Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 845 Misplaced Life 1

Chapter 845 Misplaced Life [-]
Lin Lang didn't respond either, and left with her luggage.

The apartment was full of dust because she hadn't lived in it for a long time. Lin Lang was really weak, so she called the housekeeping company directly and hired three nannies to take care of it.

The nanny was quite fast, and cleaned the room in just one morning. Lin Lang went to the mall to buy some household appliances, and it was here that she settled down.

After Wang Xinya knew that Lin Lang had left, an inexplicable expression flashed across her face, she finally lowered her head, her eyes filled with guilt, "It's all my fault, if I hadn't invited my sister to my wedding, she wouldn't be angry It's all my fault that I left...My sister has been at home since she was a child, and she has never been outside, and I don't know if she is doing well after she left this time...Dad, let's go and find my sister. She apologized... If she is not willing to forgive me, I am willing to give Lu Sen to her..."

Father Wang was getting angry, and let out a cold snort, "What are you looking for, it's just right to leave, so you don't have to get angry with me!"

At this moment, the stepmother came down. After hearing what they were arguing about, there was a sneer on the corner of her mouth, but it disappeared soon, and she pretended to say lovingly: "What are you talking about? She is yours after all. Daughter, is it possible that you really ignore it?

Although she makes you angry, but children are debts, let's ask the people we know first to see if Lin Lang has gone to them..."

Hearing this, Father Wang turned around, looked at the mother and daughter with relief, and said, "You two have worked hard, and I don't know what that damn girl thinks, I always feel that you two are uneasy and kind, I think it's her Don't worry about it!"

The stepmother smiled, although she was smiling, but the smile didn't seep into her eyes, "What are you talking about, the child is good, as for not wanting to be with us, it's probably a random thought, just wait until he grows up...you hurry up and ask Ask, where did Lin Lang go, after all, she is a girl with no one to rely on, if something really happens, how can you be worthy of your sister's spirit in heaven?"

Father Wang always felt sorry for Linlang. Although he was reading the newspaper just now, he didn't take the content of the newspaper to heart at all, but was worried about Linlang. Now that someone is willing to step down for him, he is naturally willing to go on.

He made several phone calls one after another, but Lin Lang never went to their place, and Father Wang's mouth was about to froth in anxiety.

Wang Xinya glanced at her stepmother, a bright light flashed in her eyes, she walked forward slowly, patted Father Wang's arm, and said softly, "Tell me... will my sister go to Lu Shen..."

"This..." It's not impossible, after all, the two grew up together and were childhood sweethearts...

Thinking of this, Father Wang glanced at his second daughter and found that she still had no expression on her face. He breathed a sigh of relief, "It's possible, I'll call and ask..."

"Wait a minute!" Wang Xinya shook her head, "Let me fight, after all, this matter is the best for me!"

Father Wang nodded, and at the same time he was pleased to have such a good daughter!
"Hello!" After Lu Shen answered the phone, he finally thought of something, and asked anxiously, "Why are you calling me at this hour? Isn't Lin Lang asking you to trouble again? Sensible!"

"No, my sister is very kind to me!" Wang Xinya's tone was extremely gentle, "You don't have to think too much, I just called to ask, have you seen my sister?"

"Ah?" Lu Shen shook his head, "No, what's wrong? What happened?"

There was a hint of crying in Wang Xinya's voice, "It's all my fault. If I hadn't invited my sister to the wedding, she wouldn't have run away from home...It's all my fault..."

When Lu Shen heard this cry, his heart was about to break, "No, no, you did a good job, and she was the one who was at fault. You invited her to the wedding with good intentions, but she didn't know what's good and what's wrong. Run away from home... It's okay, don't cry, it's just right to leave, and no one is bothering you!"

"No, my sister is very nice!" Wang Xinya said emphatically, "When I first came to this house, she was willing to play with me, and she even gave me her favorite toy..."

"Hehehe, she doesn't want those toys of hers, and you don't want to be fooled by her mask!" Lu Shen sneered, and continued: "Don't worry about her, she is an adult now, you have to do it for her." She is responsible for her actions!"

"But she is my sister after all, I can't let her go, if you have any news about her, please let me know as soon as possible, okay?" Wang Xinya's voice was full of pleading.

Lu Shen shook his head, and couldn't help but sigh that his fiancée's heart is really good, "Well, if she comes to me, I will tell you as soon as possible, don't be sad because of her, You know, sad words will damage your beautiful face, and when we get married, you won't be the most beautiful bride!"

"En!" Wang Xinya responded softly.

Here, Lin Lang looked at the continuous calls on the phone, frowned, pulled out the SIM card, and threw it in the toilet.

First of all, there must be a new life, then there must be a new beginning, and a new beginning starts with a new outfit.

First of all, change a new phone card, and finally, change a new hairstyle, buy some new clothes and new shoes, and thus welcome a brand new self.

Lin Lang is currently studying in her senior year, and her subject is very unpopular, Philosophy.

Because her graduation was approaching, Lin Lang was afraid that something might happen in the middle, so she honestly had to go to school. Later, she realized why she was originally studying such an unpopular subject, because this subject required the least marks in this school.

And in this school, there is a person that the original owner cares most about...

"I knew you were coming back to school today!" Lu Shen looked at the person in front of him. He didn't know why. He always felt that she had changed a lot, but he couldn't tell what changed. Here, there was a hint of indifference in his tone, "Don't be awkward with uncle, go back quickly!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "Then you are no longer my home, and I won't go back!"

Hearing this, Lu Shen's tone became more and more impatient, "Why are you becoming more and more ignorant? Xinya kindly invited you to my wedding, but it's fine if you don't go, and you still blame him, and now you're making trouble again Until you run away from home... Even if you run away from home, I won't be with you, you should die!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she felt a faint pain in her heart. She lowered her head to hide the bitterness on her face, "Don't think too much, I'm also an adult, and it's time to move out, not because of your business!"

(End of this chapter)

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