Chapter 880 Comparing Two
When the fourth child heard this, he smiled, "Yeah, who knows what the future holds? The third child is about the same age as me. It would be a pity if we just let her be her boyfriend!"

After finishing speaking, several people chatted and laughed again, not paying attention to the conversation just now. After it was over, it was already three or four o'clock in the middle of the night. The boss was the boss here and lived directly in the store.

The second child was picked up by the driver and went back. As for the fourth child, because he had a boyfriend, he was sent back by him.

When Lin Lang woke up again, the air was filled with the sweet smell of milk. Lin Lang sat up, yawned, put on the nightgown next to the pillow, and walked over barefoot.

"Go wash your face and brush your teeth first, and dinner will be ready in a while!" Lu Ting turned his head, his fine hair was scattered on his forehead, and the golden sun shone on his face, like a steed.

Lin Lang nodded, and was about to go to the bathroom when Lu Ting suddenly took her hand, frowned, ran to the living room, took out a pair of slippers, and gently put them on for her, "Really, I don't know how to take care of her at all." When I was in physical pain, didn't I have a long enough memory?"

Such a considerate boyfriend, Lin Lang immediately took Lu Ting away, and kissed him, "Isn't there you!"

Lu Ting nodded Lin Lang's forehead, "You're glib, but even with me, you have to take care of your body, because I'll hurt you when you hurt!"

Lin Lang was so sweet that she didn't want to, if it wasn't for the fact that it was getting late, she would really want to mess around in bed again.

Lin Lang was drinking sweet milk. When she turned on her phone, she found that someone had sent her a lot of messages on WeChat. When she opened it, she found that it was all those sisters.

There was nothing else to say, just to blame her for not going to the banquet yesterday, and Lin Lang didn't put down her phone. After eating, she went out to work with Lu Ting. The two worked in different places, so they went in different directions.

Lin Lang has just graduated, so she is still just an intern, and the work is relatively simple, so Lin Lang got started very quickly, and she became more and more fluent.

"I didn't say that, Linda is too narrow-minded. Yesterday we had a colleague who wore the same clothes as her, and she was so angry that she even put on shoes for that colleague!"

"Who makes someone with outstanding business ability, and is a popular person in the eyes of the boss, so I can wear small shoes for whoever I want, unlike us, alas~ I am so angry!"

"I heard another piece of news, but after you hear it, don't tell others~"

"Oh, don't you believe our mouths? Tell us quickly, we promise to keep our mouths shut!"

"I heard Linda was having an affair with the manager..."


"Thinking about it, it's not impossible. Linda just graduated from a third-class school, but she can enter this big company, and even climbed to the position of assistant director. No one would believe it!"

"Maybe it's not someone behind, but someone above?"

"Hahahaha, you are really good or bad..."


Lin Lang didn't intend to listen to these people's gossip. She came to the bathroom, but she didn't expect a group of people to come in with her. After putting on her makeup, she started chatting, and she didn't go out if she stayed inside. Crouching numb.

After those people had left, Lin Lang breathed a sigh of relief and opened the door gently. After finding that there was no one there, she quickly walked out of the toilet. As for the gossip she just heard, she didn't take it seriously.

Lin Lang's current company is indeed one of the best in the industry, with good benefits and remuneration. Her internship here can be said to be entrusted to the boss's favor, but whether she can stay depends on her ability, not her relationship.

After work, Lin Lang looked at the message from Lu Ting, saying that he would not work overtime tonight, and he would go back early to make dinner for himself.

Thinking of this, Lin Lang felt sweet in her heart, and was just about to put the phone in her bag when the phone rang.

"Hello!" Lin Lang answered the phone.

"Are you off work? Let's come out together!" The boss said with a smile.

"Didn't you drink enough yesterday? Do you want to drink today? Are you not afraid of hurting your body?" Lin Lang asked with a smile.

The boss said in surprise: "Hey, you still care about my body, don't worry, I'm a person who can drink a thousand cups without getting drunk, come here quickly, you can't shirk today!"

"Okay, but I'll go there later. My boyfriend cooked for me. It's not a good idea to waste his efforts, so I'll go after eating!" Lin Lang also felt that it was wrong to keep refusing, so she agreed, but Her promise is also demanding.

Boss: "Okay, but don't come too late, but you can bring your boyfriend over, let's get together!"

Lin Lang smiled softly, "Forget it, I'm afraid you female hooligans will swallow my boyfriend alive!"

Hearing this, the boss laughed heartily, "Hahahaha... you still know our essence best, but... after you talked about your boyfriend, you didn't let him meet us a few times, so I did anyway. If you have lived with many men and know their details, you bring him here, and I will help you as a staff member, so that you won’t have time to cry when you are fooled someday!”

"I'm poor and white. If he has anything to worry about, you don't have to worry about it. My boyfriend is very good!" Lin Lang refused.

The boss didn't say anything, and hung up the phone after a few words.

Back home, the smell of the food hit her face. Lin Lang took a few deep breaths and felt that her saliva was about to flow down, "Honey, what delicious food did you cook tonight?"

"I made your favorite crayfish!" Lu Ting leaned over, with an apron tied around his waist, and a spatula in his hand.

When Lin Lang heard this, she jumped up happily and opened the refrigerator. She was about to get two cans of beer when she suddenly thought of the boss's invitation and chose Coke in frustration.

"Huh?" Lu Ting asked suspiciously, "How do you drink Coke? I remember you like beer when you eat crayfish!"

Linlang nodded aggrievedly, "Yes, but the boss will invite me to get together later, and he will definitely"

Lu Ting licked his head gracefully, thought about the boss's occupation, a trace of thought flashed across his face, and stroked Lin Lang's head, "The place where the boss works is not safe, remember to call me after you finish drinking, I will pick you up!"

Lin Lang nodded vigorously, "Okay, okay, husband, you are the best!"

Lu Ting's cooking skills are very good. The crayfish is spicy and delicious, very delicious, and it is served with ice-cold Coca-Cola, which is worth a thousand dollars!

(End of this chapter)

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