Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 873 Adopting a Daughter 1

Chapter 873 Adopted Daughter One
When I thought about it, I was already one year old. I was put on the bed chubby and smiled, showing a few millet teeth. Looking fat and white, I looked like a virgin who was sitting down by Guanyin.

"My parents abandoned me when I was very young, and my adoptive parents adopted me. They are a very good couple. Although I have always given birth to three boys and never gave birth to a girl, I especially want to Wanted a girl, so I adopted it!
I have lived a very happy life. I have parents who love me the most, and three older brothers who love me the most. When I grow up, I participate in a talent show and become a star. I think that when I go on like this, My adoptive parents are here again. They use public opinion to insist on recognizing me back!

I later found out that the reason they asked me to go back was to give me a kidney. I was unwilling, after all, they had never given birth to me, but because of public opinion, my adoptive parents were harassed a lot, and I, because These public opinions and careers have further declined!
So that in the end, the audience remembered me because I was cruel. Because of me at home, the three brothers lost their jobs, and the parents' business was also greatly affected!
I really hate them because they ruined everything for me. If I do it all over again, I hope I can take good care of my adoptive parents and three older brothers. At the same time, I hope my career can go to a higher level. As for me Those wolf-hearted parents, I want to take revenge on them! "

After Lin Lang accepted the plot, she opened her small eyes to take revenge on those parents?Lin Lang bit her chubby hand. He is not a dog, he never bites people or things, but this time he bit his hand, mainly because his teeth were too itchy, and he always wanted to find something to bite.

"My sister is drooling, she's ashamed!"

When Lin Lang heard this, she wanted to bite off her back molars. Maybe it was because compared with the third brother's age, this third brother always liked to come over to tease him no matter what he did. She was really mad at her. If she She was young and couldn't walk easily. She had already killed this little bastard in the past.

After finally reaching the age of five, Lin Lang went to kindergarten, and as for her cheating third brother, he had already started the second grade.

"Sister, I'm here to pick you up from school!" Yes, because the husband and wife are busy with work, the responsibility for leaving school falls on the third child.

"Did Mom and Dad not come back today?" Lin Lang asked as she ran over quickly with a small schoolbag on her back.

"No, I said there is something wrong in the company, come back later!" Lu Hao patted his sister's head and said with a smile.

Lin Lang slapped Lu Hao's hand off, and said angrily: "Don't touch my head with your paw anymore, if you keep touching my head like this, I won't grow up!"

"Little girl's film!" Lu Hao rolled his big eyes.

Back home, Lin Lang threw away her schoolbag, took a watermelon from the refrigerator, quickly threw herself on the sofa, turned on the fan and TV, and ate the watermelon comfortably.

"Has the teacher assigned homework today?" Lu Hao asked after flipping out his textbook.

Lin Lang nodded, because she was eating watermelon in her mouth, so her voice faltered, "It's arranged, but I have already finished my homework in school!"

"Then come and review your homework, don't keep watching TV!" Lu Hao patted the table, then raised his chest, and said proudly: "My grades are good, if you don't know anything, You can come and ask me!"

Lin Lang rolled her big eyes, boy, you are still young when you compare your grades with me.

"No need!" Lin Lang refused without hesitation.

Lu Hao was a little bit disappointed when he heard this, he thought he could look good in front of his sister.

Thinking of this, Lu Hao plucked up his courage, "Even if you meet it, you can't be complacent, get up and review your homework!"

Lin Lang crossed the sofa, looked at Lu Hao and said, "The knowledge in the textbook is extremely simple, I know it well, and I can do what you learn, so there is no need to review homework, so as not to waste time!"

"You're talking big, you haven't even learned the knowledge of the second grade, how could you!" Lu Hao shook his head in disbelief.

Lin Lang sat up, opened the math textbook in front of this brat, chose a question at random, and said the answer in one go, without any calculations at all.

Lu Hao still didn't believe it, and clicked several math problems one after another, but Lin Lang said it without hesitation.

Lu Hao completely believed that his sister was a genius, and sighed that he could do everything. At the same time, he became more and more serious in his studies. He hoped that he could surpass his sister as soon as possible, so that he could find you in front of her.

But no matter what, he could never keep up with his younger sister in studies, so that in junior high school, her younger sister had already skipped a grade and went to school in the same grade as him, which made him feel even more frustrated.

"Hey, did you see that happy female voice from yesterday? Wow, I really like Zhang Yuyao!"

"What's so great about Zhang Yuyao, Liu Xin is the best!"

"Nonsense, my idol is obviously the most powerful, what else does your idol do besides singing? My idol can dance, and he can also dance street dance!"

Lin Lang didn't want to hear these brats arguing, so she took out the game console in her schoolbag and started playing happily, when a word suddenly reached her ears.

"I heard that we are also going to hold a super girl audition here, do you think I want to participate?"

"I've heard of it too, but I don't know anything, and I only do soy sauce when I go. As for you, what do you know?"

"I...I can sing. The last time I sang with my mother in KTV, the adults all praised me for singing well..."

"If you think it sounds good, you can try it!"

"I'm afraid alone, can you go with me!"

"I heard that the choice is far away, I still don't want to go!"

"Are you still my good friend!"


Upon hearing this, Lin Lang turned around and said to them, "I also want to participate in Super Girl, so let's go together when the time comes, as a companion!"

The classmate turned around, eyes full of little stars, "Okay, then we have an appointment, so don't be late!"

Lin Lang nodded, and after school, she told her parents that she was going to participate in the audition, "Actually, I just want to join in the fun, and exercise my courage by the way!"

"Okay, okay, you little girls can do whatever you want, after all, who doesn't have a youth, but...there are too many people over there, I'm afraid you will be in danger, let your third brother go with you, let him Protect you!" Dad confessed.

(End of this chapter)

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