Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 850 Misplaced Life 6

Chapter 850 Misplaced Life Six


The stepmother sighed, "I really can't help it, after all, she has something to ask for... Just agree, after all, it's about your whole life... Think about it, two slaps and one kneeling can change your life." How nice it would be for that woman to marry a vegetable!"

Wang Xinya took a deep breath, tried to convince herself, and finally said: "Okay!"

After Wang Xinya hung up the phone, she turned herself into a poor and devastated look, put on pale makeup, put on dirty clothes, and returned to Wang's house.

Seeing Wang's father, Wang Xinya knelt on the ground and slapped herself severely, "Dad, I was wrong, hit me, I'm absolutely worthless!"

"You...you..." Father Wang raised his hand, just about to slap him, then slowly lowered his hand and sighed. After all, he was the child he watched grow up, so he really couldn't do it, " Forget it...you shouldn't come back..."

A cold light flashed in Wang Xinya's eyes, why don't you come back and leave all the money to Linlang?

But she wanted to think this way, but she didn't dare to say it out, with tears in her eyes, "I know I did something wrong... I can't bear to let Dad take responsibility alone, so I'm back..."

Father Wang glanced at Xinya, his suspicion became more and more serious, and he finally said, "Then are you willing to marry Lu Sen?"

Wang Xinya's eyes widened suddenly. Didn't Linlang agree to marry Lu Sen?Why do you want to marry him yourself?Could it be that all of this is a lie, just to trick myself into going home...

"No...I..." Wang Xinya stammered, her eyes drifted, "I...I want to make up for it, but I'm afraid that the Lu family won't..."

Wang Xinya's eyes rolled very quickly, her mother would not lie to herself, so this time it should be true, only Father Wang did this, and it must be to protect Linlang!
Ah bah, I have flattered this old man for so many years, saying that I regarded myself as my own daughter, but in the end, for the benefit of my own daughter, I pushed myself out to be a dead ghost, a dead man!

Father Wang lowered his eyes so that people could only see the slightly raised corners of his mouth, "You two are in love with each other. Although you have hurt Lu Shen, if you are willing to guard her for the rest of your life, I believe the Lu family will take it for the sake of it... you should also Will be willing to be with the one I love, maybe it will get better faster!"

Wang Xinya opened her mouth wide, her heart trembled violently, her eyes were erratic, "This... I... I am naturally willing to marry, but... But Lin Lang... Didn't I agree? She also said it was her obsession , I will not deprive you of this..."

"You just came back, how do you know this?" Father Wang raised his head and asked forcefully.

Although Wang Xinya lived twice, she couldn't compare to the old fox in the shopping mall, her mouth was wide open, her eyes were full of panic, "I..."

Seeing this, the stepmother ran out, knelt on the ground and said with tears all over her face: "You blame me, it was my idea to let Xinya leave at the beginning, don't blame me, I believe that any parent will not look at her. His own children jumped into the fire pit!

I know I'm sorry for Lin Lang, but I'm willing to use my next life to repay, the child is innocent, don't take the child to vent your anger..."

Father Wang looked at the mother and daughter and shook his head. He understood everything and waved his hand, "I...I see..."

Yes, he finally knew why his daughter had changed so much, it was all because of him, because he didn't recognize people clearly, didn't see the true faces of these two people, and believed their lies, because his daughter rebelled, thinking that her daughter was ignorant , I am really the biggest fool in the world.

"Father..." Wang Xinya raised her head slowly, feeling a sense of crisis in her heart, and continued, gritting her teeth, "I know I did something wrong, but...I...I really don't want to marry a vegetable..."

"So you want Lin Lang to marry a vegetable?" Dad Wang couldn't help it, and asked directly: "Don't you love Lin Lang the most? You also said that you regard her as your own sister... so you just have the heart to watch her fall into the fire pit ?”

"I..." Wang Xinya lowered her head, "Doesn't she like Lu Shen the most? I'm here to help her!"

"Hahaha..." Papa Wang sneered a few times, "It's a good one. After your sister gets married, you should leave this house. After all, I am not your biological father. Taking care of you to such an old age is also considered a good thing. Benevolence is exhausted!"

"I..." Wang Xinya raised her head, her face was full of disbelief, "Didn't you treat me as your own daughter? Why did you drive me away? Could it be because I did something wrong, but I It's also innocent, I really don't want to marry a vegetable..."

"I know you don't want to marry a vegetative person, but I didn't know that you were so cruel, and you kept saying that Lin Lang was your sister, not secretly, and what you did was not a human thing!" Father Wang said through gritted teeth.

"I..." Wang Xinya shook her head, "I only did this once, so you won't forgive me? After all, you never regarded me as your own daughter..."

Father Wang didn't want to explain. He looked at the stepmother who wanted to plead, and waved his hand, "If you want to plead for her, I advise you not to. If you want to go with her, you can, and I won't stop you!"

My daughter is nothing now, she doesn't even have a decent job, so what can she do if she follows him?It can only be to cut down on food and clothing, eat and sleep in the open.

"What are you talking about? Marry a chicken as a chicken, marry a dog as a dog, I naturally want to follow you!" The stepmother smiled very strongly, then glanced at Wang Xinya, and continued: "You child, if you don't like anything, just follow you!" Father Wang said it was fine, why bother to beat around the bush with him, until now... You, you, it's because I divorced your father that you developed such a sentimental temperament... It's all my fault... ..."

If he had heard such words before, Father Wang would have forgiven their mother and son, but now he has seen their true colors clearly, and now his stepmother has become a villain who is good at acting in his eyes!
"Okay, just tell her that I don't treat her as my own daughter at all, so I don't care how he treats me, after all, I'm just a stranger!" Father Wang sneered, "Let Lin Lang replace you You can also marry the Lu family, when Linlang comes back, kneel down in front of her and slap yourself a few times!"

"Dad!" Although she figured it out, Wang Xinya was not happy about being exposed by others, "Obviously I was helping her, why did it look like I made a mistake?"

(End of this chapter)

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