Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 829 Reversal of Life 6

Chapter 829 Reversal of Life Six

"Then you don't recognize your son, so why did you keep your grandson in the mansion?" Ling Sheng continued, "You're just a knife-mouthed bean curd, don't do irreparable things just for a moment's pleasure!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "I've thought it through very clearly, Boss... I'm really not going to admit it anymore, after a while, I'll see if he... is dishonest, I'll give him a fortune and let him Go there yourself!"

Seeing that Lin Lang had made up his mind, Ling Sheng didn't dare to say anything more. He casually said a few homely words, as if fleeing for his life, and fled here, mainly by Lin Lang's side. The pressure was too great, and he cried. !

Ling Huai also thought about coming back, but every time the door was closed and he was not allowed to go in at all.

"Housekeeper, you watched me grow up. Could it be that you have the heart to watch me live outside?" Ling Sheng cried, "You are the person my grandparents trust the most. I don't even have to eat..."

The housekeeper shook his head, "Young master is not a slave and won't help you. I really can't help you. Madam told me that no one can let you in, otherwise I will pack up and leave!"

Ling Sheng shook his head, "I believe in letting others pack up and leave, but I don't believe in letting you leave..."

There was a wry smile on the corner of the housekeeper's mouth, "Young master is different now. Since you left, his personality has changed drastically. He not only punished Aunt Lin, but also subdued... the master. The lady is in charge..."

Ling Sheng's eyes were full of disappointment, "I'm my mother's own son, or the only son. Is it possible that she really has the heart to see me wandering outside? I'm probably still angry now, butler, please help me talk, after I go back Guaranteed to miss you!"

Hearing this, the housekeeper thought about it for a while. After the young master left, he thought about it and went to see Lin Lang.

"Ma'am, the young master has been coming here these days, and some acquaintances have already seen it. If this continues, it may cause adverse effects..." The housekeeper glanced at Lin Lang cautiously, and continued: "I see that the young master already knows Wrong, ma'am, just let him go this time..."

Lin Lang sneered a few times, "A dog can't change eating shit, his personality can never be changed, and you don't have to speak well of him!"

The butler was so frightened that he didn't dare to make a sound, and he didn't even dare to speak.

After waiting for a long time, Ling Sheng still did not wait for the good news of the housekeeper, but the husband and wife always have to eat. In order to make ends meet, Ling Sheng began to answer some letters. , let alone saving money now, it is even difficult to eat enough!

He began to miss the life of rich clothes and good food in the past, at least now he would not worry about living everywhere, and he didn't like Wen Niang as much as before, and he recalled it more than once, if he had stayed at home well, he probably would have He has already gained a reputation as a scholar, and he may have gotten married.

Lin Lang was always reluctant to give up and let others help. Later, Ling Huai found a job as an account book guy. Although the job was not easy, the salary he got was quite considerable. He spared a little time every day to review his homework. Ten years later , he finally made it to the list, but because of the elopement, although no one at home said anything, someone got wind of it anyway, so although his article was good, his ranking was extremely low.

After gaining fame, Ling Huai hurried home, looking at his aging parents, feeling guilty.

"Okay, now that you're back, let's stay at home!" Lin Lang glanced at this son. Yes, he knows how to struggle, and he is a talent to make, but he didn't let this son come back to let him inherit the family business. Filial piety to yourself, but to your own. Now this son is too young, but Ling Sheng is already old. He must have a son to support the family business first, and then take over when his youngest son grows up.

Although this is not good for the eldest son, it is his punishment for doing something wrong.

"About your daughter-in-law, to put it bluntly, you can't enter the door of our Ling family at all!" Lin Lang knocked on the table, "I've made up my mind, let her be a concubine, as for your wife, I'll come In time, I will find you a young lady from an official background!"

Ling Huai's eyes lit up, and she agreed without even thinking about it. As for Wen Niang, she also knew that her status was not good. She hadn't seen her son in these years, and now she could come back to see him, no matter what her status was, she was willing.

Ten years passed in the blink of an eye. The youngest son Lin Lang adopted was very filial to him, better than his own son. Later, he took over the Ling family. With the help of his father and brother, he was able to thrive in the officialdom. He has become a senior official of the fourth rank.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang felt her chest was terribly constricted, her heart was pounding, as if it was going to pop out of her chest, and her head was throbbing in pain.

Lin Lang was extremely uncomfortable. She turned over and felt the heavy weight. She raised her hand and sat up suddenly but fell on the bed again. It wasn't a hand, it should be a pig's trotter!
Lin Lang looked at her hand, her eyes were full of disbelief, she slowly raised her head, and saw a mirror, I went, I didn't know, I thought I saw the surface of the moon!

Lin Lang touched her face. It was plump and full of various pimples. Some pimples were broken, revealing yellow and red water stains. There was a sour smell on her body.

As for the hair, it was like dry weeds, and it felt prickly when touched, and it took all the strength in my body to sit up slowly.

Linlang's stomach kept growling, playing drums rather than preaching, and the sound was very loud, gurgling, croaking... her stomach also throbbed and hurt.

Lin Lang walked slowly, everywhere she went was messy everywhere, and she looked groggy, as if she was covered with a piece of gauze. When she touched her eyes, they were bulging, probably swollen.

Lin Lang ran to the kitchen, took three bowls of cold water, and poured them into her stomach. With something to fill her stomach, she finally stopped screaming, and she also had a chance to see her true colors clearly.

how to say?The body is a ball, a ball that is rounder than a globe, and the face is the surface of the moon, with pits and holes. As for the eyes, it seems that they are not opened at all, as thin as slits.

The mouth is also a thick sausage mouth, the face is even more greasy, and there is a stench on the body. This kind of woman makes people feel disgusting at a glance.

Lin Lang was also disgusted by herself in the mirror, clutching her chest, lying on the sofa, it took a long time to recover.

(End of this chapter)

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