Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 899 False Prince 6

Chapter 899
But just such a person, after his wife died, didn't care about anything, just watched his own daughter being sent away. You must know that when his daughter was sent away, she was only a few months old. Baby, not a grown grown child!

And a girl, without any threats, just said to send it away, as a father, he didn't say anything, and he didn't send anyone to greet her in these years, what kind of father!

The emperor had another conversation with Lin Lang, mainly talking about some political affairs. He found that this son always had some unique suggestions in political affairs. Although he was relatively gentle, he did things decisively. He never procrastinated or dragged his feet. Therefore, he often took this son to discuss political affairs.

When she came back, Lin Lang thought about it, and asked someone to pick out some things from the inner mansion and send them to Su Mingyue, so that the people in the Hou Mansion could know that Su Mingyue was under her protection!

"Mother, what should we do now?" It was Su Mingyue's stepmother Xiao Zhao who spoke, "This matter has been spread all over the world, if it is not resolved, not only will the reputation of our Hou Mansion be damaged, I am afraid... "

"Since you know that you are afraid, why didn't you do things more neatly!" Zhao slapped the table angrily, and scolded loudly: "It's been so many years, why haven't you developed a brain at all?"

"I... I... I didn't expect that she had the dowry list from before. The current plan is to calm this matter down quickly..." Xiao Zhao said in fear.

"I've told you many times before that if you don't cut the weeds and root out the roots, you will have endless troubles, but you always keep your left ear in and your right ear out. Now it's all right, you've suffered a big somersault!" Zhao's face was livid , and continued: "Now that I regret it, I am ashamed and thrown to the whole capital. I have two solutions now. The first one is to hand over all of Su Mingyue's parents, and say that the mother is corrupt, and push the fault to the servants." body!
The second one, you go and apologize to Su Mingyue and let him swallow this matter, but if this matter is found out by someone who cares..."

Little Zhao's heart rose, "Mother, I've already used Su Mingyue's dowry to subsidize the family building, and I'll return it when there is still money..."

Mrs. Zhao looked at Xiao Zhao's death with hatred, and secretly hated that the mud of her natal family could not support the wall.

At this moment, the nanny who was in charge of the mansion ran over and said in a panic: "The sixth prince sent someone over and said that he had sent some things to the eldest lady..."

When Mrs. Zhao heard this, she hurriedly stood up and glanced at Mrs. Zhao, "It seems that the sixth prince also knows about this matter. This matter cannot be kind. You should quickly find a way to make up for the dowry. If you can't make it up, Just use something of the same value to make up for it!"

"Mother, you also know that when I married a few years ago, the Zhao family didn't give me much at all...how could I get it out..." Xiao Zhao said aggrievedly.

"If you can't take it out, you have to take it, unless you want to be divorced!" Mrs. Zhao glanced over coldly. She may love this niece very much, or take care of her natal family, but she cares more about her son's future than her son's future. own son.

As soon as Xiao Zhao heard this, she knew that there was no room for turning around. She gritted her teeth, secretly hating why the little bitch didn't die, otherwise she wouldn't have to pay the money.

In March of this year, Lin Lang successfully embraced the beauty. After marrying his wife, Lin Lang also began to help the emperor handle some government affairs in the court.

He thought that after he married his wife, he would have no more troubles, but the child came next.

The emperor was embarrassed to ask, so he sent Concubine Rou to ask.

"The emperor asked me to ask my granddaughter to marry for almost a year, why there is no news? Should I see an imperial doctor... If it really doesn't work... just take in two more side concubines..."

Lin Lang rolled her eyes when she heard this, "She really wants to give birth, but did she give birth? You delay it for me first, and I'll think of a way!"

This method has not been thought out yet, someone from the third prince's side has already spread the good news, Lin Lang gritted her teeth, and asked her subordinates to find the newly pregnant woman, and at the same time asked Su Mingyue to pretend to be pregnant.

"What on earth are you thinking? If this is exposed, not only will you be unlucky, but I will also be unlucky!" Su Mingyue said angrily.

"I know, don't worry, I have a solution to this matter, and I will never drag you down!" Lin Lang said calmly.

When Su Mingyue heard this, she could only put her heart in her stomach, but she was still very worried.

After the emperor heard that there was news from his sixth son, he was very happy, but he was also worried that the sixth son would have no one to serve him.

"Do you want to find two maids for you?" The emperor secretly hated Concubine Rou for being ignorant. You said that the daughter-in-law is pregnant, and the son has no one to take care of him, and he doesn't know how to reward one or two people. Father himself.

Lin Lang shook her head, "Don't worry about it. My wife is just pregnant, and he hasn't settled down yet. Let's talk about it after she gives birth. Anyway, my son is not a lustful person, so he doesn't need so many women!"

Son doesn't like women, is this a good thing or a bad thing?Could it be that he likes men?But I haven't seen my son have such a hobby.

The emperor thought about it casually, and put this matter aside. Since his son doesn't want a woman, then let's not.

When the third concubine was about to give birth, Lin Lang made a plan for her to go to the mountain to offer incense, and at the same time Su Mingyue followed.

Sure enough, the third prince moved his fetus and gave birth to a baby in the temple on the spot. You always think about it. If it is a boy, replace the girl you prepared in advance. If it is a girl, then there is no need to change it. Just replace the girl who is going to be replaced with Su Mingyue's child.

The third concubine was born a boy, so the girl became useful and was replaced.

After the third prince gave birth to a girl, he was extremely surprised, "I remember the imperial doctor once said that I was pregnant with a boy, why did I give birth to a girl?"

The mother on the side changed her face when she heard this, and finally said with a smile: "The imperial doctor is not a miracle doctor, so naturally it is impossible to be so steady. If the third concubine does not believe it, you can go to his imperial doctor, you ask Ask him if he is absolutely sure?
Besides, in fact, girls are also very good, they bloom first and then bear fruit! "

The third concubine nodded, "I'm the one who was stunned, how is the child?"

When Mammy heard this, her old face turned into a flower with a smile, "If you go back to the princess, the baby will be fine, but when it was born, it was not wrinkled like ordinary babies, but it looked very cute! "

(End of this chapter)

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