Chapter 830
Lin Lang was not used to being like this. She was ugly before, but she had never been ugly like this!
Although it was ugly in the past, there is still room for improvement. Now I am ugly and ugly, just like a long-used kitchen rag, dirty and smelly.

Lin Lang was disgusted by such a self, shook her head, resisted very much, and did not dare to accept such a task at all.

[Quickly close your eyes and accept the plot, if you don't come, I'll lock you up in the dark room! ] 12580 said indifferently.

Lin Lang wept, closed her eyes, and began to accept the plot.

[My parents divorced when I was very young. I lived with my grandparents all the time, and then they started their own families, and I became a redundant person.

After my grandparents left, my father took me back, but at this time, he had already married a wife, and his wife gave him a daughter and a son!
I am a superfluous person, and there is no place for me to live at home, so my father directly arranged for me to live and study!
No one cared about me, and no one taught me the knowledge of life. I became dirty because I ate too much junk food, and I became terribly fat, and there were those toxins in my body, and my skin was very bad!

Fat and ugly, that’s the reflection of my life. Even when I fell in love with a boy, I didn’t even look at me. I summoned up all my courage to confess to him, but he said to me: Go away, fat pig !
Life is no longer fun for me. I want to change, but I don’t have the determination to change. I want to be beautiful, and I want everyone to like me! 】

After accepting the plot, Lin Lang felt sympathy for this girl, but looked at herself in the mirror, and sighed sadly, unless she was reincarnated, it would be really difficult for such an appearance to become beautiful!

Having accepted the plot, Lin Lang is not going to change the childcare fee. The first thing is to change her living environment, clean up the garbage in the house, wash the clothes that need to be washed, and hang them on the balcony.

After everything was done, she was already exhausted and paralyzed, lying on the clean floor, she didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

This house was left to her by his grandparents. It is a dilapidated community and there is no elevator. Because of the age, this house is not worth much at all, so when his grandparents gave the house to Lin Lang, the so-called father didn't have it at all. He cared, and even helped Lin Lang transfer the ownership of the house.

Lying on the ground was not an option. Lin Lang slowly moved her body, took a cold shower, and lay down on the bed. As soon as she lay down on the bed, the small wooden bed made a creaking sound, as if she was about to die soon.

Lin Lang moved her body carefully, changed to a comfortable position, let out a mouthful of foul air, closed her eyes, and fell asleep happily.

The next morning, Lin Lang was woken up by the noise. There was one thing wrong with the old community, and that was the poor sound insulation.

Lin Lang opened the window, but her mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were arguing again. She closed the window and yawned. She went to the kitchen and cooked herself a bowl of millet porridge.

"You damn bitch, lazy and greedy, worse than that fat pig in 3014!"

3014... Isn't it the house number where I live?

The corner of Linlang's mouth twitched, she opened the door, and shouted to the outside: "Hey, if you quarrel, quarrel, don't drag others into personal attacks!

What's wrong with me being fat?What's wrong with me being lazy?I'm afraid I'll eat your rice?And I'm lazy, it's none of your business! "

The mother-in-law who scolded was angry, and said with her hips on her hips, "I'm going to blame you, what's the matter, the house is terribly dirty, and the flies and mice in our community are all attracted to your house!"

"Yo, when I didn't come, your house was spotless? How funny!" Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "If I hear you scolding me again, I will throw all the garbage in my house at your door !"

"How dare you!" the mother-in-law yelled loudly!

"Why don't I dare? Didn't you say I'm fat? Didn't you say I'm greedy? Then I'll live in your house so I can prove that I'm lazy, fat and gluttonous!" Lin Lang snorted coldly, and directly The windows close.

"This little bitch..." The mother-in-law was so angry that she glanced at the daughter-in-law sitting next to her, gritted her teeth, and said, "They are all beggars!"

The daughter-in-law snorted coldly, "It's not that your mouth is too cheap, the little girl doesn't love her mother or her father, she is a poor person, and you only hurt her sore spots!"

After the porridge was cooked, Linlang didn't care about getting it hot, and drank one bowl after another, touching her gurgling stomach. Linlang changed into simple sportswear, put on sports shoes, brought an MP3 player and earphones, and sat around. ran around the garden.

But he became dizzy within two steps, and his heart kept beating. He was so frightened that he didn't dare to run anymore. He stopped and walked around the garden slowly!

"Linlang, you're running here, aren't you planning to lose weight again?" An old lady walked over and asked with a smile.

Lin Lang nodded, touched the flesh on her body, "If you don't lose weight, you will probably be fat to death!"

"Hahaha...then don't give up halfway..." the aunt said, and left with a smile.

After four or five laps, Lin Lang was drenched in sweat, even her sneakers were wet with sweat, and the sportswear on her body seemed to have been washed.

Linlang's heart was beating vigorously, she wiped the sweat off her brow, and when she got home, she took a bath with cold water, and her stomach began to growl again.

Lin Lang was so hungry that she scraped the bottom of the pot where the porridge was cooked today, and then licked the pot. It can be said that although the porridge was cooked in that pot, it was much cleaner!

The sun was shining at noon, so Lin Lang found a parasol and went to the vegetable market. At this moment, all the vegetables were on sale. Lin Lang spent a few dollars to buy a lot of cucumbers and green vegetables, and brought back a few big ones by the way. sweet potato.

"Hey, isn't this Linlang? Why do you buy green vegetables? I remember your father gave you a lot of pocket money!" The stepmother said with a smile: "At the beginning, I told you to move home and walk around. I am willing, I am better now, I don’t even know how to take care of myself anymore, my money is spent so quickly, I can only eat some vegetables, and the vegetables are so ugly, they should be discounted... Poor child..."

Lin Lang twitched when she heard this, "Auntie, I didn't buy these vegetables because I didn't have money, but because I wanted to lose weight!"

"Losing weight, I remember you said it when you were young, it's been seven or eight years, and your weight has only grown but not lost!" There was a hint of sarcasm in the stepmother's eyes, "This time, don't just talk and practice fake Style it!

What's more, I remember you once heard an advertisement to buy some diet pills, but after taking the medicine, the side effects were particularly obvious, and you were sent to the intensive care unit, which caused a lot of medical expenses at home..."

(End of this chapter)

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