Chapter 889
The butler's eyes lit up when he heard this, "My young master is still a recruiter. It's really amazing. As for whether the young master is willing to go with me, you don't have to worry about it, sir. It's obvious! Our Hou's family is a famous family. When I go back, I can enjoy innumerable glory and wealth, and I can also inherit the title, which is much higher than that of a small Juren!"

The adults also felt that what the butler said was that after all, a Juren is really not as good as a title, but he is not easy to offend Linlang, so he said in a roundabout way: "Butler, it's getting late now, or you can take a rest here first It’s late, wait until tomorrow, it’s not too late for us to go again!”

The butler glanced outside and it was indeed late, and it was not good to disturb others at this time and nodded, agreeing with what the adults said.

That night, the boss came home and found that the atmosphere in the house was not right, especially his mother, who didn't even cook, and sat by the bamboo stool, her face full of anger.

"What's the matter?" the eldest asked the second.

Hearing this, the second child pouted and said angrily, "An inexplicable person came over today and said he wanted to take my brother away..."

When the boss heard this, he looked at his mother suspiciously, "Who is it? Who wants to take me away?"

Lin Lang looked at her son and felt that he was too old, so she sighed softly, "It's from your father's side!"

"My father?" The boss frowned, "Didn't you say he died early?"

Lin Lang glanced at her son, "He was angry at the beginning, so he lied to you, he didn't die, but for the so-called glory and wealth, he abandoned the three of us!

It was agreed at the beginning that he doesn't need to worry about you two children staying with me, but today, for some reason, he suddenly sent someone to pick you up..."

It took a while for the boss to come to his senses, "Then who is my father? How dare he take Juren away?"

Lin Lang: "He is a son of the Marquis Mansion, he ran away from home because of his stepmother's frame, and later married me, but he didn't expect that his father's sons were all dead, and it would be his turn to hold the title!
However, there is a condition for him to go back and inherit the title, that is, I cannot be the main wife!

Of course I don't want to, after all, if I were a concubine, then you would be concubines and concubines, but I was the one who carried a big sedan chair eight times and invited him back with three bows and six ceremonies, how could I be a concubine, so I didn't hesitate Refused!
It was also agreed at the beginning, he walked his Yangguan road, I crossed my single-plank bridge, I never expected... He doesn't count... What a big liar, but fortunately I kept a careful eye, let him make a written statement... If If he really dares to harass us, I'll sue him. Anyway, I can't die anyway, so what am I afraid of! "

Hearing this, Wang Bozhi patted Lin Lang on the back and said, "So it's these things, mother doesn't have to worry that her son is not an ungrateful person, naturally he won't leave mother!

If that person comes to trouble me again, I will go to my classmates, or go to my responsible person, I don't believe it, there is no place for reasoning in this world! "

"Okay, okay, he really deserves to be my raised son!" Lin Lang patted her son's shoulder in relief.

Here, the adults also sent someone over to ask Linlang what to do with them, but in fact they just wanted to persuade Linlang. After all, this is a great opportunity. Becoming a marquis, that is something that I dare not even think about.

If this matter was placed on the county magistrate, he would go back with the butler without hesitation, without even thinking about it.

"You mean the housekeeper is in the county government office now, and you said you're going to send people to arrest us tomorrow?" Lin Lang's eyes flashed with contempt, "It's really funny, this is a bright world, and we haven't made any big mistakes. Little housekeeper, why dare to arrest us?"

"Oh, sister-in-law Linlang, stop making trouble. She is the housekeeper of the Hou Mansion. You can be easily convicted with just one sentence. The meaning of the magistrate... is to let Young Master Wang go back, anyway. This is a great good thing, and it's not a bad thing..."

Lin Lang glanced at the person who sent the message, "You only listen to him talking about the good things in it, why don't you think about the bad things in it?

The Marquis is strong and strong, he has a lovely wife and beautiful family members, so he should have no shortage of children to inherit the family business, why did you let my son go back?

Moreover, there is a cruel stepmother in his family. Isn't it tantamount to a wolf's mouth for my son to go back? "

When the person who sent the message heard it, he took a deep breath, "My darling, it turns out that there is still so much filth in here, sister-in-law Linlang, you run away quickly, to a place where they can't find you!"

Lin Lang shook her head resolutely, "I didn't do anything wrong, so why run away!

Besides, now they are begging my son to go back, not me begging them, so no matter what we do, he dare not do too much, unless the housekeeper doesn't want to live! "

The person who sent the message nodded, and brought the original words to the county magistrate, who slapped himself on the head when he heard it, "Look, I'm not as smart as a woman. Now, if it really succeeds, then Wang Baizhi will hate him to death, as for me...hehehe...that can't be eaten, I'm so stupid, I almost became someone else's gun!"

After thinking about this, the county magistrate said he was sick the next morning, but he still gave it to the housekeeper. They were all old, weak, sick and disabled, and couldn't help at all.

The butler was furious, but he couldn't do anything about it, after all, it was in someone else's territory, and it didn't work if he claimed the reputation of the Marquis Mansion himself.

Looking at the closed door, the butler turned his eyes, and went straight to find someone, and asked Wang Baizhi to come out.

"Young Master, this old servant finally saw you!" the butler cried loudly while pulling Wang Baizhi's thigh.

When Wang Bozhi heard this, he kicked the butler to another place, and said coldly, "Did you recognize the wrong person? I remember that you are not among the servants in our family!"

The butler wiped the tears from his face, and said with a sad face: "It must be that ignorant woman who didn't tell the young master, you are not a country boy, you are the heir of the Hou family!

As long as you go back with the old slave, you will have everything you expect to have in the future, including fine clothes, fine food, silk and satin! "

When Wang Bozhi heard this, he immediately understood who this person was. At the same time, he also resented his classmates and asked him out with lies!
He gritted his teeth and said firmly, "I don't have a father, only a mother!"

"You...Young master, have you been brainwashed by that woman? This is a great thing, you must know that this is the position of marquis, a first-class duke!" the butler said incredulously.

 In the last chapter, in fact, not only was I in a bad mood today, but I also had a particularly painful headache because of work.

  At the beginning, our company issued a card, that is, you can stay in our hotel during the holidays. It was recommended for guests at the beginning, but now they are not allowed to stay. Today, the Industrial and Commercial Bureau has also come.

  Anyway, I was apologizing to the guests all day today, pretending to say something nice to my grandson, I had a terrible headache, my blood vessels were about to burst, and there was a villain behind me beating me up, making me vomit like hell.

(End of this chapter)

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