Chapter 836
After the exam, Lin Lang felt as if she was out of breath, and lay at home for three or four days. When she got up, she found that she had lost a lot of weight.

But no matter how thin she was, with her own face, it was still daunting. When she recalled the flyer she received some time ago, her eyes flickered.

The next day, Lin Lang went to the hospital with the money she had saved, and had her double eyelids done. She wanted to do other things, but she didn't have enough funds, so she could only do this first.

Lin Lang went to a regular big hospital and found a professional plastic surgeon, so she spent a lot of money, but the effect is quite obvious, her eyes are much bigger, and they look very natural.

It is said that the eyes are the windows of the soul. After cutting the double eyelids, not only can the field of vision be broadened, but people will also be more energetic after seeing it. With those big watery eyes, even if they are fatter, others will feel very cute.

After Linlang's acceptance letter came out, Linlang lost a lot of weight and weighed a little more than normal, but if she matched with suitable clothes, she wouldn't feel fat.

"Ah, ah, do you have double eyelids?" A classmate cried out in surprise after seeing Lin Lang.

Lin Lang touched her eyes, then nodded, "Yeah!"

The classmate covered his mouth and said in surprise: "By the way, you have really changed a lot now. If I didn't see you often, I would have thought you were reincarnated!"

Lin Lang smiled, and was also very happy. She had seen the photos in the past, and she was completely different from her current self.

She plans to completely lose weight during this summer vacation, and go to university to welcome her brand new life.

Lin Lang didn't expect that when the farewell party was held, there would be a few male classmates who stuffed love letters for her. You must know that these male classmates had all scolded her for being a fat pig.

"You..." Looking at these love letters, Lin Lang couldn't laugh or cry.

One of the male classmates said: "I think you are amazing, although you are not good-looking, but you have made yourself a good person through your own struggle!

Although you are not the most beautiful now, you have a beautiful heart! "

"Thank you..." Lin Lang twitched her lips and thanked her.

Back home, Lin Lang found that her father was waiting for her at the door.

"I... I heard that you were admitted to college..." Dad hesitated for a long time, took out a wad of money from his pocket, and handed it over, "Don't blame me!"

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, and shook her head without borrowing the money, "No need, I got a scholarship after I was admitted to university, and I usually saved some, you can keep the money yourself!"

"I...I know I'm sorry for you, but you have to understand my difficulties..." Dad sighed, put the money on the ground, and left.

To be honest, this father does have some bad things, but compared to that mother who doesn't care about it, he has done a very good job!
Three months later, Lin Lang embarked on a trip to university with a full luggage and a perfect figure.

In the new semester, I met a lot of friends, but every time I ate, Lin Lang subconsciously reduced the portion size. After seeing it, my roommates all smiled and said: "You are already in good shape, you don't need to lose weight anymore!"

Lin Lang smiled, reducing the weight was something he subconsciously wanted to do, this had already been engraved in his memory, and it would take at least a few years to correct it.

Lin Lang is very popular in school. Although she looks plain, she belongs to the type that looks better the more she looks, and her figure is also very perfect.

But Lin Lang never got married. After graduation, Lin Lang set up a weight loss agency to help obese women lose weight.

The institution she established is not the kind of institution that relies on drugs to lose weight, but mainly relies on the client's own exercise and a reasonable diet, which has helped many girls lose weight.

Fifty years later, Linlang's weight-loss institutions have opened all over the country, but all the money Linlang earned is used for charity.

When she opened her eyes again, Lin Lang was lying on a large wooden bed covered with a brocade quilt, and the bed curtain above her head was yellow in color, with a nine-clawed golden dragon embroidered on it.

My darling, if you can use yellow fabric, and it can also repair your face, it must be a royal grandson.

"Your Majesty, are you awake? Do you need this old servant to go in and serve you?" the eunuch asked softly outside.

Lin Lang waved her hands when she heard this, "I need to rest for a while!"

After the people left, Lin Lang happily rolled around on the bed, and she transmigrated to become the emperor, the emperor, the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Court... just thinking about it makes people drool.

No, no, no, no... No, the 72 concubines of the Sangong Sixth Courtyard, it's none of my business, I am a straight daughter, and I like a young, strong, handsome, graceful little brother...

Lin Lang patted her chest, and at the same time couldn't help but think, in fact, Long Yang is pretty good too...but he has to be on top, or below?

After much deliberation, Lin Lang couldn't come up with a solution, so she shook her head, put her thoughts out of her mind and started doing serious business, closing her eyes to accept the plot.

【I really can't figure out why I should be sorry for him. I gave him the best, but that bitch hooked up with my younger brother and kicked me off the throne. What a bitch!
Aren't they two in love?I really want to see how they fall in love without their identity and status! 】

The little emperor's father passed away when he was very young, and his mother turned the tide and pushed him to the throne. After he became an adult, because the power had always been with the queen mother, the little emperor had never been in power, so he began to feel depressed and felt that he was a The emperor, but has no rights, is simply a puppet.

Thinking of this, the little emperor began to spend his days and nights, and at the same time listened to the rumors of treacherous officials, beat and scolded his servants at every turn, and did all kinds of bad things.

Later, one of his concubines suddenly changed a lot, she would say some strange words and do some strange things about Siri, and he felt very happy to be with such a person.

He is not good to everyone, but he is the best to this concubine, but I didn't expect this concubine to ask for a couple for a lifetime, how can this be possible?He is the emperor, although he can follow this concubine, but he can't be a couple for the rest of his life, not because he doesn't love this concubine, but because family law and etiquette are incompatible!
Later, his favorite concubine got mixed up with his emperor, and even killed his mother. In the end, he kicked himself off the throne and gave himself a glass of poisoned wine.

In the end, I said to myself... I don't understand love at all!
Hahahahaha... It's really funny, if I really didn't love that concubine, I wouldn't talk back to my queen mother, let alone spoil that concubine so much.

(End of this chapter)

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