Chapter 881 Comparison Three
After eating the crayfish, Lin Lang touched her full stomach, looked at the air conditioner and TV not far away, and sighed sadly.

Lu Ting thoughtfully cleaned up the debris on the table, glanced at Lin Lang, and said, "If you really don't want to go, then don't go, there's no need to force yourself!"

Lin Lang shook her head, "They are good sisters and best friends who grew up with me, and I already rejected it once yesterday, how could I not go today!"

Lu Ting didn't say anything, and helped Lin Lang pack up her things and sent her downstairs, and said: "You must remember not to drink alcohol given by strangers, and if you feel that you are about to get drunk, call me immediately!"

Lin Lang nodded, and when she was able to get there, she realized that she was the last one to arrive.

"No, I'm late, I must drink three glasses of wine and apologize to the three of us!" The fourth brother said carelessly.

Lin Lang shook her head, "Forgive me, I have to go to work tomorrow, another day, I will definitely apologize to you guys!"

The boss laughed, "It's okay if you don't drink three glasses, but at least one, let's have a glass of beer!"

After speaking, the boss poured a glass of beer, threw a few ice cubes into it, and handed it over.

Lin Lang took it, drank it all in one gulp, sat on the sofa watching them, singing to their heart's content, felt a little bored, and even yawned several times.

"Are you so sleepy?" The second child asked with a smile after seeing Lin Lang's movements.

Lin Lang nodded, and said meaningfully: "Yes, I'm tired. I have to be squeezed by the boss at work, and I have to be squeezed by others when I get home. can also say that I squeeze others, but it's always physical work. ..."

"You..." The second child didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Are you giving me a yellow accent?"

Lin Lang stuck out her tongue and smiled, "You young woman, why are you pretending to be pure? Among the four of us, you were the most slutty!"

The second child's complexion changed, and finally he smiled softly, took out a black bag, and pulled his hair, "Oh, the past was the past, now is the present, I have changed... After all, such a girl Boys are not welcome to children, you are welcome to look at my bag and tell me that my husband bought it for me from France... I heard it is a limited edition bag... tens of thousands!"

Lin Lang almost vomited when she heard this, and took a look at the bag, which was indeed a branded product, but it couldn't be called a limited edition, so she didn't take it to heart.

"Everyone has their own preferences, just like radishes and vegetables, each has its own favorite, your husband likes yours, and my boyfriend likes mine!" Lin Lang said with a smile.

"To be honest, since you have a boyfriend, you have less time to hang out with us. You are not allowed to lose sight of your interests. You are married like me. As long as you have a party, I will come over immediately..." the old man Er pouted.

Lin Lang pushed her hand, "What's the difference? You and your husband have already passed the honeymoon period, and my boyfriend and I are in the middle of honeymoon. If I don't think that you are my good sisters, I can't wait to be with him every day." Together, I won't come out to play with you at all, hey~ I finally know what it means to be inseparable..."

The fourth child sneered, "That's all you have, a man, what's so important, I just talked about a boyfriend the day before yesterday, and I broke up with him yesterday!
You are still so young, you should have more love affairs and enjoy more life! "

Lin Lang shook her head, "Maybe everyone's pursuit is different, I want to continue walking with Lu Ting, if possible, maybe we will enter the palace of marriage!"

The second child's face changed when he heard this, he raised his orchid finger, and looked at Lin Lang in surprise, "How can you think that way, I know you and your boyfriend want to get back together, but you don't want to She has just graduated, her salary is only a little, and his family is not well-off, so what can he give you in the future? Girls, be realistic and don't think about love. Love is only when there is bread, and love is without bread. Love is like a plate of loose sand!"

The boss followed suit and nodded, "Yes, getting married not only depends on how well you get along, but also considers the other party's family environment. Although he looks good now and has a good future, don't you think about it, can he afford the house here? ?
Do you want to marry him casually?In this case, he will think you are very cheap, and he will not know how to cherish you. When he succeeds in his career one day, you will become a yellow-faced woman, and maybe he will raise a mistress outside..."

"What are you talking about, my boyfriend's temper, I know he is a good man!" Lin Lang said emphatically: "He really can't give me the best, but he has presented the best to me In front of him, a person must know how to be content, I am very satisfied with him now, I want to wait until the Chinese New Year, I will take him back to see his parents!"

"You..." The boss shook his head resentfully, "Uncle and aunt will definitely not agree to you marrying such a person, listen to my advice, break up with him quickly, and sister will introduce you to a rich man." People, I guarantee that you will have no worries about food and clothing for the rest of your life!"

"Yeah, then you don't have to struggle. You can read newspapers and chat at home every day, and go shopping when you have nothing to do. Anyway, every day is shopping. It's better than working hard now. Maybe someday You have to take advantage of other women!" The second child sighed softly, "Don't blame me for saying that, this kind of thing is the easiest to see in our circle, some men are originally poor, but their daughters-in-law don't despise men for being poor, I struggled with him, but the man turned bad as soon as he got rich, immediately found a mistress outside, and even divorced his original wife..."

Lin Lang picked up her bag and stood up, "I'm an adult, I have my own thinking ability, maybe marrying a rich man, I can get a lot of things, but I also lose a lot of things accordingly, I like Lu Court, even if he really separates from me one day, that is my own choice, and I will never regret it!"

"You... don't listen to the old man's words, you will suffer in front of your eyes!" The second child snorted coldly.

Lin Lang shook her head, "It's not too early, I'll go back first, you guys keep eating and drinking!"

When the boss heard that Lin Lang was leaving, he stood up, "We are all for your own good. If you don't want to hear it, you won't listen, and we won't talk about it. We've been good sisters for decades. Don't hurt your peace because of such a trivial matter. !
Let's finally get together, don't just leave, let's have a few more drinks! "

"No, I have to go to work tomorrow morning. You also know that I'm still an intern. I don't want to leave a bad impression on the leader. Let's get together another day!" Lin Lang shook her head, then opened the door of the box, and left without hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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