Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 896 False Prince 3

Chapter 896
The third prince's huge nose let out a rough breath, "Well, you treacherous villain, are you saying that I don't know how to tell right from wrong? Very good, braids say this to me, and they slander me in a different way. That's a lot!"

"Brother, I'm really wronged, you and I are brothers and sisters, how could I slander you!
In my heart, I will always be my good brother. As for...some other things, I don't think about it. In fact, what my brother wants to be the most is just a idle king! "

"You're fooling me again. If you want to be an idle king, you won't try to please your father, you big liar!" The third prince was so angry that he jumped up and down, bang bang bang, Even the table on the ground shook a few times. People who didn't know thought it was an earthquake.

Lin Langxin was really tired, and didn't want to argue with such a stupid person. She waved her hand and said with a cold face: "If you don't believe it, forget it. Hurry up and do it. The master will come over later, if you If he sees that we have quarreled and is going to sue the emperor again, it’s fine if he punishes me, but if he punishes elder brother...doesn’t that prove that I have a lot of good intentions?”

Hearing this, the third prince's expression changed, he snorted coldly, walked to his seat and sat down, but just as he sat down, the chair creaked, as if he was about to die.

"What kind of broken tables and broken chairs are useless at all!" The third prince moved a bit and said angrily.

Hearing this, Lin Lang glanced back, looked at the plump body of the third prince, turned her face away, and sighed.

The Taifu came after a while. In fact, the Taifu came a long time ago, but when he heard the noise in the room, he found that neither of them dared to offend, so he stayed outside until he found that there was no noise before he dared to come in. .

Lin Lang followed the Taifu to study and write articles. At noon, the third prince was so hungry that he wanted to eat, otherwise he would starve to death. Sighing ironically, he packed up his books and left.

Because the distance from the palace to the upper study room is relatively long, and it takes a long time to go back and forth, usually the two princes will not go back at noon, and the servants usually bring the food over for lunch.

Lin Lang took a look at the third prince's food. It was full of fish and meat, and it was extremely greasy. She said, "Meat and vegetables are the best food. Eating only greasy food will be bad for your health!"

The third prince rolled his big eyes and patted his chest, "Why is it bad for your health? Look at how strong I am. Then look at you. You are as thin as a little No-Maj. I Seeing that you are envious of me, that's why you don't want me to eat!"

Well, the dog bites Lu Dongbin, and Lin Lang doesn't understand good people, so Lin Lang didn't continue to persuade him. After eating, Lin Lang directly found a side hall, and didn't ask anyone to take off his shoes, and fell asleep on the bed.

When I woke up again, there was a sound of slaughtering pigs. In fact, it should not be called the sound of slaughtering pigs, but the howling of the dying.

Lin Lang had a headache from the noise, and followed the sound to the side hall. Looking at the third prince who made the sound, she sighed, "Well, I can't even sleep now."

After finally getting out of class, Lin Lang packed up her things and returned to the side hall, unexpectedly, Concubine Rou was also there.

"You're back, how is today?" Concubine Rou said gently.

"It's okay!" Lin Lang was very indifferent, "Have you figured out what to do?"

"I...I..." Concubine Rou's eyes flickered, "I discussed it with your other uncle..."

"What, there are still people who know that I'm a girl. How many people have you told?" Lin Lang asked with concern, "Do you know that these are all fatal!"

Concubine Rou nodded with tears in her eyes, "I know, but I really have no choice. I can't solve this matter, so I can only ask your grandfather and the others. I swear that apart from telling your uncle, I will really Didn't tell anyone!"

"You...are you mentally ill? Can you guarantee that uncle is reliable? Also, after all, I am a real royal, while he is just a small barbarian who belongs to a different country from him. I am the opposite of him!

Now they still want me, so they hold everything. If there is a conflict with them one day, those reasons will be fatal! "

"Don't think too much. I grew up with your second uncle. He won't do this. He has already said that if you don't want to be a prince, then... just run to him secretly, and he will replace you. You cover..." Concubine Rou said cautiously.

"I'm really going to die!" Lin Lang gritted her teeth, "If I run to her side, I think it will be a disaster...you...really..."

Lin Lang is like a irascible lion. The original owner's wish is very simple, that is, he hopes that his identity cannot be revealed and he can live a good life. Now that someone else has his own handle, that... that means his life is in the hands of others.

"You... You are the princess of a country, do you have anyone who can be used?" Lin Lang asked unceremoniously.

Concubine Rou thought for a while, then nodded, "Your grandfather and grandmother both left some people for me, what's wrong?"

Lin Lang: "Give me the contact information of those people, and keep the fact that I am a girl in my stomach, and don't mention it to anyone again. From now on, you stay in the palace and don't come out if you have nothing to do. !"

Concubine Rou nodded in fear when she heard her daughter's words.

After Linlang got the contact information, she directly found those people and gave them a pack of poison. The purpose was very obvious, that is, to let them poison the second uncle to death. No matter whether the second uncle was good or bad, now he knows With such a secret about herself, she can't tolerate that second uncle anymore!
Moreover, only the dead are the best at keeping secrets.

After doing all this, Lin Lang knew that she had no choice but to escape. If she became the emperor, she would become the emperor. She had to quickly establish her own power, and she had to keep her secret until she ensured that the emperor was not dead.

"Emperor, what happened to your mother and concubine recently? Why haven't you come out for a while?"

The emperor hadn't seen Concubine Rou for a while, and he also went to see Concubine Rou, but Concubine Rou was closed behind closed doors, saying that she was not feeling well, so the Emperor asked this son.

Linlang lowered her head when she heard this, and sighed, "My concubine said that I must be blessed by the gods, so I have to pray for me during this time, so that the gods will not take my life back... ...It's really my son's fault to make mother and concubine worry!"

(End of this chapter)

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