Chapter 833
Lin Lang turned her head sharply, "What's so funny, I'm in an emergency period, drooling is normal, if you wear braces like me, you'll drool like me too!"

"Hahahaha... But I'm not as stupid as you, and we are so healthy, how could we need to wear braces!" The classmate's ridicule became louder and louder.

Lin Lang took a deep breath, put these sarcastic words out of her mind, and concentrated on studying.

During the second mid-term exam, Lin Lang was rarely admitted to the top ten of the class. Even the teacher was surprised. There were more poor students in their class, so Lin Lang's advancement to the top 20 was not a big deal in his eyes, but now Into the top ten...

Because it was Lin Lang who cheated, the teacher called Lin Lang to the office.

"The teacher has noticed your hard work during this period, and your academic performance... is also gradually improving. Can you tell me how you have such good grades?" The teacher tried to slow down his tone, because he was afraid of this. The child's wild thinking ruined his hard-earned self-motivation.

Lin Lang nodded, spread her hands, and turned around in a circle, "Teacher, look at me, I'm ugly and fat, studying now is the only chance for me to change myself!"

The teacher was very pleased when he heard this, "Okay, okay, you can have such an awareness, the teacher is very happy for you!"

Lin Lang worked harder next time, maybe because of the pressure of studying, she lost a lot of weight recently, but after she lost weight, she couldn't lose weight anymore, probably at the bottom of the bottle.

Lin Lang, I don't care. During this period of time, she strictly controlled her diet, exercised actively, and maintained a cheerful mood. After a week, she began to lose weight again.

Here, Dad hasn't seen his daughter for half a year. Although he really doesn't like this child, he is his own flesh and blood after all. He came to the school gate on Friday and wanted to pick the child up for dinner.

But after looking at the school gate for a long time, I didn't see the child. I frowned tightly, thinking that she was skipping class and was about to get angry. A chubby girl came over. Although they were all fat, this girl was caught by her Daughter is much better.

Although they are all fat, his daughter is fat, lazy and greedy. She has a stench all over her body, and she is ugly as hell, unlike this girl. Although she is fat, she looks soft and exudes a smell. The taste of youth.

"Dad, why are you here!" Lin Lang saw the man looking around, walked over, and shouted.

Dad looked at the girl in front of him, didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and said, "Why have you changed so much?"

"Ah..." Lin Lang pointed at her teeth, "I guess it's because of this. At the beginning because of the toothache, I listened to the doctor's advice and installed a braces. Later, because of weight loss, I lost a lot of weight..."

Dad didn't come back to his senses for a long time, and finally said: "Don't lose weight violently, you are growing up now, don't starve yourself... It's been a while since I went back, go back with me today, and finally you Auntie made your favorite meal!"

Lin Lang didn't want to see that family, she shook her head, "I don't have time today, the doctor asked me to check up today, let's do it another day!"

In fact, the doctor's review is tomorrow, but if you don't want to go, you lied.

A look of disappointment flashed across Dad's face. After thinking about it for a while, he took out a few hundred dollars from his pocket, "That's all right, you keep the money, and you can buy whatever you want to eat!"

Lin Lang nodded her head. Immediately afterwards, the father and daughter looked at each other in silence. After a long time, the father sighed, turned and left.

The days of losing weight are painful, but the days of reaping the results are beautiful. Lin Lang gradually can see her face shape clearly. It is ugly, indeed very ugly, but after losing weight, it is good for her body.

Lin Lang didn't want to become that kind of bamboo pole figure, so she insisted on doing yoga in addition to exercising, so she was thin where she should be thin, but she wasn't thin at all where she shouldn't be!

"Alas, have you noticed that that dead fat pig has changed a lot recently!"

"Yes, yes, it's better to be clean and not smell bad!"

"I think the most obvious thing is that I have lost a lot of weight. At least there are no more chairs to sit on!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

The students laughed loudly, but they still noticed Lin Lang's change.

"Does she have any tricks to lose weight? Let's ask her!" Some female students couldn't help but said, looking envious.

Several female classmates met together, came to Linlang, handed Linlang a box of chocolates, and asked with a smile: "Student Linlang, we found that you have lost a lot of weight recently, do you have any tips for losing weight? Shall we share it?"

Seeing the box of chocolates, Lin Lang almost drooled, wiped her lips at last, gritted her teeth and said, "The most important thing to lose weight is persistence. You can see that I lost weight, but do you know when I started to lose weight? ?Since the summer vacation the year before last!
At that time, I would go out for a run in the evening every day. If the weather was hot, I would go swimming in the swimming pool. I persisted in this way, so I could lose weight!

Your figures are very standard, and you don’t need to lose weight too much. If you really want to lose weight, it’s best not to eat anything after 10 o’clock in the evening... If you can strictly control it, it’s best not to eat anything after [-] o’clock For dinner, try to choose some foods that can fill your stomach, but have very few calories..."

The female classmates nodded gratefully when they heard this, and they recognized Linlang more and more. One of the girls was very interested in Linlang's braces and asked with a smile: "I remember your teeth are very good, why do you need to press them?" What about the braces?"

Lin Lang tapped her teeth and said with a smile, "After the braces are applied, your teeth will become very neat and your face will look better!"

"Braces can also affect the shape of the face?" A female classmate said in disbelief, and then touched her square face.

"Theoretically, it's possible!" Lin Lang continued, "If you're interested, you can go to a regular hospital and consult a doctor!"

After talking for a while, the bell rang, and the girls returned to their seats. The two of you looked at the piece of chocolate on the table, and couldn't help swallowing. She had already forgotten how long she hadn't eaten candy. It's chocolate, and it's Dove chocolate, it's rich and silky, and it's delicious...

Eat a piece, eating a piece of chocolate has no effect!
Nonsense, it’s hard to get to this point now, after working so hard for so long, it’s so short of success, can you bear it?

The two villains were arguing vigorously in his mind, and Lin Lang stared at the piece of chocolate with eyes staring and drooling.

(End of this chapter)

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