Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 897 False Prince 4

Chapter 897 False Prince IV
The emperor nodded when he heard this, "Let's go with your concubine mother, she is also kind, by the way, how are you doing in the study room recently? Why do you feel more and more tired recently, but what troubles do you have?" ?”

Can Lin Lang say it's because she didn't sleep well?Of course not, as a future emperor, I can't bear even this bit of suffering, it's too much to be ridiculed by others!
"Maybe it's because I wasted some time. I don't quite understand some things the Grand Tutor said, so I go to bed late every day. Don't worry, father, my son will take good care of me!" Lin Lang said empathetically.

Hearing this, the emperor smiled and nodded, and finally thought of something, and said: "Although your third brother is older than you, he is not as smart as you, let alone as steady as you!

But he has one good thing, that is, whatever he thinks in his heart will be written on his face, although his mouth is not clean, he has absolutely no intention of harming others..."

That's right, his brother Sanhuang really didn't do anything bad except cursing. To put it nicely, he is actually a person with a pure mind.

"Brother Sanhuang, I'll keep that in mind!" Lin Lang said modestly.

The emperor glanced at Lin Lang, and nodded in satisfaction, "I think you two sons will be the only ones in my life. I hope that after a hundred years, you two brothers will be able to love each other and support each other!"

"Father, you are still young, don't say those depressing words!" Lin Lang hurriedly comforted her.

The emperor waved his hand, "I'm getting old, maybe in a few years..."

It was really impossible to continue talking about this, and Lin Lang didn't ask any more, the two of them talked for a while, and Lin Lang left.

Concubine Rou's people came back soon, and the second uncle was indeed removed, and his death was unknown, which also made Lin Lang breathe a sigh of relief.

Time passed day by day, and in a blink of an eye, the third prince was 18 years old, and she was 15 years old. According to the usual practice, both of them had reached the age of marriage.

Lin Lang already had her own power and arranged her own people. He would marry a wife, but he would marry one of his own, and would not have children. She thought about it. Although the third prince is not up to date, it does not mean that his son Don't live up to it, he can adopt his son in the future. Anyway, the third prince has a clear mind and can't do anything bad. Adopting his son is just right.

As the fifteenth day of the first lunar month approached, the emperor issued an order that the daughters of the fifth-rank officials and above could attend the banquet. In fact, everyone knew that the emperor wanted to choose concubines for the two princes.

Linlang and the third prince stayed in the imperial garden, looking at the shadow Yanyan surrounded in front of him, Linlang's face was about to freeze from laughter, and he glanced at a woman in the corner, only to see that she was wearing a moon-white dress, cruel and indifferent, with The bustling surroundings are out of place.

Lin Lang took a look, then turned her eyes away, and continued to chat with these girls, who said that women are the most reserved, look at these girls, they wish they could turn into hungry wolves and eat Lin Lang alive.

After Lin Lang talked for a while, she really couldn't stand these women anymore, so she found an excuse, got up and left.

"Sixth brother, wait for me!" The third prince ran over, panting, "What are you doing so fast?"

Lin Lang glanced behind and found that no one was following, she breathed a sigh of relief, "Aren't you also running so fast?"

The third prince shook his head, "No wonder the ancients said that beauty's kindness is the hardest to endure, it's true!"

"Yo, I haven't seen the emperor for a few days, and now I can blurt out poems. It really impresses me, brother!" Lin Lang said admiringly.

The third prince raised his chin when he heard this, "That's right, you don't even look at who I am, but... so many beauties, no younger brother likes it?"

"I like it. I'm afraid it's too late. I feel like they are all wolves in painted skins!" Lin Lang shivered.

"It's really too enthusiastic..." The third prince nodded, "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to go to the study to escape, and I'll do my homework a few days ago!" Lin Lang said lightly.

"Then count me in, I'm also afraid of those women!" The third prince is the least fond of reading, he wants to sleep when he sees books, but now compared to those women, he feels that books are so amiable.

Lin Lang glanced at the third prince, but said nothing. The two came to the study together, saying they were reading, but they were actually looking for a picture book, and chatting while reading.

"Speaking of which, there may be our future wives among those women... Sigh~ The main reason is that they are too enthusiastic. If I am a little more peaceful, I can take a few more glances. Maybe I can pick out the one I like. Now it's okay, what? I didn't even see it, and it made me upset..." The third prince muttered.

Lin Lang smiled softly, "You don't have to worry about this, Father will choose the most suitable one for us, if you don't like it, just tell Father directly!"

"Hey, I don't like you like your father. If you say you don't like him, he will change it for you, but I'm different..." After so many years, the third prince also knew that he was hopeless, and he also knew that he A few catties and a few taels, so the relationship with the sixth prince improved.

"Who said that? Father also likes you, but father likes gentler, you can't detect it!" Lin Lang smiled.

"Really? Then give me an example?" the third prince said in disbelief.

"Do you still remember the time we quarreled? Although my father brought me soothing soup, he still spoke good words for you, and said that you didn't do it on purpose, so let me not take it to heart..."

Hearing these words, the third prince lowered his head, and finally sighed, "I was the one who was too ridiculous before, and let down the kindness of my father!"

"You two princes, so you two are here, the emperor is looking for you, hurry up!" The servant ran over and said anxiously.

Lin Lang nodded, stood up, and pulled the third prince forward together.

"Elder-in-law, why did the emperor seek us for no reason?" Lin Lang tried to inquire.

When the father-in-law heard this, he said with a smile: "Of course it is for the lifelong event of the two princes. After all, so many girls have been invited to the palace, and they cannot be invited in vain!"

Lin Lang's face turned pale, "If it's really because of this, then I can't bear it anymore, I just stayed among them for a while, and I feel a terrible headache..."

The father-in-law smiled friendly, "Sixth prince, you are still young, when you grow up, you will know the benefits of these women!"

"I've grown up too, why don't I think those girls are good?" The third prince said angrily.

Hearing this, the servant looked over and rolled his big eyes, "I said Third Prince, any stunning beauty in front of your eyes is not as good-looking as a chicken leg!"

(End of this chapter)

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