Chapter 906
The grandma slapped the table, "It's really crazy, everyone is so courageous, dare to refute the elders, so heartless, so don't eat, go back to your own room!"

When Liu Lang heard this, he put down his chopsticks and left without saying anything.

Lin Lang was lying on the bed sulking, when she heard the sound of the door being pushed, she saw that it was Liu Lang, and asked, "Aren't you eating? Why are you back?"

"I'll defend you. Grandma is upset and told me not to eat!" Sitting on the kang, Liu Lang patted Lin Lang's body lightly, "I made you suffer!"

Lin Lang was full of anger, "It's not bitter, it's just that I feel suffocated and panic. If we don't let us eat, I won't eat. Anyway, I don't care about their food. At worst, we will always buy food. Anyway, I am not short of money!"

"Nonsense, your money is not blown by the wind, how can you spend it indiscriminately, and even if you spend it, you can't spend it in this place!
Bear with it for now, grandma may be angry, it will be fine after a while! "

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "She wished we didn't eat, so that we could save some food for her!
As for the money, I say you don't have to worry about it, because I don't need money at all! "

After finishing speaking, Linlang turned over and got off the kang, took out an earthen jar from the corner, and poured the contents on the kang.

Liu Lang looked at the gold and silver on the bed, his jaw was about to drop, and his eyes were stunned, "Why are there so many..."

Lin Lang packed up the money and put it back in the earthen jar, "This is the money I earned from doing embroidery!"

"This... so much..." Liu Lang had never seen so much money in his life.

"So you don't have to worry about money. Since they won't give me food, let's go out and buy food!" Lin Lang raised her eyebrows after speaking, and took out a piece of silver from the earthen jar, just about to put the earthenware The pot was put in, suddenly thinking of the family, dug a hole in the corner of the house, and put the crock pot in.

"Is this... the money in the insurance?" Liu Lang was really worried that there were hundreds of taels of silver, and they were just put there casually.

"That's right..." Lin Lang wasn't afraid at first, but thinking of the virtues of that family, she gritted her teeth and dug out the money, "Let's go to town together later, exchange the money into bank notes, and wear them on the body!"

Liu Lang followed suit and nodded, and the young couple went to the town while everyone was not paying attention, and exchanged most of the silver into silver notes, which were sewn inside the clothes.

Remembering that he didn't have enough to eat today, Linlang took Liulang to the small restaurant again and had a full meal.

The two of them were not in a hurry to go back. Lin Lang went to the grocery store to buy a stove, a small casserole, and some rice noodles, oil and salt!
When we got home, it was already late, and when the young couple entered the room, no one noticed at all.

As soon as Lin Lang entered the house, she found that most of the supplies in the house had been tampered with, but the things were thinner, because Lin Lang put all the valuable things in boxes and locked them with locks.

Lin Lang snorted coldly, "Fortunately, our manager changed all the money on his body into bank notes and carried it with him, otherwise he would have been dug out by those rats long ago!"

Liu Lang patted Lin Lang's hand, "I'll order the door to be reinforced tomorrow, and I'll buy another lock by the way!"

Lin Lang nodded, and put the purchased things away. For the next few days, the family seemed to have forgotten the existence of the young couple, and never asked them to eat.

Lin Lang didn't care, anyway, she bought a lot of rice and noodles, and they were all white rice and noodles, which were much more delicious than the food at home.

Anyway, I'm not busy now, and Lin Lang and Liu Lang went to the mountains to pick wild vegetables, wild mushrooms and the like, and sometimes they would bring back a few wild animals.

Lin Lang didn't eat alone, and would give one to her mother-in-law. As for who they gave to, it was not Lin Lang's concern.

"You silly boy, you can't go without eating like this all the time, go and apologize!" Wang urged.

Lin Lang shook her head, "I don't, I can't spend my own money to buy things for my man, so what do you expect in such a life?
If she doesn't give it, she won't give it. Anyway, Liulang and I have money, so we don't need her little food! "

"You...Aren't you afraid that others will say that you are not filial? If this continues, what will your grandma do if you are separated?" the mother-in-law said angrily.

Lin Lang sat at the side, "It's just right to separate out. The whole family lives together, and they don't even have to be gossiped about if they eat something good. Such a life is really frustrating!
As for being unfilial... Mother-in-law, you are our elder. It is enough for me to be filial to you. As for her... it is enough to save face. Anyway, we Liulang don't have to take the imperial examination, so why do we need such a good reputation! "

" can do it, I don't care what the two of you do!" Mrs. Wang could see that her daughter-in-law had her own ideas, so she didn't bother to care about it.

As the weather got colder and colder, Lin Lang also started shopping in the town. She also bought some chicken, duck and fish. After marinating, she put them under the roof beams to dry.

"It's the opposite of the sky!" During the meal, grandma saw Lin Lang's roof full of things, and her chest hurt in anger, so she threw her chopsticks, "Your third family, what kind of daughter-in-law did you marry? Contradicting the elders, and now I bought so many things, is it possible that I want to distribute them? Let me tell you, it is impossible, if I want to distribute them, I will not die!"

When Mrs. Wang heard this, her expression was flat, "Mother-in-law, you can't blame me. At that time, the family was poor and didn't have any money to marry the sixth son. Fortunately, the sixth daughter-in-law was kind-hearted and appreciated our sixth son, so she married her." , didn't ask for any betrothal gifts, and even used her dowry to build a house. It is said that such a good wife is really one in a million, I really don't understand what you are not satisfied with..."

Since grandma is dissatisfied, as the ruler of the family, she naturally hopes that everyone is obedient, not like Lin Lang.

"That's why it's cheap but not good. Now it's good. After marrying a plague god, I'm not even filial to my grandson!" Grandma said angrily.

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes, "Then you should have paid for my son to get a good wife back then, but it's a pity that the uncle took away all the money in the family. Now that you have married such a wife, you just have to pay for it." I can hold my nose and admit it, after all, if I really divorce her, how can I have the money to marry another one?"

The old man slapped the table when he heard this, "Okay, okay, what's the quarrel in the early morning, tell them the young couple, we forgive her, let them come back for dinner..."

Mrs. Wang rolled her eyes, she was not surprised. She knew that her son and daughter-in-law were doing well. They ate rice and white noodles every day, and there was no shortage of chicken, duck and fish. It was much better than eating at home. .

 I have been updating, but I forgot to wish everyone a happy new year. Here I wish everyone more than one year, happiness and health.

(End of this chapter)

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