Chapter 834
The two children kept talking in her ears, and Lin Lang kept convincing herself that it was just a piece of chocolate with only a small amount of calories, as long as one ate a bite before running, it would be digested in a short while.

Or, just keep it in your mouth and don't swallow it... Wait for the sugar to dissolve, then spit it out...

Lin Lang kept convincing herself and her heart at the same time. Looking at the piece of chocolate, her eyes filled with tears instantly, and then she buried her head in her arms.

So what if you convince yourself?She can't lie to her heart, and she doesn't want to fail at this point.

Lin Lang sat down the chocolate on the desk, planning to taste the chocolate after she lost weight.

It's easy to say, but it's hard to do. After Lin Lang loses weight to a certain level, she can't lose weight no matter what she does. She doesn't care. She eats on time as planned, runs a few square meters every day, and runs to the Go swimming in the swimming pool.

Because of wearing braces, every night, Lin Lang's teeth ached, and it was so itchy that people couldn't help but grit their teeth...

Lin Lang went directly to the baby store to buy a pack of teething sticks. The salesperson was very enthusiastic after seeing her, and said with a smile: "Beauty, you are really amazing. You have just given birth and now you are pregnant with your second child... "

"Hehehe..." The corner of Linlang's mouth twitched, and she ran away clutching her big belly.

The life of losing weight is always boring, but watching the weight loss day by day, this kind of boring is sweet.

As winter was approaching, Lin Lang tried on the previous down jackets and found that they were much bigger. After putting them on, the cold wind gushed into them. She had no choice but to spend some more money to buy a close-fitting down jacket.

In the past, those clothes were basically too big. If you want to change them, it will be a big expense. You are already very poor, so you really can't afford the extra money, so Lin Lang went to the second-hand market and bought a sewing machine return.

"Hey, children nowadays are really spoiled and spoiled, they only use money to buy useless things!" It was the old woman who quarreled with Lin Lang last time who spoke.

Lin Lang turned her head and said with a sneer: "Grandma, if you have a bad brain, go to the hospital to see the brain department, so as not to be beaten up by others as a mental illness someday!"

" have sharp teeth at a young age, let me see how you will be able to marry in the future!" Grandma said through gritted teeth.

Lin Lang rolled her eyes, "You don't have to worry about it, anyway, I will never send it to someone's home for nothing like your daughter!"

The family where the grandma's daughter married was poor and poor, but the family was still unwilling to marry the grandma's daughter. Back then, it was also the grandma's daughter who wanted to marry.

"You..." Grandma was furious.

Lin Lang moved the sewing machine into the house, oiled it well, took out relatively large clothes, sewed and mended them, and mended the clothes to the appropriate size.

I have to say that there is still one advantage of fat people in winter, that is, they are not afraid of the cold, and they are very angry!

After class, many female students came over, held Lin Lang's hand, and exclaimed, "Ah~ it's white, soft, and warm, just like my cat!"

Lin Lang couldn't laugh or cry when she heard this, and let everyone hold her hand.

During the final exam, Lin Lang got good grades and entered the top 50 in the third grade list. You must know that there are more than 1000 students in their entire senior year, and the top 50 is eye-popping.

When the teacher learned of this good grade, he was so happy that he couldn't close his mouth from ear to ear, and said to Lin Lang with a smile: "Every time the teachers in those classes look at me, they always see that my nose is not my nose, my eyes are not my eyes, hahahaha... I dare not look at me now. I...Because the No.1 in their class is not as good as yours in the really give the teacher a face!"

Lin Lang said modestly: "It's all taught by the teacher!"

Hearing this, the teacher nodded in relief, "If you maintain your current grades, a first-class university will not be a problem!"

Lin Lang thanked her and just walked out of the school, only to find that so-called father was together. To be honest, it had been three months since they met last time.

Dad looked at Lin Lang in front of him, his eyes were full of surprise, "It's only been a few months, why have you lost so much weight again? You can lose weight, but don't hurt your body!"

Lin Lang nodded flatly, "Is there something wrong?"

Dad's face turned ugly for a moment, "What's the matter with you kid, it's been half a year, and I haven't gone back... Forget it, I came to you by myself for the New Year, and your aunt and I are going to Their family celebrates the New Year, this year..."

Lin Lang nodded indiscriminately, "I see!"

"Oh!" Dad didn't know why, but suddenly felt that this daughter was a little strange. To be honest, he hadn't given him any money other than living expenses in the past six months, but Lin Lang didn't ask him for it either...

Because of the approaching Chinese New Year, Lin Lang took several orders. Fortunately, she was on vacation, so she had enough time.

On Chinese New Year's Day, Lin Lang gritted her teeth and bought herself a lump of beef, still boiled it in water, tore it into small strips, and added some seasonings made with chili and salt.

Although the taste was not good, she hadn't eaten meat for a long time. When she came into contact with this kind of beef suddenly, she almost burst into tears.

After the new year, Lin Lang went to the dentist to adjust her braces. In the new year, the study atmosphere became more tense, and every day was racing against time.

Lin Lang's grades are gradually improving. The teacher is very pleased after watching it every time. After the midterm exam, Lin Lang even specially asked Lin Lang to give a speech on stage.

"Actually, there are really no skills about learning. There is no shortcut to learning. You can only take one step at a time and go steadily!

I would also like to advise all students, although you still have a few months before the senior high school entrance examination, you can learn as much as you can during this period, and you will live up to your youth and youth! "

Lin Lang didn't know if those students had listened. When the college entrance examination was approaching, the school specially gave everyone a few days off to let the students relax.

Lin Lang's father also rarely wanted to take Lin Lang back home. Seeing that his father had something to say, Lin Lang nodded and agreed.

When the stepmother saw Lin Lang, her eyes were full of disbelief, " did you change so much?"

Yeah, if it was an old fat pig before, it's a normal sized pig now.

Lin Lang said indifferently: "Didn't I tell you when I met Auntie last time, I want to lose weight, and the way I am now is the effect of losing weight!"

(End of this chapter)

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