Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 828 Reversal of Life 5

Chapter 828 Reversal of Life Five

Lin Lang lowered her head and looked at Aunt Lin as if she was looking at an ant. The corners of her mouth curled up slightly, with strong sarcasm, "If you are obedient, I will never touch your child, but if you dare to go one step further , believe it or not, I can drive you mother and son out of the Ling family immediately!"

If it was Aunt Lin in the past, she would not believe it, but now she can't see the master, and the house is not under her control, which means that all his hands and feet have been cut off, and he is alone and helpless.

"Madam, servant girl... I know I'm wrong..." Aunt Lin kowtowed a few times and said respectfully.

In order to wave her hand, Lin Lang took Aunt Lin down. As for adopting other children, she was not wrong. After all, the eldest son of the original owner had already run away. He even ignored his biological parents for the sake of a brothel girl. , even if such a person comes back, he cannot be relied on.

It's not that she didn't think about having another one, but thinking of Ling Sheng being such a scumbag, she felt disgusted.

Three months passed quickly, and Lin Lang sorted out the accounts. Although there were some bad debts, both Lin and the housekeeper knew it well, and Lin Lang didn't care about it, but distributed most of the housekeeper's power to others.

During this period, the two aunts spread good news one after another. Lin Lang assigned a few people to serve them, and at the same time promoted two servant girls to come up. Although the backyard is full of flowers, the rights are all in Lin Lang's hands. It's not that no one dares to provoke trouble Son, once someone makes a fuss, Lin Lang will sell it without saying a word.

It can be said that the back house has become the world of Lin Lang!
A year later, Lin Lang looked at the two healthy children under her knees, a boy and a girl, and Lin Lang hugged them to her side to raise them.

When she thought that the days would go by so quickly, Lin Lang looked at the two ragged people in front of her, looking at the scrawny child in their hands, her eyes were full of indifference!

"Mother..." Ling Huai called out cautiously, then picked up the thin child, and said, "I know you blame your son, but the child is innocent!"

Lin Lang said coldly: "If you hadn't committed any crimes, the child wouldn't have suffered so many crimes. After all, it's all your fault!"

Ling Huai lowered his head, his face filled with shame, "Mother, he is your grandson no matter what, can it be possible that you have the heart to watch him suffer with us?"

Lin Lang looked at the two-three-year-old child, feeling a little unbearable in her heart, and shook her head, "You can put the child here, but you have to go!"

"Mother..." A trace of dissatisfaction flashed across Ling Huai's face. He's back, isn't Mother going to keep him?
Lin Lang glanced over coldly, "Since you have decided to keep the child with me, don't come to see him anymore!"

Ling Huai was very unhappy, "Mother, I finally came back, aren't you going to stay with me for a few days? You don't care about me at all, how are you doing these days?"

Lin Lang clapped her hands, and the servant girl brought over two delicate and lovely children. Lin Lang took them over and said to Ling Huai, "This is your younger brother!"

"What?" Ling Sheng's eyes were full of disbelief, "When was mother born?"

Lin Lang shook her head, "It was born under my concubine's room, but it's in my name!"

"Mother..." If you say that, then this boy is Zhengzheng's rightful son...

Lin Lang naturally saw what her so-called son was thinking, and nodded, "Just leave as soon as you leave, and never come back again. As for your son, he is also my grandson, and he will take care of you. Raise it!"

"Mother!" Ling Huai came back this time not only for his son, but also for himself. He has had enough of the hard life outside. He thought that his mother would forgive him, but she had no such plan at all. , and a son...

"The son I gave birth to is the most caring!" Ling Huai knelt down with tears in his eyes, "My son already knows his mistake, so please forgive him!"

Lin Lang put the child in the maid's hand, walked down, and slapped Ling Huai on the face, "Can Qu Qu kill everything if he knows he's wrong? It made your father lose all face, and even made me suffer all kinds of grievances in the mansion!"

"Mother!" Ling Huai felt extremely uncomfortable after being slapped, "I am your son, your own son, you can't leave me alone!"

"Fuck you!" Lin Lang clapped her hands and said to the boy, "Kick them out!"

"Madam, the young master has come back from a long distance..." the butler said cautiously.

Lin Lang glanced over, "If you don't drive him out, then you should go out with him too!"

The housekeeper had a cold war. He didn't know what to do with the good times, so he immediately found someone and threw the young master and the lady Wen out together.

"Sir, what should we do next?" Wen Niang said pitifully.

Ling Huai gritted his teeth, "Forget it, let's find a place to live first. Anyway, the son is with the mother, which means that the mother still has my acceptance in her heart. I am only a matter of time!"

Wen Niang followed suit and nodded, but the life of the couple was really too difficult. Although Ling Huai had studied, he was just a scholar who couldn't lift his shoulders or hands. Later, he went to the restaurant to help people settle accounts, but he always Miscalculate.

Reluctantly found a job to help others write letters, and the couple liked some savings. Looking at their emaciated son, the two decided to bring the money back home!
In the evening, Ling Sheng came to Lin Lang's room on a rare occasion, trembling, and said in a low voice: "I heard...the boss is back today..."

For the son of the eldest son, Ling Sheng is still more concerned. Although this son has lost face, but this is his own flesh and blood, just get up for a while and forget it.

Lin Lang sneered, "It's hard for me to think about the good things at home, but there are so many good things in the market, since he's gone, let's pretend he's gone!"

Ling Sheng asked in disbelief: "That's your own son, are you really willing?"

"Why don't you want me to work so hard to bring him up, but he, for a woman... just walk away... and a brothel girl... Our family is also a big family, we can't afford to lose face like this!" Lin Lang exclaimed indifferent.

"Well, the child is still young, so it is inevitable that he will make mistakes... Besides, after raising him for decades, do you really disown him?" Ling Sheng still didn't believe it.

"Master, you don't even think about him. You can make such a big mistake because of a brothel girl. What about after that?" Lin Lang sneered a few times, "Anyway, I'm not going to recognize him anymore, and you won't either!"

(End of this chapter)

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