Chapter 849

The girl nodded, her face full of guilt, "I know I'm sorry about this, but you don't understand Lu Shen's position in my heart. He is my obsession since I was a child, and it's because he doesn't like me. With my sister, I feel that life is boring, and I want to give up my current body!"

Lin Lang shook her head resolutely, "Don't think that that kind of man is a scumbag, I won't be with him, and he is now a vegetable, do you want yourself to be with a vegetable all your life? That will ruin your!"

The girl nodded firmly, "Now there is an opportunity in front of me, this is the only result, if I don't stay with him, I will regret it for the rest of my life!
Even if this opportunity is a trap, I will jump into it without hesitation, please help me stay with Lu Shen, please..."

Lin Lang looked at the girl in front of her distressedly, "Are you sure you won't regret it? If Lu Shen wakes up...and still wants to be with your sister, what should you do?"

A dry smile appeared on the corner of the girl's mouth, "I've tried my best, no matter who he ends up with in the end, that's his choice, I can't do anything about it, but I'm worthy of my heart, even if I eat, I won't Sad, let alone sad!"

Lin Lang sighed, touched the girl's head, and accepted the commission.

"Since you have said so, then I will try my best to help you fulfill your wish, but you have to be mentally prepared!" Lin Lang said that there are actually three psychological preparations. The first one is that Lu Shen has been a vegetable all his life. In this way, the original owner has to be with him for the rest of his life.

The second one, Lu Shen woke up, but still liked his sister, the original owner left, watching Lu Shen and his sister are very happy.

The third one, Lu Shen woke up, and sighed that the original owner was affectionate, and the two were together.

When the original owner heard this, he agreed without even thinking about it. Lin Lang returned to the real space, sat on the sofa and thought for a long time, and then called Papa Wang.

"You unfilial daughter, you still have the nerve to call me!" Father Wang was furious.

Lin Lang said: "I know I'm not good, but you have to be considerate of me, even a normal person can't accept me suddenly marrying a vegetable!"

Father Wang heard his daughter say this, and sighed, "I was just talking casually at the time, it's fine if you don't agree... But you have to be mentally prepared, because if you offend the Lu family, Dad may go bankrupt ...It may not be able to give you a better life at that time..."

Lin Lang continued: "Just now my stepmother came to see me and asked me to marry Lu Shen. I didn't want to. I thought about it... I think you raised me so much, so I shouldn't just abandon you like this. !"

"You..." Father Wang thought for a while, and finally shook his head, "Forget it, you are my only daughter, it is impossible to watch you fall into the fire pit!"

"Okay, that company is your life's painstaking effort, even if you have the heart to destroy it, I can't bear it!" Lin Lang continued: "Lu Shen... is my lifelong obsession, you should know that I have wanted to Married to Lu Shen, she was with my sister later, and I left home disheartened, mainly because I wanted to avoid them... Now that I have this opportunity, I want to try..."

Father Wang was very moved when he heard this, "My daughter, it is father who is sorry for you..."

"It's okay, I really like her too, but... I have a request..." Naturally, it is impossible for Lin Lang to just marry like this, she still has revenge yet!
"You say you say, what is the request!"

Lin Lang blew her nails, and said with a smile: "This time, Wang Xinya broke in. I can't just wipe her ass for nothing. It's fine if I marry Lu Sen. She has to kneel in front of me and slap herself hard three times." A slap!"

"You...that's your sister..." Father Wang hesitated.

"It's not your own, Dad, it's your own daughter. He's causing your company to go bankrupt, and I'm helping you now. You should be on my side!
How about this, after I go back lonely later, you tell her what I said, don't worry, she will agree 100%! "

Dad thought for a while, and finally said: "I can tell her, what if she doesn't agree?"

"I said, I'm just trying to vent my anger. Even if she disagrees, I will marry her!"

Hearing this, her father breathed a sigh of relief. Just as he was speaking, the stepmother returned home in a daze. When she saw Father Wang, tears fell down her cheeks.

"I just went to find that child, Lin Lang, and I know it's wrong to find her to solve it... But I really have no choice, I can't just watch your company go bankrupt... I know this is Xinya's fault, Xinya should take care of him instead of letting Linlang wipe his ass... But I really have no choice, Xinya ran away..."

Father Wang glanced at his stepmother, and doubts flashed in his heart. Is this her real face?But after thinking about it for a while, she put the matter aside and helped her stepmother up, "Okay, don't cry, the matter has been resolved, Lin Lang just called and said she agreed to marry her... But...she also has a request..."

"What request?" The stepmother was originally happy, but when she heard this, she felt spikes all over her body.

Father Wang sighed, "The child still has resentment, even if she is allowed to marry into the Lu family, it is fine, but Wang Xinya has to kneel in front of her and slap herself three times... this... If you disagree If so, you can refuse, anyway, if this company... goes bankrupt, it will go bankrupt..."

"Of course not!" After bankruptcy, what would she do?I'm used to the life of a rich wife, but I can't live a poor life of saving food and clothing.

"Lin turns out that the child was indeed wronged. Since she wants to do that, I'll try to contact Xinya. Don't worry...I will never let your hard work go bankrupt..."

Father Wang watched his stepmother go out suspiciously, and at the same time began to wonder if his stepmother knew where Xinya had gone.

After running to a remote place, the stepmother quickly called Xinya, "Linlang agreed, but there is one request..."

"What request? It doesn't mean that you want property, that's not acceptable!" Wang Xinya said anxiously: "The two of us don't know anything. If we don't have money, what will we eat and drink in the future?"

Stepmother: "No, she didn't ask for money, and she said that she can go to Lu's house, but because you wipe your ass, you have to kneel in front of her and slap yourself three times to let her relieve her anger." , she agreed to marry into the Lu family..."

(End of this chapter)

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