Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 847 Misplaced Life 3

Chapter 847

Lin Lang walked in and saw Lu's mother sitting on Lu Shen's bedside crying softly. When she heard something, she turned her head and saw Father Wang, gritted her teeth and said, "Why do you still have the face to come here?"

"Huh?" Lin Lang glanced at Mother Lu and then at Father Wang for a while. She really couldn't figure it out. The two families were close friends, and they were about to become in-laws. It stands to reason that they would be more intimate. How could you listen to Mother Lu? With this tone, do you hate Papa Wang so much?What happened during this time?

Father Wang lowered his head in shame, "I know it's all my fault, but for now, let the child get well soon!"

"How good, the doctor said... Lu Shen will become a vegetable in the future, a vegetable, my poor son, the good time, just wasted on the hospital bed... Why do you think she is so stupid..." Mother Lu Throwing on Lu Sen's body, he burst into tears.

Father Wang's face turned blue for a while, then turned pale for a while, and finally turned red. He gritted his teeth and said, "The doctor didn't say that he would definitely become a vegetable. The memory in the memory, slowly waking up..."

Lu's mother turned her head, her beautiful eyes were full of fierceness, and she wished to cut the person in front of her into pieces, "But the chance of this is very rare..."

Papa Wang took two steps back, took Lin Lang's hand, and said, "The two of them grew up together, let Lin Lang talk to Lu Shen more, maybe... Maybe maybe they wake up..."

Lin Lang always felt that something was wrong, but she said what was wrong, pushed Dad Wang away, and said, "I'm sorry for Lu Shen's behavior, but he and I are just ordinary friends. We need to find someone to reconcile with him." When she speaks, it should be Wang Xinyaer and not me!"

Mother Lu gritted her teeth and said, "Wang Xinya ran away since Lu Shen never woke up again!"

"What?" The two people who loved each other from death to death just broke up like this?

Lin Lang's eyes were full of disbelief, thinking they were joking, "Maybe... Maybe it's because something happened. The two of them loved each other very much at the beginning. It can be said that they hit it off. How could it be..."

Mother Lu sneered a few times, "Yeah, my son has done so many things for Wang Xinya, and even stood in the way for Wang Xinya when he got into a car accident. If it wasn't like this, how could my son be injured so badly? My son is about to become a vegetable, so he ran away without looking back!"

Hearing this, Lin Lang finally understood why the relationship between the two families was so tense, and carefully glanced at Father Wang, who probably felt embarrassed too, so he didn't look up.

Lin Lang patted Lu's mother on the shoulder, and said comfortingly, "Medical science is so advanced now, believe me, Lu Shen will definitely wake up!"

Mother Lu dodged Lin Lang's hand, and said extremely coldly: "You go, I don't want to see your Wang family now!"

Lin Lang didn't say anything, turned around and left. Papa Wang still wanted to say something to Mama Lu at that time. Seeing her so indifferent, he didn't have the cheek to continue pestering her, so he came out together.

"Don't go, I have something to discuss with you!" Father Wang said in an orderly tone.

Lin Lang turned around and sneered, "If you want me to stay and take care of Lu Shen, I advise you not to think about it!"

"You..." Father Wang wanted to do this, and said in a low voice: "Because of your sister, I have completely offended the Lu family. I want to marry you to Lu Sen... Didn't you want to marry Lu Shen the most? This is a great opportunity, not only can you marry the person you like, but I don't have to bankrupt the company just because I offended the Lu family!"

"Hahaha!" Lin Lang looked at the man in front of him with a big smile, and smiled, tears fell down, "I am your daughter, your biological daughter, you pushed me into the fire pit for your own benefit, Does your conscience ache?"

"I..." Father Wang turned his head away, "I have no choice but to, if the company really goes bankrupt, then you will have to live on the street..."

"What's none of my business? I moved out of that house a long time ago, and that house has nothing to do with me!" Lin Lang refused without hesitation, "You can let whoever caused the trouble clean up. I didn't do it for you. The habit of wiping other people's ass!"

"You... If I can find your sister, I won't call you over. I really have nowhere to go. Seeing how good Dad was to you before, I will help Dad this time... as long as I get through it After this time, I will let you two divorce... daughter..." Father Wang said pleadingly.

Lin Lang shook her head without hesitation, and looked at Papa Wang disappointedly, "If Lu Shen is healthy and you let me marry Lu Shen, I will definitely be grateful to you, but now Lu Shen is a cripple, so to speak. A living dead person, marrying such a person, can be said to be ruined for the rest of his life!
I don't want to, as for your so-called nurturing grace, don't worry, when you get old, I will definitely support you..."

"You..." Father Wang was furious.

"It's not too early, I'll go first!" Lin Lang ran away.

After escaping from here, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief, and had to say, the villain will be taken in by God. God did a good job, and finally opened his eyes for a while.

Here, Father Wang came home and saw the anxious stepmother, and asked, "Did Xinya contact you?"

The stepmother's eyes flickered for a moment, and then she shook her head firmly, "No, I've asked all relatives and friends, even the stores she often goes to, but I've never seen her... You say this is a dead girl. My child, I ran away after getting into such a big disaster, and the husband I killed... was all my fault... I was stricter with her back then, so I wouldn't... wouldn't have the current situation... Husband, you have thought so hard...it's all my fault..."

When Father Wang heard this, he couldn't blame him, "Forget it, but if you have news about your child, please contact me quickly... Now that you have caused such a big disaster, we have to make up for it quickly... Otherwise..."

The stepmother's eyes flickered, she stepped forward, and said softly: "Don't worry, the child probably couldn't accept it, so he left, and he will come back after a while when he understands it!

By the way, I heard that Lin Lang also went today, this child, why don't you go home and have a look... I've been worried that she won't be able to eat or sleep outside, and I don't know if she's lost weight..."

When Linlang was mentioned, Father Wang had a sullen face, "Don't mention that unfilial daughter to me. You don't even want to ask her to help with some errands. You really raised her for nothing!"

The stepmother patted Dad Wang on the back, "Don't be angry, the children have their own thoughts, she doesn't want to do it..."

(End of this chapter)

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