Chapter 892
Wang Min sat on the side, and when he heard this, little stars lit up in his eyes, "I knew father that you had no choice but to abandon us back then, but what happened back then?"

Wang Qijun was silent for a while, and said: "I am originally the son of the Hou family. If there is no accident, I should continue to reunite with the mansion. But the stepmother was oppressed and kicked out of the Hou mansion. Later, when I met your mother, I thought this life would be safe and secure. Passing through steadily, I didn't expect that my stepmother's son died, and my father had no other sons... Then I remembered me... But your mother was born in the countryside and couldn't enter the Marquis Mansion at all, so your grandfather said Yes, if you want me to go back, you can, but it must not be your mother!

Mother is also stubborn, she doesn't want to go, and she doesn't want to go back with me, as for you, I don't want you to think of a concubine and a concubine, so..."

Hearing this, Wang Min had tears in his eyes, covered his lips with his hands, and nodded with emotion on his face, "It turns out that the real situation is like this. Father, you didn't abandon us on purpose, and you don't have to feel guilty..."

"Hehehe, no wonder people say that girls are extroverted, it really is!" Wang Baizhi was not moved, but rolled his eyes, "Since I left, I also made a written statement with my mother, so I should abide by it. ?”

"I... I also have unavoidable difficulties. I have no heirs now, and you two are talking about my only child. Naturally, I want you to recognize your ancestors!" Wang Qijun said with his head down.

Wang Bozhi sneered, "No heir can adopt other children, so there's no need to hold us tight!"

" are my own, how can you compare to others' caring!" The title he finally obtained, naturally cannot be taken advantage of by others.

"You needn't say it, I won't go back with you!" Wang Baizhi stood up directly, "No matter how much you have to do, in my eyes, you are just a villain who broke your promise, please leave!"

"Okay, okay!" Wang Qijun stood up angrily, "Let me ask again, you really don't want me to leave? That's a title, but glory and wealth, you really don't want it?"

"Brother!" Wang Min stood up, "Are you confused? Father has already apologized for what happened before, so why are you holding onto it? Father may have done something wrong, but there is no such thing as a wrong parent. ..."

"Have you said enough? If you want to go with him, I won't dare to go!" Lin Lang slapped the table and looked over!
"I...I..." Wang Min glanced at Wang Qijun and nodded slowly, "I naturally want to go with my father. After all, I am my father's child, and it is only natural to be with my father. Mother, don't blame me... ..."

Lin Lang turned her head away and waved her hands in despair, "I won't blame you either, but you don't come back again, you are not welcome!"

Wang Min bit her lip and stood next to Wang Qijun.

Wang Qijun looked at their mother and son, sighed and then looked at the daughter next to him. His heart was a little cold. The mother who had worked so hard to raise her abandoned her as soon as she said she would abandon it. What about his father who had never met?

Don't talk about the deep love between father and daughter, blood is thicker than water, if his father really treated him well, he wouldn't just mention a few words to that woman and drive him out of the house.

In any case, they are all his own flesh and blood, Wang Qijun was not so cruel, he took the girl back, but he didn't take her seriously, he just told Lin Lang that what he wanted was a boy, and a girl was to him , is indeed dispensable.

As soon as he got home, Wang Qijun handed over the girl to his first wife, and he didn't care about it anymore. Regarding Wang Baizhi's matter, anyway, he is still young now, so he doesn't have to think about his own affairs. After 10 years and 8 years, Wang Baizhi's experience The vicissitudes of the past will definitely be understood.

After Wang Min left, it had no effect on the mother and son. In the second year, Wang Baizhi went to participate in Qiu Wei, and won the second place in the exam. He also had to marry the emperor and get the princess.

Here, after Wang Min knew that his elder brother had become the second place in the list, and also became a son-in-law, he was very happy, and he was not as respectful to his mother-in-law as before.

The aunt didn't take this little swindler to heart at first, but seeing that this little swindler had other thoughts, she sent her to marry directly, and the dowry was casual.

At the beginning, Wang Min was cruel enough to abandon his birth mother just because of a few casual words. Now, seeing his aunt sending him away like this, he naturally didn't want to, and made a fuss directly.

"I'm the only young lady in the mansion after all. You sent me away with just this little thing. You thought beautifully. Now my brother has become the second best and married a princess. You can't provoke me!" Min said bluntly.

The aunt sneered twice, and threw out an account book, "Take a good look, the dowry of married women in the mansion is generally fixed, I thought you were the only girl in the mansion, so I added some more for you, If you are not satisfied, I can keep it as it is!"

"I...I..." Wang Min took two steps back, "Then I don't want to add such a person, anyway, I am also the eldest daughter of the Hou family, and if I want to marry, I should marry a high-ranking official. Why do you just... just I chose someone casually for me, does father know about this?"

"Of course your father knows, and about the marriage, the order of your parents, the words of the matchmaker, what are you dissatisfied with?" The aunt knocked on the table, "I want you to marry high, but are you worthy? Born in the countryside, without a good upbringing, and an unknown mother, which high-ranking official would like to marry you?"

"I... who said that I don't have a mother, my mother is my father's original wife, but they divorced, and you are just a stepmother..." Wang Min said emphatically.

"But the whole family doesn't recognize your mother, and there is no genealogy, so I am nothing. I am your father's original wife!" The mother-in-law didn't want to have too much entanglement with this woman, waved her hand, and asked Madam Mammy pulled the man down.

"Ma'am, that girl said in a video just now that her brother won the second place in the exam, and now he has become the son-in-law again. Let's do this..."

"What are you afraid of? I didn't treat her badly, and now she has to blame for what happened to her!" The aunt rolled her eyes, "Her biological father doesn't value her, so I, the aunt, will find a good marriage for her , and pay a huge dowry, it’s the end of her benevolence, what else does she want to do? Anyway, no matter how you say it, we are all right, you don’t need to worry about it!"

(End of this chapter)

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