Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 846 Misplaced Life 2

Chapter 846 Misplaced Life II

Lu Shen didn't take this sentence to heart at all, thinking that Lin Lang was still losing his temper, "You all know that you are an adult, so don't lose your temper anymore, your sister and I really love each other, and I am with him There is no sorry for you together, after all, the two of us have never been together!

As for what I said when I was a child, I said it was when I was a child. Tong Yan Wuji, you don't even believe what children say, do you? "

That's right, the childish words you thought were innocent, but they are engraved on other people's hearts!

Lin Lang shook her head resolutely, with a trace of impatience on her face, "Then who am I hindering by moving out?"

"No...just...it's just that you moved out without saying a word. Have you ever thought about Uncle, have you thought about Xinya? She thought...she thought you were angry with her again!" Lu Shen thought of yesterday Xinya, who called herself, obviously had enough of being wronged, but still pretended nothing happened, and still excused Linlang, what a kind girl.

"You think too much. When I moved out, my dad saw it and told me never to go back. I've had enough of that house. It's a good thing for me and them to be able to move out now! "Linlang's face was extremely cold, "About the two of you, I just told you two. The man and woman are unmarried, and they are in love with each other. When you two are together, I have nothing to do with you, so you two Don't think too much, I've already seen it!"

"You..." Lu Shen looked at Lin Lang suspiciously, he didn't believe that Lin Lang looked away at all, thought that Lin Lang was lying, and hated iron and iron even more, "I was fine when I was young, but the older I get, the more..."

Lin Lang didn't want to continue talking with Lu Shen, so she waved her hand, "Okay, I'll leave if I have nothing to do, let them not worry about me, and you... and Wang Xinya... I don't want to see you in my life, and neither should you. Come find me again!"

"You...what's your attitude?" Lu Shen was very angry, "It's also Xinya who is kind-hearted and caring all the time. If it were me..."

"I don't care if it's yours, right?" Lin Lang laughed mockingly, "But, who cares about you!"

"You...you really bitten Lu Dongbin and didn't know a good heart..." Lu Shen felt a pain in his chest.

Lin Lang pushed away directly, and Lu Shen left without looking back.

Lu Shen looked at the back of Lin Lang going away, his chest was full of anger, and he still called Wang Xinya, "You don't have to worry about her, she is doing well now, and she doesn't want to go back if she doesn't want to go back, you don't have to worry about it, Besides, it's best if she doesn't go back, and no one will bully you then!"

When Wang Xinya heard this, there was a gleam of joy in her eyes, but her tone was extremely gentle, "It's my sister after all, how can I just leave it alone...Forget it, let her live outside during this time , but you can help me, if she really has any difficulties, you can tell me, I will take care of my sister..."

Lu Shen couldn't help but shook his head, alas, Lin Lang looked fine when she was young, but why did she become more and more bad-tempered as she got older.

After Lin Lang entered the classroom, there were many strange eyes. One of the girls came over with a hint of ridicule in her heart: "Didn't you say that Lu Shen is your boyfriend? He is with your sister. He heard that he graduated After that, I am going to get married, hahaha; the bragging is too big..."

Lin Lang rolled her big eyes and ignored her. Seeing Lin Lang ignoring her, the girl also felt bored and left.

To be honest, apart from love and hate, there are also poems and distance in life.

After Lin Lang handed in her graduation thesis to her tutor, she packed her luggage and went directly to Dali, Yunnan.

Here, Wang Xinya was so angry, that dead girl played truant so many times, did she listen carefully in class, but she never expected to pass her graduation thesis, and now she still got her graduation certificate, she is really pissed off.

But I have already done it again, and I will definitely not be as stupid as in the last life, and end up begging on the street.

Yes, Wang Xinya lived again. In the original world, Lin Lang was like a little princess, loved by Papa Wang, and neither mother nor daughter dared to offend Lin Lang.

Later, that woman graduated from one of the top universities and married her childhood sweetheart, while she went to a third-rate school and finally married an ordinary person.

As for Father Wang, although he kept saying that he was his daughter, he didn't treat him as his own daughter at all, and his direct property was very little. Compared with her biological daughter Lin Lang, it was like heaven and earth.

Later, she was unwilling to live a mediocre life, so she used the money to speculate in stocks. You lost all your money, and finally borrowed usury, and there was no way to repay it. When she was dying, she found that Lin Lang was sitting in the luxury car of Forgiveness, And her childhood sweetheart, and the two of them have a lovely child...

In the next life, she and her mother will join hands to apply eye drops to Lin Lang. Even if she is her own flesh and blood, but seeing her getting worse day by day, no matter how much she likes her, it will wear off.

It's all right now, that woman was kicked out of the house, and she was with Lin Lang's childhood sweetheart, and those happy days in the future are all her own.

But the only good thing is that the woman was able to graduate from school!

Dali's scenery is extremely beautiful, but I didn't appreciate the beauty much, but I encountered a bad thing.

"Lu Shen was in a car accident, come back and have a look!" Father Wang said on the other end of the phone.

Lin Lang's heart was throbbing with pain, she couldn't help opening her mouth wide, her eyes were filled with water, and finally said hoarsely, "It's none of my business if he got into a car accident!"

"I..." Papa Wang sighed, "You child, why are you still holding grudges like this...he had a car accident, the doctor said...the chance of waking up is very slim, come back, just take one last look at him !"

Lin Lang was silent for a long time, but she still couldn't hold back her heart. After boarding the plane ticket back, she looked at Lu Shen who was lying on the hospital bed, and asked, "Okay, why did the car accident happen?"

A look of embarrassment flashed across Papa Wang's face, and he finally sighed, "I had an argument with Xinya in the car, and I didn't see the oncoming big car...just..."

When Lin Lang heard this, she really wanted to clap her hands in congratulations, but she still felt a dull pain in her heart. She couldn't explain the reason for this tangled feeling!
Because of the dilemma, Lin Lang nodded casually and said, "Didn't they love to the death, this is the death, I really saw it!"

Father Wang's face was very ugly, but he couldn't say anything to refute, and finally said: "Okay, let's grow up together anyway, don't talk so badly!"

(End of this chapter)

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