Chapter 890
Hearing someone slandering Linlang so much, Wang Baizhi was not happy, his face was stern, and his tone was as cold as snow, "I know what kind of person my mother is, and the neighbors in the neighborhood know it too, so you can't tolerate such slander!
As for your father, I can tell you that I don't have a father! "

"You..." The steward frowned, "Young master, you have to think about it carefully. If you stay here, you may be just a small juren for the rest of your life. If you go to the capital with me, then you will be Lord Marquis in the future. You can still inherit the wealth of Wanguan family!"

Wang Bozhi said without hesitation: "I've thought it over very clearly, please get out of here quickly and don't bother me and my mother!"

The butler left angrily, and took away those office servants who were missing arms and legs. He didn't mean to take people away forcefully, but after taking them away, he pressed the cow's head and refused to drink water, even if he really took people away Let's go, if the young master gets everything, then can I have good fruit to eat?
So this matter has to be settled with Lord Hou...

Here, the county magistrate breathed a sigh of relief after knowing that the butler had left, "It's also fortunate that sister-in-law Linlang can see clearly, otherwise I would have fallen into it... But I'm serious, this Hou Ye's family has a great career, and it is said that his wife is beautiful." Now that you have all your dependents, what do you want a country son for?"

"The slaves all got some news from the steward..." One of the servants rolled his eyes, "I heard that the Marquis had no heirs for decades, and then he went to the imperial physician and said that he was tortured. Plotting, there will be no children in the future!"

"It turns out that's the case. I said, why is the Lord Hou so kind to take Wang Baizhi back? It turns out that he was afraid that no one would break the basin in a hundred years!" The county magistrate laughed loudly.

Here, after the butler returned to the Hou's Mansion, he told the Hou Ye everything that happened, and did not add any details during the period, but stated it honestly.

After Wang Qijun heard the housekeeper's words, he nodded in a daze, recalling his wife whom he hadn't seen for decades, and asked, " is she?"

The housekeeper thought that Master Hou was asking about the young master, and said, "The young master is in very good health, 5% similar to Master Hou, and he is already a Juren at a young age, and his future is bound to be limitless!"

Lord Hou nodded, "Where's her mother?"

The butler raised his head, just about to complain, but seeing Hou Ye's nostalgic look, he lowered his head and said in a low voice: "I don't know too well, I just know that she is very popular there, and... I heard The servant is from the Marquis Mansion, and has a particularly violent temper..."

Wang Qijun laughed immediately, "She was a very gentle person at the beginning. Whenever something bad happened to her, she would never get angry. Even if she got angry, she would just sulk. Now...the changes are too great... "

Hearing this, the butler was glad that he hadn't said anything bad about Lin Lang just now, "Then Hou Ye... what should we do next?"

Wang Qijun glanced at the housekeeper and stood up, "It's my fault, it's too dishonest to send someone to pick them up casually, I'd better go there myself!
I believe they will come back with me because of this sincerity! "

Thinking of Lin Lang's aggressive appearance, the housekeeper swallowed, raised his head cautiously, glanced at his master Hou's confident appearance, and smirked a few times.

When I came to this small town for the first time, I was a helpless young man who was expelled from his home. When I came back here again, the scenery was still the same, but things have changed, and I am no longer the same as before. The helpless young man was gone, but the powerful Lord Hou.

"Excuse me, do you know where Bai's House is?" Although Hou Ye got the exact address, he hasn't been back for a long time and has forgotten most of the directions, so he found someone to ask.

When the little girl heard that this man was spying on her brother, she turned her head and looked at the man carefully, "What do you want from him?"

Hou Ye flicked the folds on his sleeves, raised his head, and said, "I am his father!"

"Huh?" Wang Min sneered twice, "Looking at your rich clothes, you must not be short of money, and you don't look like a liar, so how can you tell a lie?
The whole town knows that his father has passed away decades ago, and you suddenly came out to recognize his relatives, could it be because he took a fancy to his identity as a Juren?I tell you, you hurry up, or I will report to the police! "

Wang Qijun frowned, "Little girl, I really didn't lie to you. I am really his father. As for leaving here, it was because of a reason. If you don't believe me, you can take me to his mother. When the time comes Whether it is true or not, you will naturally know!"

Wang Min only knew that someone was harassing them during this period, but he didn't know that the person who harassed them was his father. After all, the mother and son didn't want their daughter to worry about this matter, so Wang Min didn't know much about it.

"Okay, I kindly spared you once, but you refused to forgive me. Since you want to go to jail, then I will grant you!" After Wang Min finished speaking, she took the man to her house.

"Mother, come out quickly. This man says he is my father. Come out and recognize him quickly to see if he is. If not, we will send him to the police!"

Hearing that this girl was so bad, Wang Qijun turned around and looked at this girl carefully, only to find that this girl was three points similar to Lin Lang and two points similar to himself.

Lin Lang heard the voice, opened the door curtain, looked at the man in front of him, gritted his teeth and said, "Why do you still have the face to come back?"

Wang Qijun thought for a while, and still bowed respectfully, "I know I'm sorry for you, I apologize to you here, but my son must go back with me, otherwise no one will inherit my huge family business!"

Lin Lang was just about to say something, but when she saw her daughter was still nearby, she waved to her and said softly, "You go in first, I'll have a word with this guest!"

Although Wang Min was surprised, he still obeyed his mother and entered the room obediently.

"It doesn't matter to me that you don't have a son. It was agreed at the beginning. From now on, you and I will make a clean break. You take your Yangguan road, and I cross my single-plank bridge. It has been peaceful for decades. Now that you come back suddenly, is it true?" How could it be such a good thing to take my son away!

My son is my life, my son is my brother, I will never let my son go back with you!

If you have no one to inherit your family business, you can adopt a son! "

"I have my own son, why should I adopt someone else's son? I know I am sorry for you, but I am willing to leave all the family property to my son. Doesn't this represent my heart?" Wang Qijun said sincerely.

 These two days have been extremely unlucky. I thought that after the new year, there would be a new atmosphere and great luck in the coming year. Now, my career and career are not going well, and I have no love. I feel terrible.

(End of this chapter)

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