Chapter 891
Lin Lang interrupted with a wave of her hand, "Who cares about your little money, leave our house immediately!"

"You..." Wang Qijun raised his head, "I haven't seen you for decades, why have you become so unreasonable, I have already apologized to you, and I have exhausted my good words, so you can't be reasonable, forgive me?
Now that the children are grown up, they have their own choices, and you can't make them for themselves! "

"I'm their mother, and I've worked so hard to bring them up, and my idea is their idea!" Lin Lang's eyes flashed a trace of disgust, "Hurry up and look at it from my house, or I'll call someone over!"

"You..." Wang Qijun took two steps back, "I finally came back, aren't you going to let the children see me? I am their father anyway, don't you want them to never know who their real father is? ?”

"You..." I have to say, this sentence touched Lin Lang's heart. He may be able to make decisions for the children, but it is the children's decision whether to see their father or not. As a mother, she can only give them advice. , but it cannot be stopped, because this is the children's own right.

Linlang's face gradually softened, "Leave first, I will discuss it with the children in the evening, if he wants to see you, I will definitely not stop him!"

Wang Qijun nodded, just about to lift his foot to leave, he turned around and said: "I hope you can think about it, I can give the two children better, whether it is wealth or status!
But what about you, what can you give to the two children?Maybe they don't hate you now, but what about when they grow up? "

Lin Lang didn't know what to say, he knew about the children he raised with his own hands, but when they grow up and enter the society, won't they really hate themselves?
After Wang Qijun left, Wang Min ran out with a hint of caution on his face, "Is that man really my father? Why didn't you tell me, mother? Why hasn't he come back all these years?"

Lin Lang sighed, and patted her daughter's head. Maybe her son could explain it well, but as for her daughter, girls are delicate. Lin Lang and Wang Bozhi were afraid that Wang Min would think too much, so they didn't want to tell her. .

"I'll tell you everything when your brother comes back tonight!" Lin Lang patted her daughter's head.

In the evening, Lin Lang made a casual meal. After the family of three finished eating, Lin Lang cleaned up the table and said to Wang Baizhi, "Your father is here!"

"What?" Wang Bozhi frowned, with a hint of impatience at the same time, "If he doesn't have his mental strength to live a good life, what are you doing here? Is it possible that he really wants to take me back? Don't even think about what if he really wants to take me back , it won’t be ignored for decades!”

Wang Min lowered his head, bit his lip, and defended in a low voice: "Maybe he has his own unspeakable secrets!"

Wang Bozhi glanced at his younger sister and said directly: "He has nothing to hide. The only shame is that he didn't care because we were insignificant to him before, and that's why he ignored it for decades!"

"But I saw him today. He is a very good person. just misunderstood him..." Wang Min still likes his father very much. He didn't ask Lin Lang before because he was afraid that Lin Lang would be sad. Now Seeing his father, admiration welled up.

Wang Baizhi rolled his eyes, "Are you stupid? Some people look kind-hearted, but they are actually dirty inside!"

Lin Lang patted the table, "To tell you the truth, he came back this time because he wanted your brother to go back and inherit the Marquis Mansion. As for you...their housekeeper also came last time, and he didn't mention you at all, so you For him, it is dispensable, only his son is the most important thing!"

When Wang Min heard this, he lowered his head sadly, "I am also his child..."

"What a fool!" Wang Baizhi said with disgust, "But what happened? Why do you have to let me go back?"

"He has no children, and wants you to go back and inherit the family business!" Lin Lang glanced at Wang Baizhi, "No matter what you choose, I will support you!"

Wang Bozhi shook his head without hesitation, "If I want something, I will get it with my own hands!"

Lin Lang was very pleased to have raised such an upright son.

"Anyway, she is your father. He will come over tomorrow. When you two see him, go with him if you want. I will never keep you here, nor will I hate you!" After Lin Lang finished speaking, Gently patted the little hands of the two children, turned around and returned to his room.

"Brother, I have never met my father. I want to go with my father, but I don't want to leave my mother. Why can't my mother leave with us?" Wang Min's eyes were watery.

"Your father didn't take you to heart at all, it's because you're stupid that you miss him!" Wang Baizhi rolled his eyes, "Although mother said she wouldn't blame us, but if you really want to follow him If that man leaves, I will never forgive you for the rest of my life!"

"You..." Wang Min had a trace of anger on his face, "Brother, you are really dead, I'm just talking casually's not what you think..."

"What am I thinking?" Wang Baizhi sneered, "You know what you think in your heart!"

After speaking, Wang Baizhi also left the room.

Early the next morning, Wang Qijun was fully dressed and came with a cart full of gifts. He knocked on the door and found a handsome young man who opened the door. A flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he rubbed his hands, "You are Bo right?"

Wang Bozhi nodded indifferently, and welcomed the person in, but when he saw the cart of gifts, he said without hesitation: "We don't lack anything, take it back!"

"But...but this is my heart!" Wang Qijun said cautiously, seeing his son's unhappy face, he sighed softly, "Okay, okay, let's put the gift at the door first!"

After Wang Qijun walked into the yard, he found that the small yard was unique. There were fragrant orchids planted by the wall, and these few bamboo trees were planted in the corner of the yard. .

Lin Lang also dressed neatly early, and the family sat in the main room without talking to anyone, drinking tea cup after cup. After a long time, Lin Lang couldn't bear it anymore, and said to Wang Qijun: "Don't waste time, you have Say anything to the two children quickly!"

Wang Qijun put down the teacup, looked at the two children, and said, "Your mother must have told you about us. I know I was the one who was sorry for you, but I also have a choice..."

(End of this chapter)

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