Chapter 831
Lin Lang still said in a good voice: "That's why I'm planning to lose weight biologically this time. I bought some healthy food. It's getting late, so I'm leaving first!"

"Hey, hey, you're so rude, you don't even say hello to your stepmother..." The stepmother yelled a few times, and seeing that Lin Lang ignored her, she turned around and left.

Back home, Lin Lang washed the cucumbers, squeezed them into juice, cleaned the bought vegetables, scalded them with boiling water, and added some soy sauce, chili peppers and vinegar as seasonings.

Maybe it was because she just started to lose weight, but Lin Lang didn't reject these things. After eating, she lay down on the floor and started to do sit-ups.

At first, she was going to do sit-ups on the bed, but when she moved a little, the bed creaked, which scared her to move the exercise to the ground.

In the evening, Lin Lang was so hungry that she couldn't take it anymore, and her stomach throbbed and hurt, but she still endured it, poured a few bowls of boiled water, and started to walk around the garden.

In the evening, there are more people who come out to visit the garden, and at the same time, it also attracts some small vendors, such as roasted sweet potatoes, chestnuts, and some barbecues.

When Lin Lang passed by a barbecue restaurant, she was deeply attracted by the smell of barbecue. Standing on the windward side of the barbecue, her saliva couldn't stop drooling, especially when she saw the braised crayfish, her eyes almost went straight.

The owner of the barbecue shop was cooking a barbecue when he saw his employees running over, pushed him, and pointed to someone not far away.

After the boss saw it, he was shocked. An obese woman with a face as big as a pan, drooling, stared at her barbecue!
The boss gritted his teeth, walked over, and said, "Son, are you hungry? There's nothing to eat. How about this? Uncle will give you two skewers of barbecue. You can go somewhere else. Your appearance really affects you." My business!"

Lin Lang came back to her senses when she heard the voice, and when she heard the meaning of the boss's words, she felt her heart being stabbed 1 times, she shook her head, and said, "I don't eat, I'm trying to lose weight, I'm causing you trouble! "

Then he ran away without looking back, crying while running, and after crying, life had to continue.

For three days in a row, Lin Lang walked around the garden. When she was hungry, she ate some vegetables, but not eating protein is really bad for her body. Lin Lang bought some chicken breasts and cooked them in boiling water before eating them. Tasteless chicken breast.

It is impossible to lose all the fat on your body by walking alone. Lin Lang still wanted to ride a horse, but after thinking about her weight, she probably would crush the horse to death, so she changed her mind and went to the swimming pool.

"Others pay 300 for credit cards, so why am I paying 500?" Linlang said bluntly.

The owner of the swimming pool spread his hands and said, "Girl, don't you think about how much area other people swim in, and how much area do you have to occupy?
And the swimming teacher who teaches you must have two... if you drown, you need three people to save you... this..."

Lin Lang blushed and handed over the money. After changing into a swimsuit, she couldn't bear to look at herself in the mirror, so she found a diving area with not many people and started her swimming career.

At the beginning, she was already dizzy after swimming around, and her ears started to ring, her heart was beating hard, and she collapsed on the ground panting heavily.

After recovering, Lin Lang began to abuse herself again, splashing the water vigorously, and large splashes of water turned up one after another.

"Hey, I thought it was a pig, and it's taking a bath here, so it's you!" A woman walked over and glanced at Lin Lang with a hint of disgust on her face.

Lin Lang didn't take this matter to heart at all, and threw herself vigorously, but after swimming for a long time, she didn't advance a meter.

"He is swimming, and you are probably splashing water!" The woman continued.

Lin Lang stopped, panting heavily, "Have you said enough!"

Wang Li sneered, "I'm telling the truth, you fat pig, you still want to swim to lose weight, hehehehehe, so what if you lose weight? You're still so ugly, and you still have the guts to go to school grass Passing the love letter, the toad wants to eat swan meat, wishful thinking!"

Lin Lang vigorously shook up a large basin of water, and threw it directly at the woman's face!
"Ah, ah, you dead woman, you dead fat pig, just wait for me..." Wang Li yelled and left the place quickly.

Lin Lang continued to swim, and when she went back, she couldn't help but sigh, the curator was right, people like me really take up space, and they really should charge more money, not to mention, the pool is still full when taking a shower Water, by the time he left, the water level had dropped by tens of centimeters.

Lin Lang lasted like this for a week, because she didn't eat any junk food and didn't stay up late, her skin has improved a lot, at least the acne on her face has started to scab, her complexion has become rosy, and her dark circles are gone .

As for the flesh on her body, Lin Lang went to weigh it, and she lost ten catties, but she knew that most of it was not meat, but water from her body.

Lin Lang still mainly runs and swims as a supplement. She also does yoga at home when she has nothing to do. Although she is a fat person, she has become a flexible and fat person.

In the second week, Lin Lang went to weigh herself, and found that she had lost 30 catties of meat, and cried out happily.

Not long after I was happy, the phone rang.

"You have been living outside for half a month, come back and have a meal at home!" A cold voice came from the other end of the phone.

Lin Lang responded twice, and said, "No, I've been busy lately!"

"It's fine if you don't come back, but I heard from your aunt that you've been trying to lose weight recently... Don't take any diet pills, folk remedies, etc., so as not to get sick again, and the family has no money to treat you! "Father finally stated his ultimate goal.

"No, I recently ate some fresh vegetables and ran around the garden. I didn't take any medicines!" Lin Lang's voice also became cold.

"Okay, I'll hang up if it's okay!" Dad hung up the phone quickly.

Lin Lang felt a chill in her heart, shook her head, tried her best to put this thought out of her mind, put on her sportswear, ran around the garden twice, felt exhausted, lay down on the bed and fell asleep.

To be honest, one of the benefits of exercising is that you can vent your energy and sleep soundly at night.

As for the food, because she was hungry all the time, her hands and feet were weak and her eyes were dark. However, although Lin Lang didn't eat much, she definitely didn't treat her badly. She got all the vitamins and protein that she needed.

Sometimes I also eat some low-calorie food to fill my hunger, so my complexion is much better, and my body is much healthier than before, and I don’t feel dizzy or heartbeat at every turn.

(End of this chapter)

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