Chapter 872 Honest Man IV
Yes, there is really no reason for people to frame a girl, but think about it, Xiaoli herself has a big doubt. First of all, she said that he works in the city and has a good job. When asked about the company he works for, He stuttered and couldn't explain clearly.

What's more, this Xiaoli suddenly wants to get married. It's okay for you to say that a girl wants to get married, but most girls look for it slowly, unless they are too old, so they can't wait to get married.

Xiaoli is young, it is impossible to want to get married that much, girls of their age want to play for a few more years.

The face of the relative changed, and finally said: "Although we know, but there is no conclusive evidence, what if Xiaoli is not, then this is a good girl wronged, let's see again, what if she is really Pregnant before marriage, it won't be too late for us to expose it when the time comes!"

That's it, even if you think about it, you can't understand, there are so many people who introduce boyfriends to themselves, why suddenly there are no more?

Seeing her growing belly, Xiaoli gritted her teeth and started posting her news on various marriage websites. Finally, someone was hooked, but the next day, that person said a few days later...

No matter how late, if this continues, her stomach can't be hidden anymore. It's not that he never thought about having an abortion, but the doctor said that his foundation is not good. If he continues to have an abortion, he will not be able to conceive in the future.

"Auntie, didn't you say you wanted to introduce a boyfriend to me last time? Why didn't there be any movement?" The relative Xiaoli found said anxiously: "Actually, my requirements are not high. I have a house and a car. That's fine, the dowry doesn't matter... I just want to get married as soon as possible..."

"Xiaoli, according to your age, why are you in such a hurry to get married? You're not a leftover woman who can't get married!" The relative sneered, glanced at Xiaoli's bulging belly, and sneered in his heart, "I'll The boyfriend you introduced hasn't come back yet, let's talk about it when he comes back in a while!"

"I...I..." Xiaoli was so anxious that she was about to cry, "Auntie, I'm not satisfied. I came back this time because I broke up with my ex-boyfriend, but I was pregnant. The doctor said...the doctor said I I'm not in good health, I can't have an abortion and I have to give birth to the child, so I want to get married quickly, I know it's not good for others...but I really have no choice..."

The relative's lungs were about to explode when they heard this. The little girl finally told the truth, but the truth was mixed with all kinds of lies.

"Since you regard me as a relative, then you should tell me the truth? Fortunately, none of the people who introduced you to you has succeeded. If it succeeds, what do you make others think of me?" The relative gritted his teeth and continued: " Anyway, I don't have time to take care of your nosy business, you can solve it yourself!"

"Ai ai ai... What's wrong with raising a child, besides, I don't need a betrothal gift, it's much more cost-effective than others!" Xiaoli said anxiously.

"Nowadays everyone wants to marry a wife and live an honest life. Who wants to marry a wife and have many children? After all, no one wants to be a father!" The relative looked at Xiao Li with a cold face, and shook his head. left.

As for Xiao Li's follow-up, Lin Lang didn't know. He was with that thrifty girl. That girl was indeed a little too frugal, but under Lin Lang's leadership, she no longer valued money so much.

The two have already met their parents. If there are no accidents, they will plan to hold a wedding this summer.

When she was getting married, Lin Lang learned about Xiaoli. Xiaoli still gave birth to the child, but the child was raised by others as soon as it was born. It was just a poor child who met such a mother.

When Lin Lang opened her eyes again, she found that she was lying in a swaddling baby, her body was tightly surrounded by quilts, her stomach was empty, and her body was extremely uncomfortable.

"It's unlucky, it's another girl!" A sharp voice rang out.

"It's all my fault. It's because I didn't live up to my expectations and didn't add a boy to the family!" A crying voice rang out.

"My family has been unlucky for several lifetimes. Marrying you, a hen who can't even lay eggs, really pissed me off. Also, that fortune teller is really unreliable. He clearly said that your baby is a boy. Otherwise, we wouldn't have kept the baby, now that it's healed and there's another girl, what should our family do?"

"It's all my fault, mother-in-law, I'm still young, don't worry, my next child will definitely give birth to a fat boy!"

"Don't have another girl, our family can't afford it anymore!"

Just as they were arguing, the door was suddenly opened, and a voice rang out.

"All right, all of you, stop arguing. I have a distant relative. There are several boys in the family, so I just want a girl!"

"Hey, although we can give him the child, you know, this child is the flesh and blood of our old Li's family after all, we can't give it to others for nothing!"

"You can't say that. It's obvious that you don't want this child. We are helping you by raising it for you. Do you still have the nerve to ask for something?"

"We didn't ask you to raise it, anyway, you can't take it for nothing, you have to give something!"

"I'm really convinced. If you give me money, I will give you money. But I have something to say first. After taking the money, you will never recognize this baby again!"

"Don't worry!"

Lin Lang was confused, but she also knew that the family wanted a boy, but she couldn't help complaining in her heart, does your family have a throne to inherit?Need a boy?

But she should understand her situation, she should be sold, alas~ I hope the family who bought her is a good family.

In a trance, Lin Lang was carried away, and when she woke up, she found herself lying on a small bed, her body was also cleaned up, and a feeding bottle was stuffed into her mouth as soon as she opened her mouth, and she squeezed it vigorously. As soon as you inhale, the sweet and fragrant taste comes.

"Oh, this child is so beautiful, but too thin!" A gentle voice sounded.

"I heard that the family didn't like this girl, so they didn't take care of her. What a poor child!" the rough mine's voice sounded.

"From now on, she will be a part of our family, and she just happens to be a companion with the third child!"


Hearing this, Lin Lang knew that she had met a kind person, her small mouth slightly curled up, showing a smile, and fell asleep happily after eating and drinking.

The baby's life is very comfortable, except for eating and sleeping, no one provokes her, and because he has become smaller, his head has also become smaller, and his brain memory is not enough, he almost forgot to receive the plot.

(End of this chapter)

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