Chapter 861 Little Aunt II
As for the girls who came with me, they were all assigned to different places. Because the discipline here is stricter, it is difficult to see each other.

Lin Lang also knew about this family. The master used to be an official in the family. After the Qing Dynasty fell, he returned to his hometown. The master originally became the head of a county with the help of the family. Later, because of something , went home.

The master has an eldest wife and seven concubines, but it's just a little difficult. The eldest wife gave birth to two sons and a daughter, and the remaining few concubines, only two gave birth to daughters!

After thinking about it for a while, Lin Lang realized that the lady had big hands, and she didn't dare to go inside to join in the fun. The clothes she usually wears were also so big that people couldn't see her figure clearly.

"Mother, you have to make the decision for me. Gu Shaoqing is not clear with the women outside. The key point is that woman is still a prostitute. If I say something, he blames me and says he didn't give birth to a son. , and blamed me for not giving him a concubine... I am really wronged to death..." The eldest lady said while smoking.

When the eldest lady heard this, she turned the Buddhist beads in her hand and took a look. Her daughter looked at her stomach again, "You have been married for three years, and your stomach still hasn't moved. Didn't you ask the doctor to have a look?"

The eldest girl said aggrievedly: "Of course I read it. I drank both Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and they all said there is no problem, but this child... I can't help if I don't come..."

The eldest lady stopped the movement of her hands, and said: "I have had no children for three years, what do you want me to say for you? I don't have the face of my in-laws anymore!

Alright, your husband has already said that, so you can help him find one, preferably one that can be held in his hand, and after the baby is born, you can hold it under your name! "

"I don't want to raise other people's children!" The young lady said aggrievedly.

"You don't want to raise other people's children, so what will you do in the future? If you are dismissed and go home, don't blame me and your father for being rude!" The lady continued with a cold face: "Your father has something to ask of the Gu family now, so no matter what the Gu family asks He will agree to any request. Instead of them taking you home, you might as well take the initiative and make this matter go away, so that they will miss you!"

"Father really, he didn't care about my life or death at all. Back then, the Gu family...wasn't Liang Pei at all, and they pushed me into the fire pit..." Thinking about it, the eldest lady burst into tears, "Then Gu Shaoqing knows how to hang around the fireworks place , and often go to gamble, associate with some messy people... I... I really regret it to death..."

"Okay!" The lady slapped the table, "Then Gu Shaoqing does have a lot of bad things, but his father is good, his father is now a marshal, and he has hundreds of thousands of soldiers under his command!

The current world is very chaotic. Only with soldiers in your hands can you be safe and sound... Have you seen it outside?Corpses are strewn all over the field, people are going to eat people..."

"Huh?" The eldest lady shrank her head, "Is it so serious outside?"

"Yeah, otherwise your father wouldn't hold on to the Gu family anymore. Be good yourself. If you don't want to choose, I'll pick one from home and send it over for you. Don't feel uncomfortable, as long as you sit firmly in the Gu family's position." , the whole country will be yours in the future!

As for men, that's what they look like..."

When the eldest lady heard this, she glanced at the eldest lady cautiously, "My father..."

The eldest lady sneered, "It's really disrespectful for a person in his 50s to want to take a concubine!"

"Doesn't he have seven concubines?" The eldest girl said with a look of disgust.

The eldest lady sighed, and looked at her daughter, "Men never think that there are too many concubines, so daughter, your husband's little request is really nothing, you should take the initiative to take concubines for him, so that the relationship between husband and wife will be fine." There will be no damage!"

The eldest girl nodded and returned home in a daze.

On the Da Furen's side, I found a few nurses in charge, and asked: "The newly bought maids have been trained by you guys. I want to ask, are there any honest and obedient ones?"

The women looked at each other and said, "Ma'am, those maids have higher hearts than the sky, but it's a pity, their lives are thinner than paper!"

"Yeah, I still want to be an aunt, are really courageous!"

"Every time I see the master, one by one scratches his head and poses..."

Mrs. Wang watched them talking, but she didn't take the initiative to speak. After a while, she said: "The girl who went to my side is very obedient. She has never caused trouble, and she will do whatever she is asked to do!"

When the eldest lady heard this, she turned her head and nodded, "Since you have agreed, it must be good. What does the girl look like?"

Mrs. Wang thought for a while, "The butt is quite big, it seems that this is fertile, but the's just like that, the skin is a bit yellow..."

The eldest lady's eyes lit up when she heard that she could have children, "Wow, wah, bring that maid to me tomorrow!"

When Lin Lang heard what Mrs. Wang said, she raised her head in surprise, and then burst into tears, "Grandma Wang, I want to ask what I did wrong? Do you want me to see your wife?"

Mrs. Wang patted Lin Lang, "Don't worry, it's a good thing for Madam to find you, not a bad thing!"

"I..." Lin Lang burst into tears, "I was born in a poor family, but I also know that I can't be a concubine for them... So I don't have that kind of thought, please tell my wife that I am very obedient, as long as Just give me something to eat..."

Mrs. Wang didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Don't worry, I see all your kindness, but I really don't know what it is, anyway, it is definitely not for the master to be a concubine!"

Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, she didn't want to be that old man's aunt.

The next morning, Lin Lang wiped ginger water on her face again to hide her fair and tender skin, and even smeared some dust on it. The radiant little beauty suddenly turned into a gray-faced dirt girl.

"Hey, don't wear this dress today, wear this one!" Mrs. Wang handed over a pink jacket.

Lin Lang reluctantly took off her loose robe, revealing her curvy figure, and put on the rose red dress, making her figure appear exquisite.

"Hey, I didn't expect that your little girl has a pretty good figure, she looks fertile, and I don't know which kid is cheaper in the future!" Wang Pozi said with a sigh.

Lin Lang lowered her head in shame, in fact to cover up the astonishment on her face, and at the same time began to think about what to do next.

After going to the eldest lady's house, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief when she found that the master was indeed not there. It seemed that she really wasn't choosing a concubine for the master!

The eldest lady took a look at this girl, and found that she was indeed quite obedient and had a good figure. It seemed that she was fertile.

(End of this chapter)

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