Chapter 832
Lin Lang basically relied on hunger to lose weight. It's not that he never thought about exercising, but usually relying on exercising to lose weight, and if he doesn't control his diet, he will probably become a King Kong Barbie.

The days of starvation are not good, but the days of being blinded by people are even more difficult. When I go out to buy clothes, I usually buy large sizes. In summer, it will be extremely hot. If you don’t pay attention, you will emit a foul smell .

And every time she takes a bus, one seat is not enough, she has to take two seats. What's even more ridiculous is that she was taken as a pregnant woman when she took a bus.

Later, Lin Lang basically didn't travel by car, but rode a bicycle or walked every time!

Lin Lang also started to take on some translation jobs online, because the so-called father once said that as long as she was 18 years old, she would let her support herself after she was 18 years old.

This body has recently turned 16 years old, and it will be the third year of high school next year. If I don't save money, I don't think it will cost me college tuition.

Two months passed quickly, and Lin Lang basically didn't go anywhere except to lose weight, and her skin became fairer. Although she was still fat and round, she was much better than before, at least not like before. Bulky and fat, but looking limp.

Picking up the old school uniform, Lin Lang's top was empty after wearing it, and the bottom pants kept falling down.

Lin Lang was so happy that she found a needle and thread to sew up her trousers, and went to school with her schoolbag on her back.

Linlang's location is very easy to find, it's in the last row of the classroom, and the trash can is used as a thing all the year round. There is often a stench in that place, and it's not fun to even have Linlang on her body.

After going there, Lin Lang found that a lot of rubbish had been thrown there. To make things easier for herself in the future, Lin Lang rolled up her sleeves, cleaned up the rubbish, and sprinkled some water on it.

"Hey, I haven't seen you for a while, you fat pig have lost a lot of weight, I heard from Wang Li that you are swimming to lose weight, hahahahaha... so what if you lose weight, you are not ugly because you are fat, You are ugly!" A girl said mockingly.

Lin Lang didn't care about the verbal attack, and she didn't seem to hear it. She picked up her book and saw that it was terribly clean. If you are ugly and fat, only learning can change your fate.

Lin Lang flipped through the book and started to consolidate her knowledge. The girl wanted to say something more, but seeing Lin Lang ignore her answer, she curled her lips and muttered, "Ugly people do more tricks!"

The academic performance in this class is average, so the atmosphere of study is not too strong, everyone has been chatting, very few people are reading books.

The bell rang, and the teacher came over with a book, looked around the classroom, and found that everyone was saying: "In the new semester, I hope everyone can work hard. After all, there are only a few months left before the college entrance examination. The college entrance examination is the only thing that can change your life." Opportunity, I don't want you to regret it, and I don't want you to waste your time on things that don't matter!"

As soon as school started, the teacher started to hurry up to give lectures. The time was very fast, and Lin Lang also took notes. She hadn't studied the third year of high school for a long time, and she couldn't keep up.

When the first get out of class was over, Lin Lang's stomach kept ringing, as if she was beating a drum. Fortunately, no one noticed her in the inconspicuous corner of the last row. Even if she heard the sound, she just looked back. At a glance, no one cares.

Lin Lang went to the boiling water room to get some boiling water, and after letting it cool down, she drank it all in one gulp. Although she was still terribly hungry and her mouth began to salivate, she held back and didn't go to the canteen to buy anything.

When school was over at noon, she was too hungry to lift her hands, so she reluctantly moved to the cafeteria. Because she came late, she didn't have to line up. Auntie glanced at her face and packed him a full box.

"Little classmate, you are not trying to lose weight, listen to my advice, now is the most stressful time in the third year of high school, don't even ignore your body just to be hungry!"

Lin Lang nodded gratefully, and sat in the corner with a full meal. The school meals are just a big pot of rice, which can only be used to fill the stomach. As for the taste... don't think about it...

After finally surviving school, Lin Lang was so hungry that she had no energy left. She moved towards home step by step. When she got home, it was already dark. After taking a bath, she washed her clothes and fell asleep on the bed .

Before dawn the next day, Lin Lang went to buy herself two steamed buns and a bowl of porridge. After eating, she ran to school regardless of whether she was full.

I got used to it when I was hungry, and Linlang's grades were gradually improving. When the first monthly exam was held, Linlang was at the bottom of the class, and she improved by more than 20 in one fell swoop.

"Hey, you didn't do well in the exam this time, how did you copy it?" a classmate said in a strange way.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "Think about it carefully, I'm surrounded by people with worse academic performance than me, how can I copy?"

"Hey, if you are right, how could your academic performance be so good!"

Lin Lang didn't want to pay attention to such a stupid person, and she didn't want to waste her hard-earned vacation on it. She had seen the original owner's face before, except for being fat, her three eyebrows and five eyes were ugly as hell, there were freckles on her face, and some age spots .

What's more important is her teeth. This woman is full of sky. Now she is not obvious because she is fat, but once she loses weight, she will be an ancient ape!

Thinking of this, Lin Lang hurriedly bit her head, she must fix her teeth!
A braces cost Linlang's translation money for the past six months. Looking at his empty pockets, Linlang's heart ached terribly.

After wearing the braces, the saliva will flow down unstoppably, and some edges of the braces are the most likely to scratch the lips, so Lin Lang's lips are in the inflamed area, just like Tony Leung's sausage mouth in the movie.

Originally, he had a pig's head face, and with these lips, it was simply unsightly.

"Hey, do you have to be so hungry? You still have a sausage on your mouth!" the classmate said jokingly.

Lin Lang pouted, but didn't take these words to heart.

Because of wearing braces, her teeth hurt and itched. Lin Lang often couldn't help grinding her teeth, and the saliva kept falling down, and the saliva was mixed with pus and blood...

The school uniform is also white. If you don't pay attention, there will be messy marks on the school uniform. Thinking of this, Lin Lang gritted her teeth, and bought herself a saliva pad, ignoring other people's strange eyes.

"Hahahaha, are you a three-year-old? You're still using a spit pad!"

"I guess IQ is three years old, and I'm still drooling, what a shame!"

(End of this chapter)

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