Quick Transmigration: The Way of Life

Chapter 900 False Prince 7

Chapter 900 False Prince VII
Hearing this, the third concubine got excited and asked the servants to bring the child over. When she found that the child was indeed very beautiful, she fell in love with it, and bursts of maternal love surged in her heart, "It is really beautiful. The servants are taking good care of them!"

The mother breathed a sigh of relief when she heard this, and continued: "To tell you the truth, the little princess is still the first child of the Holy One, so he has won the first prize!"

Hearing this, the third prince nodded, and after glancing at the child once or twice, he couldn't resist the drowsiness and fell asleep.

Here, after the Sixth Prince's concubine went back, she also gave birth prematurely, and gave birth to a child. Because it was premature, she didn't have a full moon wine, but waited for the child three months before carrying it out.

"My darling, this baby looks so good, he doesn't look like a premature baby at all!" After someone saw it, they couldn't help but praise him.

Hearing this, Lin Lang smiled, "It's for this child, of course. The concubine is watching over day and night, and even lit the ever-burning lanterns in various temples. Fortunately, God blesses me and didn't take this child away!"

When the people around heard this, they said a few more auspicious words.

Ten years passed in a flash. During this period, Lin Lang was stuffed with two more women. As a child, besides the first prince, there were two girls who were adopted.

Although the emperor lamented that his son did not have many heirs, it was better to have than to have none. After realizing that he was not in good health, he gave the throne to Lin Lang.

After ascending the throne as the emperor, Lin Lang is the biggest in the world. After she can control everything, she will not go to court. The main reason is that her face has changed. Generally, adult men will grow beards on their faces, but She's not a man, so she doesn't have a beard on her face. Although she can put a beard on her face, it's hard to guarantee that no one will see it.

And the man has an Adam's apple. Although she can pretend for a while, she can't pretend for a lifetime, so he avoids seeing people, and basically stays in the harem unless important occasions, but he has never relaxed in government affairs.

After the prince grew up, he handed over all the evidence to the prince, and took Su Mingyue to go sightseeing in the mountains and rivers.

As for Su Mingyue's mother feud, it was reported a long time ago. The little Zhao family was sentenced to death for poisoning. It's been two years.

All bridges return to bridges, and roads return to roads. After thousands of years, who will know that Lin Lang is a fake emperor?
When I opened my eyes again, it was the noise outside, the sound of pots and pans, the sound of footsteps, the sound of children crying, the sound of chickens and dogs barking, making people unable to sleep.

"It's not too early, get up quickly, or grandma will have to talk about it later!" A man beside him sat up, got dressed, and said instructingly.

When Lin Lang heard this, she wanted to continue to accept the plot, but she had no choice but to sit up. After discovering that the man was wearing an ancient costume, she realized that she had traveled to ancient times.

Lin Lang picked out a brown piece of clothing with one or two patches on it, but it looked clean and tidy. This shows that this woman's family background is not good, but she is quite diligent.

After Lin Lang lifted the curtain, she found that the sky outside was just getting dark. She followed the light of the fire and walked over, and found that it was the kitchen, and stayed there.

When Wang heard the footsteps, she looked back and found that it was her second daughter-in-law. She frowned and said, "Why did you get up so late today? Don't be hysterical. Come here and help light the fire, or your mother-in-law will wake up later." If you find that the rice is not cooked well, neither you nor I will be able to eat good fruit!"

It seems that this grandma has a lot of power, not only her so-called husband is afraid, even this woman is also afraid.

Lin Lang didn't say anything, and squatted on the ground to light the fire. It was still a bit cold in the morning, but Lin Lang was fine because she was leaning against the stove.

With the cooperation of the two people, the food was ready quickly. Lin Lang looked at it and found that there were too many dishes, enough for ten or twenty people.

Lin Lang brought the food to the main room with Wang, and realized that she was too surprised. Where ten or twenty people ate those things, it was obviously eaten by more than 30 people.

Lin Lang helped put the meals on the table. There were not many meals a week, just a bowl of thin porridge with some pickles, and a steamed bun, but there were differences in the steamed stuffed bun.

The steamed bread at the first table was better, and it looked like a golden mosquito. The steamed buns at the second table were darker in color and rougher in appearance. As for the steamed buns at the third table, they looked dark and hard to the touch.

Lin Lang was brought to the third table by Mrs. Wang. The first table was occupied by grandparents, her three sons, and several boys in the family, all of whom were relatively young.

The second table is the generation of her father-in-law, there are seven or eight people, and the rest are their female relatives, a dozen people.

Lin Lang first served herself a bowl of thin porridge, and then a steamed bun, biting hard, almost broke her teeth.

The steamed bread was really not tasty. It had black noodles, some bean noodles, and some wild vegetables. It was hard and choked when eaten in the mouth.

Lin Lang tried her best to convince herself that this was coarse grains, and eating them was good for her health. After barely finishing the meal, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law did not stay idle, but cleaned up the dishes they had eaten.

Everyone has their own work, and the men all carry hoes to work in the field. The family has 30 mu of upper field, 50 mu of middle field, and 100 mu of lower field. There are more than [-] mu of land. When the time comes, the busy farming time is still too busy, and these female relatives have to go to work together.

But just like that, the family still didn’t have enough to eat. On the one hand, there were two scholars in the family, and on the other hand, the output from the field was too little.

After Linlang washed the dishes and chopsticks, she followed Wang to feed the chickens and pigs, and then cleaned up the house. After finishing everything, she took a sickle and went to the mountain to mow grass with Wang!

"By the way, you and the second child have been together for a while, why is there no movement in the stomach?" My mother-in-law Wang suddenly looked over while chopping firewood and asked.

Lin Lang was extremely tired, and sighed when she heard this, "I also want to come back to play early, but I am so tired from working every day, and I fell asleep as soon as I got back to the room, so I don't even have the heart to make a baby!"

If ordinary people heard this, they would have been ashamed as hell, but Mrs. Wang didn't feel shy, but nodded accordingly, "That's right, I'll be fine when I'm done with this time!"

Lin Lang's body was in terrible pain, but she still had to continue mowing the grass. When she carried the grass back, she was so tired that she sat on the ground panting.

(End of this chapter)

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