling thought that Lin Lang was with Li Shuang for revenge, but seeing that they were getting better and better, she was a little unsure of herself Guess it.

"Well, we are going to have a wedding this year!" After speaking, Lin Lang left with her backpack on her back.

Sitting on the chair, Bai Ling felt cold and cold in her heart. The love was gone, and the friendship was gone. When Lin Lang knew that she was with Duan Yang, she must have felt the same way.

Five years passed in the blink of an eye, and Lin Lang gave birth to a pair of twins. As for Duan Yang and Bai Ling, she had heard about it. Bai Ling returned to her hometown, took good care of her mother, and found an honest and loyal man to marry. up.

As for Duan Yang, after marrying his daughter last time, he was still messing around outside. The boss's daughter was caught on the spot and left the house.

When she opened her eyes again, she found herself lying on a babu bed with various flowers and plants carved on it. The material should be high-quality rosewood.

It seems that I have traveled to a rich family. Thinking of this, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, lying on the soft bed, unwilling to get up.

After another comfortable sleep, Linlang closed her eyes and began to accept the plot!

"I'm a concubine, I was not favored at home, and finally married a high family, but I didn't expect that my heart like mine was not in me at all, but in his cousin!
I can't marry his cousin because of her cousin's status. The reason for marrying me is mainly because I am a noble daughter from a famous family, but I am only a concubine. If I am not favored, even if I am wronged, no one will stand up for me!

After marriage, I stayed alone all the time, and even the right to housekeeper was deprived. Later, I finally gave birth to a child. I worked hard to teach him to grow up, and she also turned out to be a good-looking talent!
But...he actually likes a girl from a brothel, and he even said that he has to elope with her for true love!

How can I live like this, my life is already a tragedy, I really live too hard, please help me, I don’t want to live like this anymore! "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, her parents didn't love her when she was young. After she got married, her husband was different. After finally having a son, she ran away with a vixen. This woman, life is really a tragedy.

Lin Lang shook her head, lifted the bed curtain, stared at the door, no one entered for a while, frowned, put on her shoes, and walked out.

"Is it important that you don't serve the eldest lady?"

"It doesn't matter, my son ran away with the prostitutes in the brothel. Besides, Aunt Lin is the housekeeper now. She is said to be a big wife, but in fact, her life is worse than that of an aunt. There is nothing to be afraid of!"

(End of this chapter)

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