Chapter 862 Little Aunt III
The eldest lady became more and more satisfied as she watched, she nodded, and said to Mrs. Wang: "I am very satisfied with her. Later, you will take the housekeeper and send her to the eldest lady together!"

miss?In Linlang's memory, she had indeed seen this woman, but the eldest lady pointed at the original owner's nose and she was a vixen. Now that she is doing well, why did the eldest lady get involved?

"Madam?" Lin Lang pretended to be panic-stricken and asked cautiously: "Slave can ask, why did you send me to Missy's side? Did you do something wrong? I promise you will do it next time." Very good, I beg Madam not to drive away the servant..."

The eldest lady shook her head, picked up the teacup beside her, and took a sip of the tea, "You did a good job, and because you did a good job, that's why I transferred you to the eldest lady's side!"

What?Just as Lin Lang was about to ask, she was dragged down by Mrs. Wang, except for the madam's yard, and she whispered, "Are you stupid? Even if you don't want to, madam has said more, can you refuse?

Besides, this is serving the eldest lady, it's much better than staying here and working in the kitchen! "

Lin Lang choked and said, "But I don't want to be here... I don't want to leave..."

Mrs. Wang nodded Lin Lang's forehead, "Silly girl, water flows to low places and people go to high places. The eldest girl's family belongs to the Gu family, and the Gu family is a tyrant in the southwest. If you go to work there, you will have no worries about food and drink for the rest of your life." !"

Lin Lang was even more puzzled, "Then according to what you said, the Gu family should have no shortage of people, why did you let me transfer there?"

Mrs. Wang glanced at Lin Lang, recalled the gossip she had heard recently, and sighed, "Son, Young Master Gu is also a good-looking talent with a distinguished family background. Don't lose your temper when you go there..."

Lin Lang turned pale when she heard this, "Grandma Wang, although my family is poor, I am also the daughter of a good family, and I know it's not good to be a concubine..."

"Your parents have already sold you to the mansion, and it is only a matter of one word if they want to beat or kill you... As for whether you are willing or not, it is not in the scope of their consideration at all. You can obediently listen to what others say, so you can save money." Take some pain!" Mrs. Wang patted Lin Lang on the shoulder and sighed, "Go back and pack your things!"

Just like this, Lin Lang took her own little baggage and went to the Gu Mansion. The mansion of the Gu Mansion was indeed much better than that of the Wang family. It not only had the grandeur of the oriental architecture, but also the delicacy of the western architecture.

Lin Lang was assigned to a small room. As for the eldest lady, it seemed as if she didn't exist, and she hadn't seen her. Lin Lang was also willing to maintain the status quo, staying in her own small room, honestly.

"That woman is quite honest!" The eldest lady was quite satisfied with this woman, but she panicked at the thought of making someone for her husband.

That night, when Gu Shaoqing came back, smelling of alcohol, blindfolded, he was carried to another room.

Lin Lang saw the sudden man, stood aside in fright, looked at the servants who were about to leave, took their hands and hurriedly asked, "Brother, why did you ask someone to carry you to my room?"

"This is the young lady's confession, let you take good care of the uncle!" The servant waved his hand, knocked Lin Lang's hand off, and left without looking back.

Lin Lang looked at the unconscious man lying on the bed, thought for a while, and helped him take off his clothes, found some hot water, helped him wipe his body, covered him with a quilt, and sat on the chair.

I don't know how long it took, Gu Shaoqing woke up slowly, and when he realized that he was lying in the wrong environment, he sat up suddenly and saw a woman sitting not far away, and asked suspiciously: "Who are you? Why are you here?" here?"

Lin Lang replied in a low voice: "It's the eldest young mistress who asked me to serve you!"

"Ma'am..." Gu Shaoqing rubbed her aching head, "It's really nonsense, I don't want you to serve, you can go back wherever you want!"

When Lin Lang heard this, her heart arose. If she was really driven away, then the Wang family would be a pit of fire, especially the master of the Wang family. According to her appearance, then...

Thinking of this, Lin Lang immediately knelt down on the ground, "Eldest Young Master, I beg you to let me stay here, if you drive me back, then I will die!"

When Gu Shaoqing heard this, her heart softened, she glanced at Lin Lang, and found that the little girl was only fifteen or sixteen years old at most, and asked distressedly: "You were sent here at such a young age, what's going on?"

When Lin Lang heard this, tears flowed down her face, "The family is poor, and the harvest has been bad in the past few years, so I really can't eat. You and your brother are both sick, so you sold me to the Wang family!
Eldest young master, it doesn't matter if you don't want me, you can stay anywhere, and I can do any job, as long as I need a bite of food, but please, don't drive me back. If I can't serve you well, I'll definitely be beaten to death!
On the other hand, it is our master, he... likes young and beautiful girls..."

"Beast!" Gu Shaoqing said through gritted teeth, and finally lifted Lin Lang up, "Okay, I understand, you stay here!"

After Gu Shaoqing finished speaking, she turned and left, and went directly to the eldest lady's room.

"Why do you..." Although she made up her mind to give her husband a favor, she still felt a little uncomfortable. Seeing her husband came back, the eldest lady was filled with joy.

Gu Shaoqing lay on the bed with all four limbs on his back, and said: "You are really enough. Do you still have a conscience if you give me such a small girl?"

Hearing this, the eldest lady became angry all of a sudden, "If you don't stop people, you ran around in the fireworks field and complained that I wasn't considerate of you enough. What do you want me to do?"

Gu Shaoqing sat up and said with a cold face: "You don't have to worry about what I do, as long as you take care of yourself!"

"You...I'm your wife!" the eldest lady said angrily.

Gu Shaoqing sneered, "You are obedient, but if my wife is not obedient, she will become your eldest lady!"

" are really ruthless!" The eldest lady was about to cry angrily.

Gu Shaoqing felt impatient when he heard the cry, sat up directly, and said indifferently: "I'm going to sleep in the study today!"

The eldest lady sat on the bed like this and cried all day long. The next morning, she thought of that maid, slapped the table, and called her over angrily.

"How did you serve the young master last night? Why was he so angry? Could it be that you didn't serve him well?" the young lady said angrily.

(End of this chapter)

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