Chapter 835
The stepmother laughed a few times, interjected, and said, "I thought you were just talking casually, but I didn't expect you to really make up your mind... But you have lost weight for decades, and you haven't lost any of your body fat." , What method did you use this time? Could it be that you took medicine again?"

Linlang chuckled, "Auntie, he said your eyes should be fine, why are you lying with your eyes open? How could I have such a healthy complexion if I took medicine!"

"You child..." The stepmother's face was extremely ugly, "I'm just talking casually, why are you talking so ugly!"

"Who was the first to speak harshly?" Lin Lang asked back with a cold face.

Dad saw that they were about to quarrel, so he said haha, "It's alright, alright, we're all family, why are you arguing..."

Lin Lang looked at the food on the table, all of which were very greasy. Seeing this, she took two steps back, because she was afraid that if she took two steps forward, her saliva would almost drip into the food. Fish and meat meals, but I haven't eaten them for almost a year. To be honest, he misses them a little bit!

Lin Lang turned around and said, "I haven't eaten such a greasy meal for more than a year. If I eat it now, I will have diarrhea. Make me some light meals!"

The stepmother's face became stiff in an instant. Thinking of her plan, she gritted her teeth and said, "Okay, I'll cook some light dishes for you later!"

Of course, Lin Lang knew that the group of them would go to the Three Treasures Hall for nothing, but he was a soldier who came to cover him with water and earth. Anyway, he had nothing. Even if they were thinking about it, he didn't have anything. I don't know if they want it or not.

"Huh!" The door opened, and it was Lin Lang's half-sister who came back, looking at Lin Lang with defensive eyes, "Why are you here?"

Dad waved his hand and said, "I asked your sister to come back, wash your hands quickly, and you can eat later!"

Although the younger sister had disgust on her face, the child listened to his father and washed his hands obediently. He happened to meet his mother cooking in the kitchen, and said disgustedly, "Why is she here?"

The stepmother glanced at the people in the living room, "Your father asked her to come here to discuss something!"

The younger sister sneered, "Tell her to leave after eating, I don't want her to live in my room!"

The stepmother smiled and nodded, "Okay, okay, I understand, you can control your temper later, your father has something important to tell her today, don't make any sabotage!"

The younger sister curled her lips, "If she doesn't make fun of herself, I won't make fun of myself either!"

After eating, Lin Lang was about to say goodbye when her father couldn't sit still, coughed, and said, "Lin Lang, are you going to take the college entrance examination soon?"

Lin Lang nodded, "Yes, what's the matter?"

"This..." Dad rubbed his hands, "It is said that I offered you to be 18 years old, which is what you deserve, but your academic performance is not good, even if you take the college entrance examination, you might as well get into a good university as soon as possible out to work..."

"Are you my father?" Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him and said, "You entered society earlier than me, you should know how difficult it is for people without a diploma!"

"I..." Dad lowered his head, "Of course I know...but...I really have a little difficulty. Your sister has good grades and is going to be promoted soon...As an older sister, you should be a helper." Help her, when she develops in the future, she will never forget it!"

"Come on, I just saw that my nose is not my nose and my eyes are not my eyes. I want him to develop. Don't even think about helping me. It's good if I don't kick me twice!" Lin Lang slapped the table, "If you can study well, then I'm definitely not dropping out of school. I'm already in the top ten of the whole grade. If you don't believe me, you can call the teacher!"

"This..." The stepmother's face was full of disbelief, "Aren't you lying to your father? Or are you cheating on the exam?"

Lin Lang sneered a few times, "Stepmother, I think you have problems not only with your eyes, but also with your brain!
My school over there is number one in the whole province, how could cheating happen? "

"This..." Dad was in a dilemma, "But the family is really not rich!"

The sarcasm at the corner of Linlang's mouth became stronger, "People say that you can't educate yourself hard, Dad, don't you know this sentence? If you don't have money at home, you can find a way. If it doesn't work, I want my sister to drop out of school for a few days. In [-], when I graduate from university and can go to work, she will go to university again, isn't that all right!"

"Why do you want my daughter to accommodate you?" The stepmother couldn't pretend anymore, she tore her face and yelled loudly.

"Then why do you ask me to accommodate your daughter!" Lin Lang asked directly.

" dead girl, as fat as a pig, and as vicious as a wolf..."

Lin Lang replied unceremoniously: "Who are you? You made your stepdaughter homeless, and you don't want her to go to school... Hehehe... You are even more stepmother than Baixue's stepmother!"

"You..." The stepmother was so angry that her chest hurt, "Honey, don't you care?"

"This..." Dad was in a dilemma. "It's a good thing to study well. If you study well, then you should apply for a scholarship... The family really can't help you too much..."

Lin Lang glanced at them, sneered a few times, shook her head, and left disappointed.

"Wife,'s okay at home, she's a girl, how do you ask her to save money to go to school?" Dad whispered.

The stepmother said with a cold face, "What's the matter? Is it my fault now? Don't even think about it. With his appearance, what can he do even if he goes to college? Our daughter is different. I like it, after I am admitted to university... I will definitely be able to find a good job in the future, and be filial to us..."

"This..." Dad hesitated after all.

The younger sister changed her mind, and took her father's arm, "Dad, don't worry about my sister, didn't you see her look just now? It's so scary, it probably made us all hate, such a white-eyed wolf... Let her figure it out on her own..."

Lin Lang was very thankful that she hadn't spent money recklessly, so she saved a lot of money, otherwise it would be a problem to go to college.

Back home, Lin Lang did a few sit-ups and sat for half an hour of yoga, sweating profusely, throwing away all the unhappiness in her heart. After taking a hot bath, she fell asleep comfortably.

The holidays passed in a flash, and Lin Lang took her exam admission ticket and followed her teacher and classmates to the designated exam room to take the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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